Chapter 1 part one

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Kara pov:
I'm having a lovely sleep in my warm cozy bed, I have one foot stuck out of the covers cause its spring, its warm but theres still a slight chill in the air, I'm woken up by the awful sound of my alarm going off, it's the first day back from the summer holidays, I groan and feel about for my phone I slap it gently to turn the horrible sound off.
" shut up!" I groan
As you can probably tell I dont do mornings.
I get up and shower with my favourite vanilla and brown sugar body wash, I get out and dress into the college uniform, it's not the most comfortable or cute thing but its flattering, it consists of a white blouse a black skirt with or without tights or black or grey trousers with a maroon tie and blazer, I put on the black skirt with the blouse and tuck my blouse into it and stretch so that it slackens off a little, I tie my tie and slip on a pair of ankle socks to go with my flat slip ons, I set my straighteners on and pack my bag ready, my things for today are set by my bag on the floor so all I have to do is put it in my bag, I neatly fold/ roll my blazer up and put it at the bottom of my bag, I set my books behind it and put my small pencil case ontop, I only need a handful of pens and a handful of pencils and six rulers, two rubbers and pencil sharpeners and a couple of highlighters, I put them in my bag, the only reason I need so many is incase one of the boys forgets something, I'm literally like Mary Poppins, I also pack a few personal items like a spare pair if undies, a good few pads, pantie liners and tampons, hair bubbles, I hair brush which goes in the main part where everything else is, some Bobby pins and a couple of my favourite lip balms, with all go in the front pocket of my bag, I use my straightener is enhance the waves in my hair and turn them more into light curls, I use a straightener cause I find it easier and I find I dont burn myself that way, I turn them off and spray my favourite perfume, which smells of vanilla, warm spice and floral notes.
I grab my backpack and head downstairs.
" morning honey" my mom and dad say
" morning, I cant chat I need to get going" I say grabbing six granola bars one for me and one each for the boys, I highly doubt they'll eat before they get to college
I take my water bottle and chicken salad sandwich out of the fridge, I put my bottle down the side of my blazer so it doesnt leak, I put my sandwich in my plastic lunch box which is just a clear click and lock kinda box I put that in my bag and I chuck a good few extra snacks for the lads and me if we get hungry, mainly Niall cause he literally never stops eating.
I look at my watch its 7: 45, I grab my keys consisting of my car keys, house keys a shopping cart nugget thing a key ring with a K for my name and a cute kitten in a cardboard box keyring that Liam got me for my 18th which was about 6 months ago.
" I gotta go, bye mom bye dad, see you later, love you!" I yell
" bye honey" they yell
I close the door and get into my car and put the key into the ignition I turn it but it doesnt start.
" no, no, no!, please dont do this to me" I groan
I try once more, it's not having it.
" oh for fuck sake, really!" I yell
I get out grabbing my bag from the passenger seat and groan shutting the car door and locking it, I open the door and yell to dad.
" hey dad" i yell
" yeah honey" he says
" can you drive me to college my car wont start" I say
" yeah" he says
" thanks" I say
He grabs his key and we get in he drive me and a ten minute drive later I arrive at college.
" I'll have a look at fixing your car today I dont have work today" dad says
" thanks dad" I say getting out and grabbing my bag from the backseat
" no problem, I love you" he says
" love ya too" I say
I walk into college and to the canteen and see the boys seated at our table.
" Kara!!" Niall yells
" hey Nialler" I laugh
" hey guys" I say
" hey" they say together
I take a seat next to Liam my usual spot he saves for me.
" hows the cupcake doing" Zayn says with a wink
" apart from my car not starting this morning and not wanting to get up, I'm just peachy" I say
" well, your gonna love me then" Liam says
I look at him confused.
He brings out a vanilla ice coffee with cream ontop from behind him but that's not all, oh no, he went one step further, he got me my favourite crispy cream doughnut, the caramel one.
" oh my god Li, I freakin love you" I say giving him a hug
" I thought you would like that" he chuckles
I sip my coffee and a moan escapes my lips i close my eyes.
I lay my head on Liams rather comfortable shoulder and he slides an arm round my shoulders.
" hey kaybear" Niall says dragging it out
I already know what hes gonna say, so I reach into my bag and grab a granola bar and chuck it to him, he catches it.
" how did you" he starts
" every time you say my nick name and drag it out I know its food related Niall" I say
He smiles taking a bite.
I look at my watch, its 8:45.
" are we gonna head to class" I say
" yeah can do" says Liam
We have the same classes cause Niall literally made us compare the timetables we have so it will literally be havoc for teachers cause the girls are so flirty with all the boys, they all revel in it apart from Liam he shrugs it off.
I stand up and put my bag on one shoulder, and Liam puts an arm round the back of my neck.
The boys walk behind us goofing around we walk in and there are six seats joined together at the back of class, Zayn sits on the right near the wall, I sit next to him, Liam sits next to me, Niall sits next to Liam, Louis sits next to Niall and Harry sits next to Louis, I reach over Zayns lap and plug my phone into the charging slot, I then put it in my bag to conceal it cause we arent supposed to do it, I sit back in my seat and get comfy
Liam puts his arm round the back of me, I can feel him stroking the side of my upper arm with his thumb, I look at him and he gives me a warm smile, his chocolate brown eyes looking into my blue ones I smile back and lay my head on his shoulder while we listen to the tutor drone on about what's gonna happen during the term, I'm just about dozing off when the bell goes, I sit up off Liams shoulder and grab my bag standing up, I check my timetable after detaching my phone from charging, we have a free period.
" hey guys, we have a free period next, what are we gonna do" I say as we walk out of class
" we could go to the ice cream place down the road" says Niall
" we arent going there Niall, we have lunch in an hour" I say
" but I'm hungry" he whines
" why do you think she brought snacks Niall" says Liam from behind me
" how did you know I brought them" I say
" well what else was being thrown about in your bag when you put it on your shoulder" he says with a knowing look
" you know me too well" I say
He chuckles
" tell you what, we'll go to the canteen and do any homework that needs finishing off and have a catch up and listen to music" i say
" sounds like a plan" says Zayn
We walk to the canteen, its empty, I take a seat and for a change Liam sits opposite me, Zayn sits next to me, Louis sits next to Zayn, Niall sits next to Liam and Harry sits next to Niall.
" so what are we doing" I say
" well, I could do you if you'll let me" says Zayn throwing an arm round me
" I'm good thanks Zayn" I say
" whatever you say cupcake" he says
Liam stretches his feet out and his foot comes into contact with my outstretched one.
" my foots there" I say
" its mine now" he says
He crosses his feet round my leg so my leg is now trapped between his.
" well if anything your keeping my leg warm" I shrug
He smirks, I slip both shoes off and lift my free leg up onto his lap.
" ooff" he grunts
" careful where you put your foot" he says
I stifle a laugh
" sorry Limabean" I say
He smiles
" s'alright" he says
" you never let anyone call you that, why kara" says louis
" because Louis, you guys abuse the privilege of using the nickname, Kara rarely calls me Limabean, its nearly always LiLi, Li or Liam, mainly Liam when I get told off" he says
I giggle
" ugh, fair enough" says louis
I put some music on quietly out loud.
I take out a biscuit from the several snacks I have in my bag and put it in my mouth.
" hey cupcake" Zayn says
" mmhhmm" I mumble turning to him
He leans in and takes a bit of the biscuit in my mouth, his lips brush mine slightly.
I scowl at him, and eat the rest, I swallow.
" that is the closest you will get to kissing me ever" i say seriously
I feel Liam gently clasp my ankle in his warm hand under the table, his thumb gently strokes just above my ankle bone, its taking everything in me not to kick him, it tickles so much, he chuckles to himself, he then tickles the bottom of my foot and that gets me, I subtly lift my foot up so he thinks I'm moving it and thump it down.
He grunts and winces.
I chuckle to myself.
My phone buzzes, I look, it's from Liam.
Liam❤🤠🙏🙌: you are so dead when we finish college, a tickle fest is happening xx.
Me: yeah yeah, whatever you say Liam James Payne😝 x
He smiles
The bell goes and we all head out seeing as we only had a lesson today.
" can you come round to ours for a bit" says Harry
" I'll ring dad and double check" I say
" okay" he says
I ring dad
"hey honey, are you okay" he says
" hey dad, I'm fine, we have a short day today so I was wondering if I could go to the lads house for a bit" I say
" yeah sure honey, how are you getting home" he says
" uh" I say thinking
Liam hears this
" I'll drive you back" he whispers
I smile gratefully
" Liam said hell drive me back" I say
" okay honey, what time will you be back roughly" he says
I look at my watch, its 12 now, I good 7 hours I think.
" uh around 7, is that okay" I say
" yeah that's fine I'll tell mum i take it your eating with them" he says
" yeah i will be" I say
" okay, see you around 7, stay safe" he says
" will do, love you " I say
" love you too honey" he says
I hang up
" okay I'm officially yours for 7 hours" I say to the lads
" yes!!!" They scream
I laugh
" god I need a hug" I say
Zayn is the first to throw his arms round me I laugh, then Niall then Harry then Louis and then Liam, he wraps his arms round my waist and lifts me up.
" okay let's go" I say
Liam gets in the drivers seat cause hes the most sensible I get in next to him and then the other four cram in together across the three seater back seat we get to the house safely and Liam opens the door.
" god I need this uniform off but I havent got any spare clothes" I groan
" I think theres still a couple of t shirts and a few pairs of Jean's and leggings in the spare closet from when you stayed round for the week in the summer hols actually, you know the way, if not help yourself to anything from my closet and drawers" says Liam
" thanks Li" I say
He smiles
I jog upstairs and rummage through the spare closet I find a pair of leggings in there and then although I find a top, I kinda like Liams shirts so I go into his room and have a look in the top drawer where he usually keeps shirts, I find his favourite batman shirt neatly folded at the top, I pull it out and change in his room, I strip down to my underwear and pull the t shirt on first which comes down to my hips , it's a little big but its comfy, I then pull on the leggings I fold my uniform and jog back downstairs, I go through to the living area and find my bag near Liam,I put my uniform in it and leave my shoes at the door.
" are we hungry" I say
" yeah kinda" the boys say
" uh okay I'll see what I can do" I say
I go through to the kitchen and find ingredients to make pancakes, I make the mixture and set the pan on to heat up.
I start making them and stack them up, theres about 20 cause I know the boys will be hungry.
" it's ready!" I shout
The boy come in out of uniform and in more comfy clothes.
" you should move in with us kara" says Zayn
" what?" I chuckle
" hes being serious, you spend a lot of time round here and we love having you round, it would be awesome if you moved in" says Liam
I smile
" Yeah okay, I'll talk to mom and dad about it tonight" I say
They all cheer
We finish eating and I put everything in the dishwasher and head through to the living area, I sit sandwiched between Liam and Niall the rest sit cross legged on the floor, I'm sort of sat on my legs to boost myself up a little, I arent very tall.
I soon regret it
" aaaahhhh, cramp" I wince
I lean on Liam and move my legs from under me, I put my legs over Liams lap
" can we have a sing song" says Zayn
" okay" I laugh
Niall gets his guitar out.
" what am I playing" he says
" umm, more than this, one of the many songs you guys have written" I say
He starts playing, I start singing after a few strums, gently swaying my body to the music.

" I always forget how well you can sing" says Harry when I finish
" aww, thanks Hazza" I say reaching forward and ruffling his curls

6 hours later

Liam has driven me home and said to just give him his shirt tomorrow.

I'll ask mom and dad about moving in with the lads tomorrow.

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