The Island

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Crystal blue waves splashed against the golden sand, palm trees swayed with the light breeze of the wind, birds cried as they flew across the sky, the waves crashed against the newly destroyed statue, all was left was the right foot while the rest slowly started to sink to the bottom of the ocean.

A woman woke up, she was covered in sand, and soaking wet, her face was in the sand, she slowly turned her body, her whole body ached, she couldn't breathe, she felt as if her whole body was broken, and it was.

She tried to sit up but pain shot through her body, she tried to yell but no noise came out, she felt the blood in her throat start to choke her, she felt herself black out, but as she started to close her eyes, she saw a man standing over her, in white, or she thought he was, she tried to mouth the word "Help" but her eyes closed and she went limp.

She woke up once again, she looked and saw a ceiling above her, made of stone, she turned her head and saw a fire in the middle of the room, there was furniture here and there, and as she kept studying she realized that she was in a cave.

She got up slowly and there was no pain, surprised she sat up and got up from the stone like bed.

She carefully walked around the cave, and then found a pile of clothes, a long white dress and a wrap.

She grabbed the clothes and looked around no one was in the cave, so she changed from her tattered clothes and then walked toward the exit.

She was back on the beach, she stepped down from the stone steps and then saw a man, sitting there on the sand by a fire, cooking a fish.

She wondered if he was the man who saved her, must be, she carefully walked toward him and then he saw her and she froze unsure what to say.

"Hello". He spoke softly and smiled slightly

"Who are you?" She spoke in her thick Spanish accent and stuttered slightly for her English was limited.

The man stood up and walked toward her, My name's Jacob, what's your name?"

"Sofia". She replied

"Well Sofia, we have much to talk about, but first let's eat you must be starving".

Flash forward

"I was on the Black Rock, I was a servant girl, they treated me badly, when the storm hit, I fell off and hit some rocks, I am luck yes?" Sofia asked

"Very". Jacob replied

"And Ricardo, how is he, he was my friend?" She asked

"He's fine, he is my representative now, and he wished to never die for he is afraid of his sins so I granted him that wish".

"May I never age?" Sofia asked hopefully

"Of course I have a job for you as well, you are to be... My second in command, my helper, I feel you will be good at this". Jacob replied with a slight smile

"I would be honored, you saved me, and I'll work on my English". Sofia smiled

"Alright, well let's get started".

133 years later....

"Jacob!" Sofia yelled as she searched for him, she walked through the jungle, she had a basket full of fruit, "Where did you go?" She laughed

Suddenly she heard a noise in the jungle, the clicking and ticking seemed to get closer, she dropped her basket, she searched for the special powder Jacob gave her, but she realized she had forgotten it.

She panicked and then ran, the smoke started to follow her, she cried for help, not sure what to do, then she tripped and felt her knee crack, she yelled and then tried to get up, but couldn't.

The smoke went for her leg and pulled her back, she screamed then suddenly Jacob grabbed her hands, and then Richard threw the powder at the smoke, it screeched with it's horrible sounds and then left.

Jacob grabbed her, and wrapped his arms around her, "Sofia are you alright?" He asked

"Yes I am so sorry, I thought he was you, I followed him". Sofia cried gripping on to Jacob

Richard went next toward her, and opened his bag and pulled out cloths for bandages.

After he wrapped her leg, Jacob carried her back to the cave, while Richard went off into the jungle.

Sofia held onto him tightly, she didn't want to let him go, she was still a bit terrified, she knew about the Man in black, the monster, his brother, but she never met him as Richard did once, she knew Jacob would talk with him or he would visit Jacob, swearing to kill him.

"I am sorry Jacob, I was foolish, I should of known". Sofia said as he sat her down on the bed and him kneeling in front of her.

"It doesn't matter, what matters that you are alright".

"Thank you for saving me". Sofia smiled

"Of course". Jacob replied

"Are you leaving again?" She asked

"Yes tomorrow, and this time I want you to come".

Sofia was surprised, when he left the island, he would leave her and Richard in charge, while he went around the world looking for candidates, and when he would come back he would tell Sofia about his time there and bring her some souvenirs which she enjoyed.

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Absolutely". He smiled a bit wider

"Well I'll be better hopefully by tomorrow thanks to the island and I'll pack my things which is not much".

"No need, when we arrive, everything we need will be there for us, now get some sleep we leave early". Jacob got up and touched her cheek softly and then left.

Sofia laid down, touching her cheek, he never done that before, what was happening to her?

Is this love she's feeling? She shook her head, Jacob couldn't fall in love, the island, his job was much more important than a relationship.


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