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We're not going anywhere until we freeze~


Hours. Days. Week. Months.  Years passed.

All those time spent with the only person (y/n) can call her true friend. Bill.

After 1 year of being friends with Bill, (y/n) realized that she developed feelings for the blonde. Those feelings followed her through 1 more year without the boy knowing about her feelings.

Everyday was painful, Like arrows aiming at her heart, punctuating it and with every arrow shooting through her, follows pain. Pain of knowing that he'll never love her back.

To be completely honest, they're both pretty much oblivious. They both don't know what the other feel about them that resulted to many secrets that friends shouldn't have.

Knowing that your most trusted person has a secret to hide from you hurts...but knowing what the secret is hurts more.

In those 2 years of loving the boy, (y/n) suffered. The saying; "Love hurts" is an understatement.

A year after she realized her feelings for the boy, that's where the flowers began to vomit out of her mouth.

Lilies to be specific. Hers and Bill's favourite flower, which surprised her at first but nonetheless, she felt warmth waving inside her heart knowing that they both share the love for the milky white flowers.

But the constant thought of vomiting that very flower out replaced the warmth with nothing but a gloomy void waiting for the fire that once lit her heart up.

To think that one day she'll just start to cough out huge petals of lilies, it was unexpected to say the least.

After the petals, came blood which worried the girl more and throwing up the whole flower is yet to come. That's the indication she's near death and hopefully the Gods will have mercy on her and let her live even if it means coughing out blood and petals all her life just because her love doesn't feel the same way.

Her parents soon found out about it and called in a doctor to check up on her once or twice a week. Giving her medicine to ease her soar throat and occasionally ask her some questions.

There was one question that she always hesitates to answer.

"Who's the fellow that caused all this?" There it was again, that question she dreaded.

The (color)nette could answer that easily if there wasn't this stupid hanahaki disease but she knew her parents won't let Bill see (y/n) again if they found out that he's been causing her pain.

With the thought of not seeing Bill anymore, she kept her mouth shut making the doctor sigh in disappointment once again.

"Still not answering?...How about this then, do you see each other often?" He asked, hoping she'll answer this one.

"If I tell you, it will surely be easier for you to find out who I'm Inlove with." (Y/n) reasoned as she looked down at her hands resting on her lap, cupping a bundle of blood covered Lily petals.

"...You know (Y/n), you're a smart young lady. I still don't know why your feelings aren't requited."
The doctor does have a point but there's alot of reasons why Bill doesn't feel the same way as the girl.

"Simply because we're friends and it's hard to move on from that title to being couples. I'm also positive I'm not his type..."


The poor girl's conditions got worst throughout the months that passed.

Usually she would vomit out the petals in a specific time on the day which is noon but now it would happen randomly, day, noon, evening, even midnight.

Bill soon found out about her disease and visited her daily which is a huge problem, seeing his handsome face and worried expression accompanied with a sad smile just made her feel worst and worst.

But seeing him everyday is worth it. If I die, I wish him to be the last person I see...

And that wish came true...

That one faithful day Bill wanted to show her the lilies he planted, was the day death took her away.

He blamed himself. He blamed his Stupidity for taking (y/n) out even though he knew better not to do it. But he did anyway.

The last face she saw was him. The monster who killed her because of his stupidity.

Bill will never forgive himself, ever.

(Y/n), the girl he had complicated feelings for, he now realized what he felt for her as soon as she coughed out the full Lily flower as she uttered a soft "I love you".

That's when his heart began to beat rapidly, tears staining his tanned skin.

How can I be such an idiot...why didn't I know?

I'm sorry...I love you too... forever, no matter how long it is, I will still love you.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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