Chapter 4

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||Carmen Anders||

The bell rang and I swear I was out of that classroom in five seconds. I rushed to the cafeteria and may or may not have shoved a couple of people out the way.

You can't blame me though. I was starving.

I grabbed a seat at an empty table and waited for Dylan.

"You want a burger?" Dylan offered me as he took a seat and set his tray down.

"What type of question is that?" I asked him as I picked it up from his tray.

He shrugged as he watched me take a bit.

"What?" I ask him with a mouthful.

"There's pickles in that."

I swallowed. "Pickles are delicious."

"No way-" he started.

"Yes way, I could live on pickles," I heard a familiar voice.

"You can't not like pickles," Kyle told Dylan as he took a seat next to him.

"Thank you," I told him as we high-fived.

"I'm praying for you two," Dylan said.

Kyle and I laughed.

"Have you ever even tried a pickle?" Kyle asked.

"No, and I do not want to. They look disgusting."

"I'm so making you try them when you come over Saturday." He said.

Dylan shuddered and I couldn't help but laugh.

There was something about the way Kyle said it. There was something about the way Kyle said anything. He always had this look in his eyes when he was talking to Dylan. Like he was really fond of him.

"Shit," Kyle let out as he frowned at his tray," I forgot a packet of ketchup, I'll be right back."

"So Saturday's surprise was Kyle's place?" I asked Dylan once Kyle left.

"Yeah," he admitted," but that's no longer a surprise. It'll just be us and the others."

"Others?" I asked even though I knew exactly who he meant.

"Yeah, Ryder and Parker."

My stomach did a flip.

I hadn't talked to Ryder much since the diner. He would smile at me in class and say 'hi' here and there but I'd always look away and just mutter a small 'hello' in response.

I wanted to lay low. I knew he didn't know about Jason but I still couldn't bring myself to start a friendship like he wanted.

I guess, I'm just a bit scared.

I don't know why it's so hard with Ryder. I have no problem being friends with Kyle and Parker but with Ryder, it's different.

"Oh, right. Them." I said.

Dylan raised an eyebrow at me."Yeah. Them."

~*~. ~*~.

"How's school?" My mum asked me.

"Good." I told her, my attention still on my homework.

She opened the fridge and pulled out some leftover Chinese.

"You're home really early today." I said.

"Yeah, I left early. Just thought I should actually have dinner with my daughter for once."

I looked up at her and put my pencil down. "Mom."

"No, seriously, I thought I should."

"I know and it's good that you did. But I don't want you to feel guilty every time you come home from work late."

"Would you like some Chinese?" She asked me completely ignoring the subject.

She was a professional at ignoring things.

"No, not really that hungry but can I ask you something?"

"Sure." She said as she opened up the microwave.

"How was work?" I asked


"How was work?" I repeated.

She sighed. "Okay, how much money do you need?"

"What? No, Mom, I just wanna know how your day went. You always ask about my day at school so I'm asking about your day at work."

"Really?" She asked a bit surprised.

"Really. And I wanna know every single detail."

"Okay, well it was pretty good."

"I sense a 'but' coming," I said.

She looked a lot more relaxed, less tense. I think all she ever needed was for someone to listen. Just listen.

There was so much she had on her shoulders, so much to carry, I can understand why she was always so tense. But I hated that.

I wanted her to relax and be happy and not care for once. And if listening would bring that, then I'd be the best listener on the face of this planet.



This was a really short chapter so I promise not to keep you waiting for Chapter 5.

Question(s): What do you think will happen at Kyle's place?

Please don't forget to vote, comment and share with your unicorn bears (don't lie, I know you have one).

~ M.

P. S I'm deeply sorry for any grammar errors, I'm getting right to that.

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