Perfect Timing

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"Oh Hermione, will you calm down!"

Ginny sighed and watched as the older Witch continued to pace up and down the room, she was moving so fast Ginny thought she was going to leave burn marks in the carpet. Hermione on the other hand, felt like she was going to throw up, out of all the times this had to happen or there was a change of it happening, it had to be now. Just as she and Charlie were getting back on track after their first major fight. She knew this was something they had both been wanting for a while, they had been talking about it and planning for it to happen in the future, but right now? Right just didn't feel like the right time. Was there ever a right time to have a baby?

"Hermione! You haven't even taken a test yet, you need to stop freaking out! There's always a chance you're not even pregnant" Ginny smiled, trying to be reassuring but was met with a steely gaze.

"I'm scared Ginny! Charlie and I are just back on track after that whole Draco fiasco, and now my ovaries and his sperm..." Ginny gagged and made a face, she really didn't need to hear anything like that about her brother, but Hermione didn't seem to notice as she continued. ".....decide to make a baby! Possibly. Any other time would have been great, but now?"

Ginny hoisted herself from the bed as best she could considering her belly had now expanded so much she could no longer see her feet so moving around and getting up was beginning to get difficult. Even with how difficult it was, she made her way Hermione and place two comforting hands on her shoulder and made her stop in mid-stride. "Hermione, listen to me. You are the brightest witch of your age, you know there's never going to be a right time to have baby. Baby's can happen at any time, sometimes they're planned and sometimes they're a surprise"

Hermione stared directly at Ginny as she spoke, letting her words wash over her and calm her, she needed to gather herself and calm down. "You're right"

"Of course I am" Ginny smirked, "Now, let's take this slow and start with the first step. You need to take a test to confirm that you're pregnant, and if it's positive then we'll take it from there. Okay?"

Hermione nodded, now that she had managed to calm down and gain some reason back, she knew that taking a test would be the best thing to do, she just didn't want to get her hopes up if the test came back negative.

"Now, do you want to do this the Muggle way or the Witch way?"


It had been a few minutes since Hermione had taken the tests, she had decided to do the muggle test and the magical way of finding out, both took the same amount of time and it was extremely frustrating that anyone had to wait this long for such an important result. Hermione chewed her lip as she stared at the white and pink stick on the counter top, she didn't even know that Ginny had known where to get one, but she couldn't be more grateful that she had one spare. If the test came back positive she just hoped that Charlie would be happy, who was she kidding, of course Charlie was going to be happy; she watched him while he played with Victorie, he had the biggest smile on his face and he took such great care of her, Hermione just knew that he would be amazing with their own children.


The sound of Ginny's voice pulled Hermione from her thoughts, she glanced over to her with a raised eyebrow but Ginny just nodded towards the test which had just beeped a moment ago, just as Hermione went to reach for the stick, a warm and ticklish feeling began to spread throughout her stomach, she jumped at the feeling and looked towards Ginny, who was smirking.

"I felt the exact same way when I done it, it tickles"

"Just a bit" Hermione giggled, she took the stick from the counter and placed a hand on her stomach, she was going to do at the same time and she just hoped that it was the result that she had wanted.

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