Chapter 2

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This is set on the last say of college before the 4 month break.

Kara pov:
I have finally finished my classes for 4 months, I walk out of college and text Liam
' Heya Li, just to let you know I've finished class, I'll wait outside while you guys finish" I text
' okay Kaybear, we will be finished in about 15 mins x' he texts back
' kk' i text
I take out my headphones and a snack.

15 minutes later.

The boys come out and I walk over.
" ready for the break, kaybear?" Says Liam putting am arm round my shoulders
" oh yeah, so ready, I have a lot in mind that we can all do together" I say
" oh yeah, what like" he says
" that's for me to know and you to find out Li" I say
" if you say so" he says
" come on lets go home and change" I say
We all get in the van and go home, I jog upstairs and get changed into a pair of jogger shorts and an oversized tshirt, I slip on my flip flops and head back down to the others who are also now changed.
" what are we gonna do now" says Louis
" well I think we need to go on a shopping trip for food cause if I'm not mistaken we dont have masses in the cupboards so we will sort that situation out and go from there" I say
" sounds like a plan, do you want me to come" says Liam
" Its fine, we sont need a huge amount so i should be okay on my own, plus I need someone here to control these four" i say
" okay, call me if you need help" says Liam
" i will Li, dont worry" I say
I head to the shops and pick up a lot more that intended, a mix of loads of different fruits, lots of vegetables and salad items, a load of packs of different cold meats and meats to cook, a bunch of crisps, loads of bread and loads of different sweet treats and baking supplies to keep us all occupied, I fill all the bags I have with me and take them back to the car, I drive home.
I open the back door of my car and take the bags from the passenger seat and shut the door with my hip, Liam has already come out to help.
" thanks Li" I smile
" no problem Kaybear" he says opening the boot and grabbing four bags, I go through to the kitchen Liam following close behind.
" are there any more bags" I say
" theres two more" he says
" okay I'll get them" I say
" s'alright I'll go, you start putting things away" he says
" okay thank you" I say
He comes back 2 minutes later and puts them on the kitchen floor.

An hour later.

We finally finish putting things away.
I look at my watch, its 6PM which means the lads will be hungry.
" hey guys!" I shout through
" yeah cupcake!" Says Zayn
" what do you lot want to eat" I say
" how about a takeaway, save you cooking" says Zayn
" aww, how thoughtful, sounds good" I say
Me and Liam head through to the living room and sit down, I'm between Liam and Zayn, Liam adjusts himself so he has his back to the armrest on the sofa with one legs tucked under him, I decide to use this to my advantage and lean my back into Liam, he drapes his arm down my side, I use his chest/shoulder as a cushion, I swing my legs up into Zayns lap, he rests his arms ontop of my legs.
" Ni" I say
" Yeah" he says
" chuck us the remote please, I wanna try and find a film to watch" I say
He tosses it and I catch it nicely.
" good catch love" says Liam
" thanks Li, what are we gonna watch" I say
" well, I have an idea" he says grinning
" no Liam we are not watching toy story" I say
" but" he starts
" No Liam, I promise you I will watch it with you next week" I say
" promise?" He puts
" I promise" I say
" I'll hold you to that" he says
" I know you will" I say
" what does everyone fancy for dinner" says Zayn
" just order a crap tone of pizzas with stuffed crust, theres no one in this house that doesnt like pizza so if you get like a load of cheese pizzas, stuffed crust, a load of pepperoni and a load of meat feasts and a ham and pineapple one too" I say
" that okay guys" I say
" yeah" they say
" aye aye captain" says Zayn
After a few taps hes done.
" be here in like 30 minutes" he says
I nod, after a while I finally find a film I havent seen in what feels like forever 'A quiet place'.
" oh my god, guys we have to watch this" I say
" is it good" say the lads
" if Kara picked it it'll be good, shes the queen of picking movies" says Liam
" you know me well Li" I say
He smiles
" it's a thriller/horror and it's good, its silent so dont make me jump" I warn
" no promises babe" says Zayn
" if you do you will get hit round the back of the head" I say
" oooo, feisty, just how I like it" says Zayn winking at me
" ha, no chance buddy" i say
Theres a knock on the door.
" I'll get it" says Niall
He comes back with a huge stack of pizza and sets them all out on the big table in the middle of the room, I open the cheese one and take a slice I bite into it.
" Hey Kaybear" says Liam
" hmm" I mumble
" can you pass me a peice" he says
I take a slice.
" there ya go Lili" I say
" thank you" he says taking it carefully from me
We watch the movie and then go to bed, I have a good day planned for tomorrow

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