Chapter 15

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The only way to fix the broken heart, is to get love from the person who broke it. Even if it's not possible.

Three days has passed, Jungkook has been acting cold since the talk they had three days ago. Jimin avoided Jungkook and only talk to him for important things. Like to stay home  Haeri...etc the awkward silence between the both males making Haeri get more stressed. And still Jungkook doesn't know why did Jimin reject him that.

Jungkook was in his phone. He had been more stressed than he is when he heard the news of Hoseok. And his mind can't stop thinking about the talk he had with Jimin three days ago. Jungkook looked up to find Jimin well dressed up like he was going to a date. Which made him get angry, he was taking his phone and put it in his back, Jimin was about to leave but his wrist was hold by a person, no other person as Jungkook. "what do want?!" Jimin rudely said. Jungkook tighten the grip that make Jimin flinch in pain.

"where are you going?"Jungkook asked in a low, deep and scary voice that made Jimin shivers. Jungkook's glare was getting darker" it's none of your business! You don't have the right to control me!"Jimin cried, it was good that Haeri was in the training center and didn't saw her father crying. Jungkook eyes widen. He didn't control himself. He let go of his grip and found Jimin holding the wrist jumgkook griped. It was swollen and purple from the pain. Jungkook felt his world shake. Why did he do that, he didn't control himself. He felt a tear roll down in his cheek.

"I'm s-sorry, I d-didn't c-control myself" Jungkook apologize, Jimin gored at him and ran out of the door. He banged the door closed. Jungkook sat down on the couch blaming himself. He did let Jimin leave so he whould have him own time, so as Jungkook. Jungkook waited for Jimin. For seconds, minutes, hours. But he didn't come. It was the time he should pick up Haeri, did Jimin took her. Or not?


"where is ahjussi?" Haeri asked. Jimin faked a weak smile to his daughter. "he is not feeling well, we should now to go SeokJin and give him something" he said as an excuse. He will ask Jin to keep Haeri at his house until the next day. Because wants to clear the things with Jungkook.


Jungkook still waited. He called the training center and they said that Haeri's father took her. That means that he will come home soon. Jungkook was tired,hungry and feeling pain in his leg frim standing,he was making himself suffer because of what he did. He waited and waited. Until Jimin actually came home. Jungkook ran to him.

"jungkook-ssi, I think we need to talk" Jimin said. His dark aura around him that Jungkook has never seen before. They both say on the couch. Jimin started "let's clear all this mess up."

"I will pay the money you spent on us. So you can go and stop acting like a husband in front of namjoon Hyung. And also don't interact with my family again" he said. Jungkook felt his heart crack and ached so harder at the same time. "why? Why do you want me to leave?" Jungkook asked. Jimin sighed

"because it's all wrong. What happened that day, no one of us should remember that or talk about it. Your actions after the accident. You liked it right?" Jimin said. His voice sounded bad and rude. But it wasn't the truth, Jimin's heart wasn't like that. Like he was pretending to be.

"why it is wrong? Tell me" Jungkook kept on asking. He wants the answer to all the questions he needs. "I am  single pathetic father. I can't have any happy moments and be busy on my little daughter, when I was young, I saw my father cheating on mother. After that she died from an illness. He wasn't even sad." Jimin scoffed.

"I have never trusted any kind of love relationship, until I saw him, he was the perfect man anyone could ever need. But he was like every single man. He left me the moment I was pregnant of Haeri and I was alone. I had to lie to my older brother and tell him that I was in a good state. I lacked money and worked in thousands of part time jobs to get money to put my little daughter in the kindergarten. I had a very hard time"jimi. Said. Jungkook was still not satisfied with the answer but Jimin continued.

"I can't do the same fault my  father did. Ignoring my little child and having a relationship I shouldn't have. Right that I am his son but I will never do the same mistakes as him" jimim angered. Jungkook knew the answer. 'I can't be with you, because if I did, it will harm my daughter' but Jimin was wrong. And Jungkook have to show him that he is wrong.

"who told you to ignore your daughter? Who told you to do the same mistake as your father?! No one. I helped you, not because of anything you whould think, the only thing you didn't think of. Because I did love you. Yes I did like you, but after I came with many days, seeing the same man everyday was cool, I liked it. Why? Because I liked you. It's not complicated to have a complete family Jimin. "Jungkook replied.

" jeon Jungkook, I don't deserve you, you are better that me in everything, you heart and your life, they all better than me. I am jungmin a pathetic single father. And I always know that SeokJin helped me because I was a petty person and whould never succeed. I don't need your help anymore Jungkook! I am it child to know. My life is already fucking ruined! "Jimin cried. Jungkook walked to the older and hugged him with no warning. Jimin was too weak and tired to push. But a part of him didn't want to push. He closed his eyes.

"tou are not pathetic and SeokJin Hyung didn't help you because he petty you. He did help you because he knew that you will be so successful but you only need a small push in the way. The small push was me." Jungkook said. Jimin cried in jungkook's chest. But a the door bell rant that made them stop, Jimin tried to stop his crying and Jungkook went to open the door.

"who are you?"

"Choi Woo Hyuk"


A/N:sorry for not updating for many days, an event comes to my country for a while month and I was kinda busy in it, but I will try to make it faster.... Love you all! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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