The NBHD concert

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I woke up to Fiona screaming in my face that it's seven o'clock in the morning and that her mom is on her way to pick us up and is going to meet us outside.
"Get your clothes on! Hurry up!" She yelled happily as I brushed my hair and teeth. I grabbed my purse with my money, my phone, and the tickets. Her mom found us at the curb, where she said she would. I tied my black chuck taylors in the car.
"Words can't explain how pumped I am for this!" I told Fiona, giddily. I handed her the ticket with her name on it and we both stared at the bottom left corner where it says "1 8".
"Row one, seat eighteen," she said softly.
"Mine is row one, seat nineteen," I said, but softer.
When we got there, her mom dropped us off and explained where we were supposed to go. We didn't realize how long the line to the entrance gates were until we turned the corner. There were, like, 20 or 25 people ahead of us.
Fiona must've seen the fear in my eyes because she said, "It's okay, because the concert doesn't start for another hour. Plus, if someone takes our spot, we can show them our tickets."
We waited for almost an hour, when we saw the famous Jesse Rutherford, Mikey Margott, Jeremy Freedman, Zach Abels, and Brandon Fried walk on the other side of the rope. People tried to reach out and touch them, but the security guards pushed them back. Each of them kept their shoulders back and their eyes straight ahead; except Zach. With a small, half smile on his face, he looked at the crowd as he walked by and almost stopped moving his legs when he saw me. I'm fact, he did stop walking. I almost threw up. Jesse had to come a few steps back and pull him away. I heard the girls behind me arguing.
"He was looking at Julie!"
"Uh no! He was looking at me!"
"He was looking at Anna!"
I almost turned around and said, "No, actually he was looking at me," But I didn't. I know he was looking at me, and that's all that mattered.
"Iris, he looked at you!" She said with her icy eyes shining.
"Hehe, I know," I told her. While they set up, the ushers started letting people to their seats. It took a long time, and it was getting hotter outside. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and waited my turn to go in. When we finally get to the door, Fiona and I handed him the tickets. He punched holes in the corners and leaded us to another security guy to take us to our seats. We were right in the middle of the front row! The people next to us even said that we had the best seats in the house. I check the time on my phone. It read 3:09.
"Fiona, look at the time. They were supposed to play nine minutes ago!" I panic.
"Stop being so paranoid! Not everyone's in their seat, yet." We waited another long fifteen minutes until The Neighbourhood came out. Brandon hit his drumsticks together four times and they bursted out into Female Robbery. I had planned on recording the whole thing, but I was too into watching Zach's muscular fingers strum his electric guitar. When I looked up at his face, I could see his eyes were locked on me. ME. Not the people behind me or next to me, but me. The people behind me tapped my shoulder and said, " Oh my god, he's looking right at you." I didn't say anything back because I was in shock. They sang A Little Death, Afraid, and a bunch more songs, and Zach never once took his brown eyes off of me. When I looked at him, me gave a little smirk but still wouldn't turn his head.
"This is going to be our last song, so let's do something special," Jesse speaks into the microphone.
"Does anyone know Sweater Weather?" He asked.
The crowd's noise level intensified.
"Alright, Zach, choose a fan and have them come sing it with us."
Zach smiled and pointed to me.
"The one in the front with the black hair in a ponytail," he said with the cutest smile ever. The crowd became oven more loud. Some people screamed, "No, Zach, choose me!"
The security men helped me onto the stage. When I got up, I looked to my right and saw Jesse, to my left and saw Zach, behind me and saw Mikey, Jeremy, and Brandon, and in front of me and saw Fiona's happy, but jealous face. Zach was still looking at me! Even on stage he faced me and stared the whole time. Jesse sang a few lines of Sweater Weather, then passed the mic to me. I sang the chorus. The crowd went wild. I couldn't tell wether they were excited or enraged. Fiona cheered me on. When the song was done, I got to hug every band member. It was like a line. First Jesse, Mikey, Jeremy, Brandon, and then Zach. He smelled amazing. Like weed and lemon grass soap. Our hug lasted the longest. Before I got down, he slipped me two VIP passes.
"Give one to your friend," he whispered and kissed my cheek. I blushed a lot and started shaking. Oh my god, he kissed my cheek... I thought to myself. I was in awe. That day was truly one of the best days of my life. As I got down, I showed Fiona the passes. We both screamed and ran to the tour bus.

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