0.2 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍(𝚜)

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Ay yo in this one you will be meeting there friend yah kno like the crusaders and Bruno's gang

Jonathan Joestar➪
As John was walking home he decided to bring some friends home. "Hello mother!" He walked in taking his shoes off. " welcome home john-" you observed the three standing next to him one was a blonde girl she was little next was a kid with long hair he wore a cute hat the other was a kid with black hair he wore another hat it was checkered print. "Oh hello! And who are y'all kids?" You asked pleading a gentle smile. "Hello ma'am I'm Robert E O. Speedwagon!" He took out his hand to shake it. "Hello speedwagon I'm y/n but you could call me mother If you want!" You loved children and you already felt as if they were family. "Hello mother!, My name is Erina Pendleton!" She bowed in respect you giggle "no need to be polite!". "And you are?" You asked tilting your head slightly. "Will Antonio Zeppeli!". "Well y'all have fun now I'll start making lunch!". After Twenty minutes Jonathan came in. "Mother what are you having for lunch?" He asked politely. "Oh pepper sandwiches y'all have been outside all day tell the kids to come in!" After the kids eat they all went home. 'Well they were nice!' You giggle to yourself as you wash dishes.

Joseph Joestar ➪
As you were doing your chores you hear the door slam open already knowing who it is. "MOOOOOOM!!!" He yelled for your name. "JOSEPH JOESTAR IF YOU SLAM THE DOOR AGAIN I WILL-" you got cut off by staring at two kids. They were both blondes one was trying not to laugh the other was politely waiting. "Oh hello there" you stared down at them. "MOM this is Suzie Q and the idiot Caesar zePP!" He exclaimed he was excited and jumping in the air. "Oh hello-" you were cut off by Joseph. "Ok mom we're gonna go outside now,BYE!" He ran grabbing both of there hands.
"Oh ok..." you went to the kitchen to prepare Joseph's favorite black spaghetti you only make it on special a occasions. After the kids running in the yard yelling silly words like "HAMOOON". "MUUUUM!" He mourned as he walked in he smelt the delicious aroma. "Is that!-" you sighed "yes Joseph yes it is, bring your friends in!" He ran outside and yelled. At the dinner table y'all all talked Caesar and Joseph were yelling and Suzie and you talked. It was the end of the night and you walked the kids home meeting there parent/parents.

Jotaro Kujo ➪
Jotaro came home from another detention this time some parents were with him along with kids. "Hi mom I-" he was cut off by a parent. "Hello miss Kujo we are here today because-" you already knew so you opened the door for them letting out a sigh. "Come in and I'll make us some tea!" You said in a gentle apologetic voice. "Oh ok... then I'm here to talk about-" you huffed out as you placed your tea cup down. "I already know miss?" You questioned nicely. "Oh um mrs. kakyoin and this is my son Noriaki." She placed her hand on his back it was the kid with a little noodle he was standing next to miss kakyoin. After parents introduced them and there kids you had a request . "Ahem Jokun could you and the kids go outside and play well if it's ok with the parents?" You looked up at them "Oh uh yes that's alright" the boys ran out following Jotaro "I'm sorry for the trouble my son has put y'all through, the thing is Jotaro isn't really my son we aren't blood related so I don't really know how he is, when I found him he was all alone he reminded me of me so I felt a bond." You looked down they were all speechless "I truly am sorry." You gave them a genuine smile. Outside the kids were listening whether or not they were gonna get in trouble. "Oh you don't have to apologize!" Someone finally speaks up "huh?!" You felt extremely dumbfounded "we are here because we would like to thank you!" She grabbed your hands "you see there are these bullies and jotaro defends our little boys, we told the principal but he wouldn't listen and jotaro would get all the blame." The other mom explained she had heart earrings on just like the ones that silver haired boy had. "We would like to ask you to come and confront them!" She had pleading eyes begging you "oh ok!" You agreed. After making dinner you and the parents talked for awhile while the kids played. "Goodbye y'all can come by anytime".

"Wow Jotaro your mom is beautiful!" Kakyoin said with little hearts in his eyes. Jotaro was pissed.
After 5 mins of beating polnareff had to separate them.

Giorno Giovanna ➪
When Giorno came home from school one day he told you all about how he met some kids older then him and how there a gang takin on bullies you found this cute but a little scary you wouldn't want him to get hurt. The next day you were doing laundry when you heard the door open "welcome back gio!" You walked into the living room to see older kids they looked 5-10 and gio was standing in front of 6 kids they looked older most were boys and one girl. "Oh hello kids who are they Giorno?" You asked he looked at you "remember I told you! Well I haven't told you there names..." he looked down "hello miss Giovanna I'm Bruno Bucciarati!" A kid with a bob hair cut put his hand out to shake yours "Oh hello!you don't have to be so formal!" You shook his hand. "Hello I'm Narancia Gharga!" I kid with black hair spoke. "Well hi there I'm y/n Giovanna I've heard a lot about y'all!" You spoke with a kind and soft voice it brings peace to the kids. "This is Leone Abbachio!" Bruno introduces you into a kid giving you an intense stare you smiled softly at him making his expression soften. "This is Guido Mista!" He introduced you into a very interesting child he wore red tiger print pants and a weird hat "hello I'm Mista!" He waved "that's Trish and Fugo" he directed your attention to a girl with pink hair she looked really pretty she stared at you while you smiled at her next was a kid with blond (?) hair he looked pretty responsible. "Oh ok y'all can play outside while I'll make dinner!...hmm what should I make?" You looked at him quizzed knowing the answer "octopus spaghetti!" He excited exclaims he ran out along with the kids well some ran you chuckle then proceeded to get the ingredients you needed. "Your moms nice Giorno!" Narancia said happy they were playing in a tree house "Yes she was very kind!" Bruno joined in Abbachio just leaned against the wall looking down, the whole time they were talking about how nice and pretty you were. After eating dinner and talking to Bruno to you he's like a adult very responsible sometimes he acts like a mom. "Goodbye y'all can come by anytime!" You waved the. After that put Giorno to bed.

Josuke ➪
He was coming back from school you never suspect him to have friends because he doesn't tell you anything and he's always on his video games but when you were outside watering the flowers you hear him behind you "Hi mom!" You turn around. "Welcome back jo...suke" to your suprise he has friends with him "Oh hello! I'm y/n Higashikata!" You looked at them there where three two boys and one girl "Mom this is my best bro Okuyasu and this is Koichi with his girlfriend Yukako!" He introduces "J-Josuke!" They got into an argument "oh why don't we go inside I'll make dinner!" The kids ran inside excited 'I never knew Josuke had cute little friends' you giggled to yourself. The rest of the day went great during dinner you got to talk to all of them they were great friends for Josuke. "What great friends you have Josuke!".

I have to clear some confusion
Everyone is like 5 years old in these scenarios

In Giornos this is what I mean by older
Abbachio -11

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