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Today I woke up thinking it would be any normal day. My parents downstairs fighting. Neither of them ever havin time to help me with school work. That's my sisters thing. She helps me with my schoolwork. I walk downstairs and grab a banana. I walk right back upstairs afterwards. No way am I getting stick down there with them. I eat my food and then grab my backpack. I rush off to school as fast as possible. School, is my safe place. Today that was not true. Today I spent half of my day in the nurses office because Gavin punched me. Not a great day at school. For some reason anytime I'm wothout my friends I get hurt or something bad happens.

Big Time Skip

So hear is a little recap. We had all gotten back from the movies. We all went our separate way and then Corinne got a text. Someone had kidnapped Sawyer and Indi. Who was it? It was Aris. Or atleast we think so. And where are we about to go look? Piper's old house. Aris bought it from them. Even though Aris disent live there anymore, her parents still own the house. What better place to kidnap people who used to be your friends? We walked to Piper's old house. Non of our parents know where we are. What if we get kidnapped too? That's just my type of luck most of the time. "Okay, Jenna, Symonne, Piper, Walker, Jentzen, and Sophie go into the house and try to find out where they are" Sarah whispers. They all nod their heads and walk inside. They all separate into groups. Jenna and Symonne. Piper and Walker. Jentzen and Sophie. They all walk inside quietly so they wouldn't get caught. It wasn't long before they were all gone. We didn't hear anything. No one was screaming for help though. I'm hoping that's a good thing. Then I heard glass being thrown. That's not a good thing. Not at all. What do we do now? We run in too. It's the only reasonable thing to do. Or maybe we call our parents. That's a good idea, we should definitely call them. "We should call somebody's parents" I said and everyone nods their heads in agreement. "I'll call my mom" Corinne says. She dials her moms number. We wait for her mom to arrive. When she does she tells us to try and stay calm. How were we supposed to be calm when our best friends have been kidnapped? What are we supposed to do?

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