[Arthur x Reader] " 𝔇𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔳𝔢! "

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" Happy is the country with no past "


Sorry it took me a while to write this one! ^^"

I've been focusing on school work and i forgot all about this book until today! SO have this really long one shot of Arthur!. Excuse the typos if there's any.


It was a nice day in wellington wells, hell it was always a good day out when your on joy!. You felt so high out of your mind from the accidental joy overdose, You usually  took sunshine but had to take joy to pass the downer detector. It had been a long good while since your last gleeful joy trip so you forgot how much was recommended...you had been daydreaming about your co-worker whom you were madly in love with, Arthur Hastings. " Hey!, (Y/N) Are you listening? " You quickly snapped out of your thoughts and looked at Victoria "huh?...uh yeah! " Victoria looked at you with an annoyed look on her face that seemed to say. ' I know you weren't paying attention ' " I'm sorry Vic, could you please repeat that? " Victoria knew about your crush on Arthur and she often teased you about it. " I asked you if you could go get Mr.Hastings for Deirdre's birthday! We're having a pinata! " your cheeks became a tinted pink, just the thought of how awkward your gonna be and possibly embarrass yourself was over baringly painful. " Uh, yeah!...sure thing vic... " Victoria gave you a coy smile and winked, You rolled your eyes at her and shot her a toothy grin for luck. Just a few turns of walking through the halls and a few hellos to your other coworkers, you've finally arrived at your destination. You sighed, feeling a little embarrassed, you peaked through the window of his door and you smiled at him...examining his dorkiness. You built up the courage and you knocked lightly on his door.

knock knock.

" huh? " Arthur looked up at you, he looked like he's seen a ghost. " hey, ah...Vic-I-I mean! Ms.Byng! said to come and get you for clive-AH!, I mean Deirdre's birthd- " You quickly cleared your throat.
" -Birthday party! " You nervously looked at him and shyly fidgeted and twiddled your thumbs. " oh, uh yeah just a moment.. " you looked around his office to avoid any possible eye contact or contact at all then you noticed his favorite strawberry substance lying on the floor. " hey...um, May I ask why your joy is on the floor..? " You looked at them and then looked at him. " oh ah, Don't worry! I'm Snug as a bug on a drug! " He nervously laughed and smiled. " You felt ashamed but after the many months of stalking and observing him you knew when something is wrong or not him at all. " Arthur, please don't lie to me " He looked at you, absolute shock evident on his face, he clenched his fists and looked down
" Your gonna report me, aren't you? " You quickly shook your head. " N-No!, I..I could never! " You mumbled. " OH! ah! We um..we should get going to the party! " You smiled nervously, he nodded and followed you out his office. " Uh, hold on (Y/n) " " oh, okay " you stood there lost in your thoughts waiting for him to come back, you don't know how long you stood there but you definitely have been there for a few minuets. " Let's go, (y/n) " He grabbed your hand and led you to the party. The sudden contact made you blush furiously!. he stopped abruptly in front of another's office, You roughly ran into his back " oof-, Sor-! " he looked at you and pressed his finger to his lips " shh! " you both peered into the room and saw a Joy Doctor along with your other co-worker Hopkins, Jones!. It seemed as if he too was off his joy...and the doctor found him. You both watched as he was forced to take a joy injection, you cringed. You hated the sight of needles, While you watched that go into his neck you got shivers down your spine, Arthur noticed. " Oh, hi Arthur, hi (y/n)! " Jones was covering the area where the injection was on his neck and he waved. The doctor took notice immediately and quickly closed the blinds. " Hey uh, (y/n) are you alright? " you nodded your head. " Yeah..I just- I just hate needles...and joy doctors! " You bit your lip and shivered, Arthur, still holding onto your hand, He gently rubbed your palm, You felt more at ease but then your already fried nerves kicked in and you took notice that he was holding your hand still, the blood rushed to your cheeks and you became a little awkward cinnamon bun again. After some stumbling here and there you both arrived at the birthday party and Arthur held the door for you. " After you " He smiled at you. " Why thank you kind gentleman... " You couldn't hide your big smile, that is until you saw them beating a rat. Alarmed, you took a step back and Arthur looked at you with a confused look. " Vic- I mean Ms.Byng!, What're you guys doing? " She looked at you two and smiled " You're just in time for the pinata!, It's the most adorable spanish custom!, Uncle jack told us all about it!. you hit it until all the candy comes flying out! " You tried to hide your disgusted face and fake smiled. " Yeah...well I'm gonna watch from over here. " You stood next to the closet and leaned against the door frame. " C'mon, hit it! " she gave Arthur a stick. " Hit it! Hit it! " They all started chanting. Arthur took one big swing and the 'Pinata' Exploded. Arthur saw blood all over his hands and then he looked at the table and finally saw the rat, Arthur almost threw up. Victoria licked her fingers " You're off your joy?, here...have one of mine! " He took a step back and shook his head. " oh my god!...he's a downer! quick go get security!! " Deirdre fainted and everyone in the room except for little ol' you freaked out. without thinking Arthur quickly ran into the closet thing and pulled you in, He put the stick through the door handle so it'd buy you both some time. " Is it too late to ask for that raise? " god...even if things are going to complete shit he still could make it an enjoyable experience with his witty self. he looked around the room and saw a way out! " Up there! " he jumped on top and helped you up. He held onto your hand tighter than ever as he guided you through this little section. " Over there! " A bobby called out and you two ran to the door down the hall. " Arthur! " You lost your footing and you both ended up falling down the stairs. " OW! Bloody hell! " you hit your head on the wall, the impact made you bleed and a painful headache formed. Arthur looked at you very worried but knew you two couldn't stay here. He helped you up and quickly but safely ran down the other set of stairs, The bobbies followed and met you two just shortly after. " Arthur look out! " A bobby swung his batton at you, and the other bobby swung his at Arthur. The bobby hit Arthur resulting in him falling over and blacking out. The last thing Arthur heard was you screaming his name. Anger took over and you did all you could, You hit shoved and kicked. You managed to hit a lucky blow on one of the bobbies causing them to go unconscious. The other bobby finally got a good look at you " Ms. (L/n)??, I never expected you to turn into a rotten downer! " You looked him in the eye. " Constable Stephens! " You were quite shocked at the sight of him but you did your best fake smile that was well known throughout wellington wells. " No...Don't do that! " The poor constable frowned but it was hard to tell. " Unfortunately, Constable....I've been a rotten downer since the beginning. " He shook his head and couldn't believe what he's just heard. He refused to harm you even though he just went full ape mode trying to kill just another rotten downer. " Just this once, I'll let you go. but don't tell anyone about this!, I'll report You and Mr.Hastings on Holiday. " He sighed and grabs his unconscious friend. He walks away and looks back one last time before parting ways. You heavily sighed, exhausted from that little fight that went on. " Arthur! " You quickly ran over to him and examined him for any damage done to him. " Oh Artie... " You caressed his cheek and gently kissed his bruises. " Oh dear! " you realized what you've done and turned into a tomato. After what seems like hours you successfully pulled Arthur through the little tunnels with what strength you had left in you. you fell over exhausted once you reached a little room that had a hatch. " gosh, where are we? " you didn't notice until now but you had a massive headache from that impact from earlier. " Ah! shit! " you moaned and groaned in pain. it was like a wave of pain, it was all you could now think of. Arthur finally awoke, he adjusted to his surroundings and saw you. " (y/n)? " He quickly crawled over to you. " shit! what happened? " you hissed in pain " I-It's nothing!, It was just from when we fell down the stairs. " you rubbed the area that hurt. Arthur looked around and found a empty cold can. " Here, put that on it. " You carefully examined it and put it on the spot. " That helps, I guess. thanks. " you attempted you stand up but Arthur grabbed your wrist. " Hey! where do you think your bloody going?! You need to rest. " You looked at him with awe. " Alright! alright. " you sat down next to him and leaned on the wall behind you. Arthur was tempted to say something but he held his tongue and refused to say it. And with that you managed to fall asleep for a few hours.

~A little time skip because why the heck not?~

You and Arthur exited the hatch. " I-Is this....the Garden district?? " you looked around in horror as a wave of sadness and uneasiness washed over you. " I guess so. " He felt the same. " I don't think it's a good idea wearing these while we're out here. " He nodded in agreement. After wondering for a little while you two stumbled upon a little neighbourhood. The downers attention turned towards you and him." Well, well, well. lookie here." "Seems as if two ex-wellies were chased out. " " Look at their fancy clothes! must be NICE. " A woman was getting aggressive by the second looking at how well you presented yourself.

A lady who stuck her head out from the church motioned for you two to get in there. Arthur gently but firmly grabbed your hand and dashed to the church. " They almost tore you two to pieces. " You inhaled sharply, as much as you wanted to say something you just couldn't. " You best tear up that suit of yours or they'll do it for you. " Arthur looked at the woman in shock. " My uncle gave me this suit! " he protested. " your life, your choice.If you decide you want to live the rocks are back here with me. " She walked over to the area a priest would usually be. There was a little fireplace, the downer woman stood next to it. " bloody hell... " Arthur pinched the bridge of his nose and went to tear his suit. You were in the corner looking around, frightened by the living conditions. " I never thought they had it bad...they always said the downers were sent to a nicer place than...this... " you bit your lip and shook your head. Despite knowing how bad this place was you still were protected within wellington wells walls. You peaked outside real quick and saw how miserable they looked yet they looked like they were use to it at this point. you were staring at a random downer and had spaced out. That same downer noticed you and you quickly broke off eye contact, closing the doors fully, and slightly panicking. " Hey, (Y/n)! come over here " Arthur called out to you, You slowly made your way to Arthur while looking around the church. ' This place is pretty big- I wonder what it looked like before the war..the war we "won" ' You quickly put that thought of your head and jogged the rest of the way to Arthur. " I'm sorry (Y/n), I know how much you love this dress.. " Arthur sighed and you looked at him quite surprised. " H-how did you know that? I-I only told Vi-... " Then it hit you. Victoria must've told him! that little snake!. You wondered what else she might've told him and teared up. " Are you crying? Oh bloody hell (Y/n) It's gonna be alright! " He looked into your eyes reassuringly. " How much did she tell you?! " You yelled out in anger and embarrassment, Tears blurred your vision. " Who? " He looked confused and realized you meant Victoria. " Oh, Um. Not much...just that you liked me and most of the things you liked too. " At this point you didn't care about the downers outside you stormed off in embarrassment, hoping he would follow you. but at the same time another part of you didn't want to face him. You ran to the nearby hatch, Getting a little lost in the progress. " Wait! (Y/n)! Come back! " Arthur called out you and searched everywhere for you. he finally found you after what seemed to be hours. " Oh fuck! " He was panting heavily. " (Y/n)! " He looked at you and smiled. " (Y/n)! I- Have something- I wanna tell you! bloody hell! to think I ran in high school! " He was trying to catch his breath. You looked up at him out of concern and laughed a little at his usual witty self. " Arthur...how long have you known? " Arthur knelt down to you and put his hand on your cheek.you quickly nuzzled into his satisfying touch. " For a while now. I've been working up the courage to speak to you. " You looked at him, quite surprised. " but...why? " He smiled at you " well, I happen to think you're very lovely...and I love how awkward you get around me, I think it's cute. " He looked down real quick and genuinely held you hand. " (y/n), Please! Don't leave! I- I really like you too and I would like it if-if we were together! " You couldn't hold back the tears and hugged him tightly. " Yes! of course! " Waves of happiness washed over you two. " Funny, We don't even need joy to feel this happy " You smiled so brightly at your new lover. " Yeah! " From then on you two battled the horrors of the garden district and searched for Percy together. You didn't need those damned drugs to be happy. You had each other.

OKAY IM being slightly too harsh on myself but still. This oneshot is TRASH and its by far the longest one...ugh

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