A new sensei

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I passed the exam maybe not with flying colors, but I made it. I wanted to impress lord Hokage, but i was just average. Iruka sensei came into to the room and sat down at his desk.
"Listen up" he said."these are the new teams"
Iruka sensei went through the names until "team 7"
"Sakura Haruno, Saskue Uchiha, Kendra Nuro, and Naruto Uzimaki"
Everyone gasped.
Naruto like I said earlier he doesn't bother me. He may be annoying at times, but he is tolerable.
Sakura likes Saskue and is agitating. I have learned to deal with it after awhile, but it is still irritating.
Saskue stays away from every body he is very secluded. He doesn't annoy me, and he can probably hold his own.
I went home that night ready for my first day as a true genin.

My eyes wake up ready for today. I walk into the classroom and sit down. I see my fellow class mates pour into the room and leave with their sensei until it is just the four of us.
It was around twelve then Naruto yells "where is he already" that's what I was talking about annoying. Sakura just screamed at him to be patient and quiet, but knowing Naruto that would never happen. Suddenly Naruto got a mischievous look on his face. He took the chalk board eraser and put it in between the doors. Sakura starts to say " the new sensei should be a Jonin he wouldn't fall for...". Sakura was cut off by the new sensei walking in the door.
The eraser hit his head. then he turned his head to us. he had silver hair and a mask on his face. That's when I knew this would be interesting.

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