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It had been a week since Hermione had spoken with Molly and as hard as it was to hear, she knew she was right. That's how she now found herself sitting in her Doctor's office with Charlie by her side, completing her admittance forms, today was the day they were going to have their little baby and it felt like one of the hardest things both of them have ever had to do knowing that at the end they would have to say goodbye. It felt even harder now, since being at the Burrow, they had one last ultrasound to find out their baby's gender and for a moment they were delighted to find out they were having a baby girl before the realisation of what was happening hit them again.

"So what exactly happens after this? How do we get started" Hermione asked, holding Charlie's hand tightly in her own

Dr Robbins put two pens down on front of them before sliding the forms over. "After we're done here, I'll take you both to your room and will begin the medication that starts dilation, this is called Pitocin. And once that is administered, your body will start to know what to do"

Hermione nodded, taking a deep breath and trying to calm her racing heart.

"This form is the birth certificate. Have you decided on a name?"

"We've thought of two" Charlie smiled sadly, "But I think we want to wait until we see her before we choose"

"Of course" Dr Robbins smiled, "You can just sign and we'll fill in the rest at a later time"

Hermione and Charlie grabbed their pens and filled out the form in the required places, Dr Robbins took them from the couple and slid them into the folder, before pulling out another form. "This is a consent form, as we're doing an induction-termination. You're at 25 weeks which means we could intervene to keep the baby alive after the delivery"

Hermione shook her head, feeling a rush of cold wash over her as the realisation that she had to say goodbye to her baby was happening today. She didn't know how she was going to cope later if she could barely keep it together for the forms.

"These forms are just to make it official"

Hermione watched as Charlie quickly signed his side of the form before sliding it across to herself, she held the pen in her hand and stared at the blank signature section, feeling sick to her stomach. She couldn't do this. She wasn't strong enough. She glanced at Dr Robbins to find another form in her hand. "What are the other forms?"

Dr Robbins frowned, this was the one form she was not looking forward to asking them to sign, this whole process was difficult already. "This...Well, this is the death certificate" She placed it gently on front of the couple, awaiting their reaction

Charlie reacted first, a rush of anger flowing through him. "Really? Could this not wait? You're already asking us to sign a death certificate when our baby hasn't even been born yet?!"

"I am so sorry, to both of you" Dr Robbins assured, "But this is the better way, to get all the paper work out of the way now and then you'll not have to worry about it again" She glanced at the couple and could see the hesitation and fear in their eyes, they needed to be alone. "Would you like a minute?"

"Yes please" Charlie grunted, trying to stop himself from tearing the room apart.

Dr Robbins nodded and quickly left the room, allowing the couple time to be together and grieve. Once the door closed completely, Charlie and Hermione remained in silence, neither sure of what to say or what to do.

"All I wanted was to start a family with you, and now this is happening" Hermione sniffed

Charlie moved his chair closer to hers and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him. "I know love, I know"

Harry Potter and The Marriage LawWhere stories live. Discover now