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(Brenton Thwaites is jay, nelly's brother)
Nellys P.O.V

After I hung up, Brianna called

Brianna: hey!!! You okay?

Me: yeah, I'm at home

Brianna: kalin just told me you guys spoke

Me: apparently he was drunk?

Brianna: yeah, he was, so was myles but I forgave him because you do weird things when you're drunk

Me: he can suck my ass I don't wanna forgive anyone

Brianna: but he's crying

Me: he can cry me an ocean I can't care less, literally, I trusted him and you, I found it hard to finally let loose and date someone and yet he decides to let me down

Brianna: sorry boo

Me: I'm fine

Brianna: you're really not

Me: I am, I really am in fact I'm gonna go to club right now

Brianna: don't you dare nelly

Me: why not

Brianna: because I said no

Me: fine whatever

I hung up and turned to my mom
"Where's jay?" I asked (brother)

"Upstairs" she said looking at the tv

I hopped up and went up the stairs then turned to his room

"Hey jay" I walked in and plopped down next to him

"NELLY!!!" He screamed

"Yes" I chuckled

"What brings you back here?" He asked

"Kalin" I said

"What about him?" He looked back to the tv

"He cheated on me" I said squinting, waiting for him to scream

"What the actual fuck. is he trying to test me or something?" He shot up

"Where to?" I asked

"To him, you coming, Imma beat him" he said jumping around

"What? No, let him fuck paradise we're done" I pulled him back down

"Uhm no, I wanna show him who He's messing with" he shot back up

"Good idea but no" I chuckled

"I know mom warned him, we gonna hunt him down" he said punching his fist into his palm

"Or I can just get revenge by dating Dave?" I said grinning

"No. Not Dave, don't you dare! Go for jack! That British dude" he clapped

"He has a girlfriend though!" I remembered

"Text him, tell him what happened, the last time y'all saw him was weeks ago they might have broken up" he shrugged

"Fine" I said pulling out my phone

Me: hey jack! How's it going... I've broken up with my boyfriend and Brianna's still with myles in New York and I thought maybe you could fly over if you're still there? I need a little comfort

Seconds later he replied

Jack😝: you're quite lucky I'm back in the Bay Area too! You guys still live at the same house right?

Me:yep! Same old big ass house, you coming or nah?

Jack😝: hell yeah! Is your mum Okay with it?

Me: well since my brother told me to text you and tell you to come over I'm gonna say you're allowed 😂

Jack😝 : okay I'll be over in a few😂

*end of convo*

"HES COMING!" I yelled at jay

"How? Isn't he in New York?" He asked

"Nope he's also in the Bay Area i don't know why but I'll ask him when he arrives"

•ding dong•
The bell rang, I fixed my hair briefly and opened the door only to reveal the perfect Jack, he got me doing heart eyed faces in my mind to be really honest

"Hey nelly" he said hugging me

"Hey Jack!" I hugged back

"What brings you to the Bay Area?" I asked

"Well same situation with me too, me and lily broke up" he said

"Aww it upsets me to hear that" I lied 'it really doesn't' I thought

"So what happened with Kalin?" He asked as he sat down on the couch

"Well let's just say he cheated on me" I said looking down then back at him

"What? He seemed to really care" he looked hella shocked

"Yeah I thought so too, what happened with lily?" I asked

"Well she did the same thing to be honest, she found some guy called myles" he said, I shot up here

"WHAT?!?" I yelled

"Myles? He's from a duoo......" He silenced

"Brianna is dating myles" I silenced along

"Oh my god dickheads" he said


I liked that😏

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