The Greeting

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Kate pov*

I was woken up by the sound of my brother Ashton running around the house screaming

K: u said we were leaving at 11:00
A: it's 10:00 Kate
K: oh
A: yeah, I made breakfast
K: what is it
A: eggs on toast with bacon on the side
K: YAY, I'll be down when I am done getting ready
A: ok well don't take too long cause we have to get on the tour bus at 12:00 so we can make it to our show by tomorrow
K: ok

Ashton left my room and I got dressed, did my hair and make up then went downstairs
K: ash I'm done just let me eat my breakfast
A: ok I'm gonna put our bags in the car
K: ok, thx for making breakfast BTW
A: no problem

I ate my AMAZING breakfast and then grabbed my phone and went out to the car so we can get to the tour bus

*in the car*
A: I have a rule for u and I'm gonna tell the boys when we get on the tour bus
K: ok, what is it?
A: u can not date any of the boys as long as we are on tour. Cause I don't need to have one of my band mates sucking faces with my sister while I am trying to sleep
K: HAHAHAHAH ok ash I get it

Once we arrived at the bus the rest of the boys ran out and tackled Ashton to the ground. They Didn't realize u were there until u opened the trunk and got the bags

C: dude your sister is hot
M: yep
L: yep
A: eyes off
M: why is she here?
A: she is our tag along on this tour
K: I know u said they were crazy but not creepy crazy ash
A: well they are a little bit of both
K: can we go in the tour bus? my arm is dying
A: oh yeah and I have a sleeping arrangement that I think the boys and u will like

We got in the tour bus and put our bags on the couches and ash called the boys and I into the bunk area

A: ok so I made a sleeping arrangement for my sister that I think all of u will like. Just so Kate doesn't get too attached to any particular one of u each night Kate will sleep in each one of your bunks for the whole tour
K: that sounds fair to me
C/L/M: cool
C: ok she starts with mine then goes to Michael and then goes to Luke and we keep doing that
A: that works

The manager came on the bus told us what we were doing and told us to get some rest because they have a concert in the morning and at night

They all went to bed and I sat on the couch with my phone
C: Kate aren't u coming
K: I don't have a concert in the morning, u do
C: yeah but u still have to get up with us and it's gonna be early
K: fine let me just put some lazy clothes on
C: ok meet me in the bunks I'll leave my curtain open so u know which one it is
K: ok I'll be there in a min
C: ok

Cal went back to his bunk and I put on some spandex with a large shirt on top

I went to the bunks only to find cal sprawled across the back side of the bed looking at me

K: u need to stop looking at me like that
C: y
K: because ash would kill me and then u
A: I don't see the look but yes I would
K: see

I climbed in the bed and layed down so my back was towards Cal

Cal wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest

That wasn't the best idea.....

I pulled out my phone and went to notes to write a secret no one knows but he is going to need to if we are sleeping like this

" K: Ok so when I sleep I kick and I always find a way to turn around and bite, so u might not want to be that close
C: that's ok I'll just pull back when u do 😬
K: ok, can we go to sleep now
C: yes

( I have no idea why but when I sleep i bite and kick )

Calum pov*
I'm kinda glad Kate came on the tour because when we are on tour I get tired of having to hang with all the boys all the time. Don't get me wrong. I love hanging with the guys but it just doesn't last as long as it does when there is a girl around

Kate fell asleep 5 min after her head hit the pillow and nuzzled her back into my chest
but she is right when I started falling asleep she kicked me in the ankle and then she turn over and but me in the shoulder
K: hmmm what-what happened
C: u turned over and bit me in the shoulder
K: I told u it wasn't the best idea for u to be close to me
C: I know but your teeth are sharp and it really hurts
K: ok I'm sorry. Let me see it

I lifted up my hand and the bite mark was red,purple
K: damn! I'm sorry
C: it's ok
K: here I'll move away so I don't bite u again
C: no no it's ok I'll just move away when I feel u move
K: ok night calum
C: night Kate

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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