The Hotel

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On the next day, packed together. Fiona helped me get my stuff together before we headed down to her house.
"Pajamas?" She asked.
"Yep," I answered.
"Hair brush?"
"Neighbourhood shirt?"
I pointed to my chest where a white upside down house sits on a black cotton T shirt. "Duh!"
And we left. I say goodbye to my mother as she hands me my money for food and such.
"Mom... $150?" Are you sure you're trusting me with this? The most you've ever given me is $50," I told her in wonder.
"Iris, please. You're older now and you deserve to have a fun time. Just... You're leaving a virgin, so make sure you come home a virgin. No drugs or alcoho-"
"Mom!" I interrupted.
Fiona tugged my arm.
"My mom is waiting outside," she nagged.
I started walking to the door.
"Thanks, mom," I yelled and quickly run outside. Fiona followed and helps me out my stuff into the trunk.
Her mother told us that she already packed Fiona's stuff to save time. We blasted I Love You on the way to the hotel. We had to play it 6 or 7 times because of how far away New York is. Her mom even sang along to some of the songs with us.
"Iris, can you believe that in less than 24 hours, we'll be watching them sing this to us, live? I'm so excited I can't even describe it!" She said with a smile.
"I'm so glad you got front row tickets! What if they look at us? Oh my god I would faint," I replied.
When we arrived at the hotel, Fiona's mom checked us in an gives us each a room key.
"Mom, you're not staying?" Fiona asked with a worried expression on her tan face.
"You ladies are almost 17. I think you both deserve your own room. I'll be staying at a cheaper hotel down the road. I couldn't get us all in that one and this one is too expensive to buy two rooms."
"But..." She whined.
"It'll be okay," I chirped in, "It's just like having a sleepover."
She sighed and said "Whatever." We rode the elevator to the 87th floor. I couldn't believe how big that hotel was! There was a total of 100 floors, a pool, a spa, a food court, and a casino. We unlocked our room and were instantly amazed by the shower. It had clear doors and the biggest shower head I'd ever seen in my life. There were 2 sinks and a separate room with a toilet. The towels were fluffier than the blankets I had at my house, and the tv looked like something that a rich person would own. The beds were both king sized, too! We threw our bags on the ground and looked outside the window that took up the whole wall.
"87th floor," she whispered.
"Look, that's where the beach is!" I said and pointed to the distance.
"Let's go find the pool," she decided. We put our bathing suits on under our clothes and took off our makeup. We locked the doors and tell each other to remember our hotel number. The pool was kind of a rip off, because they charged everyone $5 to get in, and the deep end was only 5 feet. I guess it's better than nothing, though. We swam for an hour or so. By the time we find our room again, it's already 9:00 pm. We each shower in the clear, awesome shower. Then, we go to sleep and dream of the memories we will make at The Neighbourhood's concert tomorrow.

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