Whiterose ~ A Game

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Sadly, Remnant is suffering in the hands of the COVID-19 outbreak from Earth. So, everybody was on lockdown. Team RWBY, Team JNR and Oscar, and Qrow and the Ace-Ops stayed in their dorms. But, weʻre focusing on Ruby and Weiss here. While Yang and Blake were with Team JNR, Ruby and Weiss were in their team room, lounging, until Ruby comes up with an idea...

"Hey, Weiss! Wanna play a game?", Ruby said.

Weiss rolled her eyes and sighed. "Sure", Weiss said, "you dolt", she whispered under her breath. Ruby dashed into the kitchen and grabbed a Pocky stick. Weiss was confused. "Um...Ruby? What is this? This doesnʻt look like a game."

"Just wait. Ok. So, Iʻll bite one end of the Pocky and you bite one end of the Pocky and we both have to eat the Pocky. Itʻs a contest."


Ruby put the Pocky in her mouth and gestured towards Weiss. She bit one end of the Pocky and they both ate away. Before they were done, Weiss realized what was happening, but she was too late. Weiss and Rubyʻs lips connected and they kissed.

Weiss quickly pulled away and wiped her tongue. Ruby laughed and hugged Weiss. To their surprise (well, actually, Weiss') Yang and Blake stood there, Yang recording the whole game.

Weiss went red and she was redder than Rubyʻs cape. She stomped away and Ruby and Yang high-fived each other. Weiss couldnʻt believe it! She had kissed Ruby and Yang recorded the whole thing! But then again, who could never love that dolt?

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