Chapter 14

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*with Bayley, sasha, Nia and Alexa.

Alexa :I need that little bow tie for my little pig Harry!

Bayley :what ever I want those scrunchies

Nia :those jeans

Sasha :those glasses just speak me.

Nia :let's go into this shop

Alexa :aj! Can I have a hot dog

Bayley :get me one two please

Nia :look a Dolphin necklace... Dolph

Sasha :I like that red lip stick

Charlotte :have you ever been to the city?

Nia :yes... But not Johannesburg city Duh!

Alexa :yea... Thanks for the hot dog aj

AJ :no problem give this one to Bayley

Alexa :Bayley your hot dog!

Bayley :thanks!

*with Dolph, aj and Finn

Dolph :South African hot dogs are delicious!

Finn :that beats nothing you should try this they call it bunnychow

Aj :and this stuff are delicious their called koek sisters. That name is weird but South African people have good taste.

Finn :they sure do. Ha look at Bayley trying to eat a bunnychow.

Aj :be nice to your girlfriend

Finn :I am nice

Dolph :I want to eat that

Finn :what is that?

Aj :it looks interesting

They walked up to the guy selling food

Guy :runaways 10 rand for one.

Aj :a runaway what's that

Guy :chicken feet

Dolph :Ew no let's go!

*with Seth and Paige

Paige :these ice creams are the boom of I was charlotte now I'd even say WOOO

Seth :they are good.

Paige :Johannesburg is so different to kamiesberg. It's so busy.

Seth :I know...looks like aj is enjoying his k-koek sisters.

Paige :yea I can see so

Seth :if only roman reveals her love for charlotte

Paige :should I tell her roman likes her

Seth :let's wait a few weeks maybe they'll get together by them selfs

Paige :yea.

Seth kisses paige.

Paige :your kisses are the best

Seth :yours too

Becky :get a room

Paige :whatever Becks

*with Becky, charlotte, Dean and roman

Charlotte :Becky when we get back we should go against asuka and Kairi again!

Becky :........

Charlotte :hey did you hear that Bts is doing a world tour soon we should go

Becky :.......

Charlotte :oh yea you hate Korean boy bands

Becky :.......

Dean :you friend there is not listening

Charlotte turns to look at Becky. She was taking pictures with her camera

Becky :hey charlotte I had the best idea ever we should go against asuka and Kairi when where back.

Charlotte :and you weren't listening to a word I was saying

Becky :sorry Im just so intrigued by this place

Charlotte : it's OK

Roman :so I wonder where we're going tomorrow?

Charlotte :hopefully somewhere calming

Dean :calming sounds nice!

Charlotte :Dean ambrose... Calm? Never

Dean :I have my calm moments

Becky :guys smile

Becky grabbed dean and took a picture of her, Dean, charlotte and roman.

Becky :nice!

Everyone continued to walk around until it got late so they went home and into their peaceful slumber.

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