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It was lunch time and Felix was sitting on a bench, alone. He was reading a book, he started it last week and he was really absorbed. That absorbed he didn't see the guys in front of him, a smirk on their faces. "What are you reading, Yongbokie?~", the taller one asked. Felix lifted his head and his eyes met the man's one "what do you want? I don't know you", answered Felix, then he kept reading, or at least he pretended doing it. "I want you to be my friend, nothing less, nothing more". Felix sighed to respond. The guy didn't like it, at all, he snatched the book and Felix was obliged to look at him. "What?", Felix was really mad, "could you just leave me alone for once?". Felix took his book with anger and went to the toilets. There, he was alone.

When he finished his book, he went out, the bell was going to ring. "Hi, Lixou~", the same guy than sooner, but alone. "Your friends have understand you're shabby?" Felix asked, a slight smile on the face. "Sure, continue to be confident as hell. We both know you're gonna be a cry baby in a minute", the guy told him, and then he locked the toilets.

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