Meeting the Elvis guy

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A/N: Sorry for not updating! I haven't had any ideas lately so I'm just going to try my best.

"I've been expecting you demigods." He said.

"How do you know we're-you know what, you don't even seem fully mortal. Who are you?" I asked.

"Who I am is not important now. Soon, you will know who I am because I will be a god myself! You will have to worship me, and me only!"

"You're not a demigod, and you're not a god either, definitely not mortal. What in Hades's name are you?" Annabeth said.

"You are smart, my child, I am not any of those. I am a magician, well I used to be one anyways before i died. But that's not important, I am now alive and stronger than ever!" He raised his boomerang thingy.

"Oh, so you do magic tricks and stuff?" I asked.

"Percy! Come over here, I need to talk to you for a minute." she said, dragging me away from the magician guy.

As soon as we got there, she started to explain things. "He's not a magician like the ones who do magic tricks and stuff, he's an Egyptian Magician, they're kind of like us, but not really."

"So he doesn't do magic tricks? Aww I was hoping for something like that!" She immediately smacked my arm.

"OW!" I said sarcastically, rubbing my arm.

"Anyways, we can't do this alone, we need help. Contact Carter right now." She walked away and murmured to herself.

I did what I had to do, I spoke the one word I hoped I would never have to used.


As soon as I spoke his name, a shimmer of light appeared in front of me, obscuring my view of what was happening to Annabeth, a few feet away from me. Then, two figures appeared. I squinted my eyes to see closely. Standing there was Carter, and another girl who looked nothing like Carter, who had caramel colored hair with a red streak down the side, and she had blue eyes. She looked really pretty since she somehow resembled a younger version of Annabeth. She must be Carter's sister Sadie, the one Annabeth met.

"We came as soon as you contacted me. What's the matter?" Carter asked.

"Well there's that Elvis impersonator over there, who says he's an Egyptian Magician, and he said he is going to take over the world."

They turned to look at the Elvis guy, when they turned back, Sadie said, "Setne, Pretty sure he's dead, what in the name of Ra is he doing here?" She had a slight British accent, which was a bit strange. But I'd didn't bother me that much.

"So what are we supposed to do?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"We can't defeat him alone, we need you and Annabeth to help. he's too strong against only two magicians."

We walked back to where Annabeth and the guy who the magicians called "Setne" were. Annabeth was asking him a ton of questions, trying to confuse him but it didn't seem to work.

"Hello young magicians, what brings you here?" Setne said.

"We know what you're up to you evil um..." I didn't know what to call him.

"That's right! I'm going to take over the world and NONE of you shall stop me!" He paused to take a break. "Hey where's my teddy bear? Coco where are you?" And he ran off.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter again. Anyways, the teddy bear thing was literally the most random thing ever, the first thing that came to my mind.

I think I'm gonna do a question thing at the end of the part.
So here's the question,
Where was Carter and Zia's first kiss? And which book was it from?
First person to answer correctly gets the next dedication.

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