Advice from a person riding a flying camel

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Muhammad bin Mu'az (may Allah have mercy on him) says that a devout lady narrated to him the following story: I saw in a dream that I was going to enter Paradise and when I reached the entrance, I saw that so many people had assembled there. I asked, "Why have they assembled at the gate?" A man replied, "A lady is coming to Paradise and they have decorated it for her sake; they have come to receive her into the Paradise." I asked who the lady was, and the man said, "She is dark-complexioned servant-woman from the Aikah town, called Sha'wanah." I said, "By Allah! She is my sister." Meanwhile, I saw that Sha'wanah was coming to us. She was riding a handsome highbred she-camel, which was flying in the air. I called out her name and said, "My dear sister, you know that we are related to each other. Make Du'aa (supplication) to your Lord that He may grant me your companionship." She smiled and said, "The time has not yet come for you to join me; but do take a few words of advice from me; make Akhira (hereafter) your constant worry and take it to your heart; let your love for Allah overpower all other passions and desires; and do not bother about your hour of death that is, be prepared to meet death at any time." From the book "Fadhail-e-Sadaqaa", translated by Prof. Abdul Karim.

Each one of us have the capacity to become people of great piety. However, it takes an effort and sacrifice of our desires. Thus, let us strive hard to become devouted Muslims.

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