"There is no 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆."

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Hope. Andrea. Mikaelson. The almighty tribrid. Stuck in her wolf form.
After a few weeks Josie, Alaric and even Landon stopped searching for a solution. They realized there was none.

Alaric's office
"We can't give up on her dad!" Lizzie said frustrated .
"There is no solution, Lizzie. We tried. She's gone!" Alaric said.
"She would never give up on us." Lizzie said dissapointed.
"Believe me Elizabeth, we've tried everything. There is no way to lift the curse. You should move on, like the rest of us. The hope we knew is gone." Alaric said maturely.
"But can't you see she is right here?! Wolf or no wolf, Hope is Hope." Lizzie said interrupting Alaric.
"That is enough." Alaric said raising his voice.
Lizzie was going to say something but instead, she walked out.

Hope and Alyssa's dormroom
Alyssa walked over to Lizzie before Lizzie barely stepped trough the door and said "Have you heard the news? The tribrid bitch is finally leaving this school."
Lizzie said angry: "She might be a wolf but she's still here you bitch. And you're the one to talk. you are technically dead."
Alyssa said with a giggle: "haven't you heard?"
Lizzie interuped her: "heard what?"
"Hope is being sent somewhere else. For the school's safety they said."
Alyssa said proudly.
"Who said?!" Lizzie said angry
"The headmaster. Your father."

Alaric's office
"YOU ARE SENDING HOPE AWAY?! You better have a goddamn good reason for this!"
Lizzie said loudly while smashing the door open.
"Hope isn't the same hope we know anymore Lizzie! She is turning more and more wolf like  every day. Not to mention her power is draining. She's not safe for this school and the school is not safe for her anymore." Alaric said with an angry voice.
"Am i literally the ONLY ONE who cares about her? I thought she was like a daughter to you. Landon left to New Orleans and Josie is in basically in denial! Like hope never even saved her life like what 5 times?! You guys are lucky she isn't here. I will find out where she is and I will make sure that she is coming back. And when she's back I will tell her all about the kindness you've shown her these past couple months. Lizzie stormed off.

Lizzie's dormroom
Lizzie called Hope's aunt Freya from hope's phone to see if she might know where Alaric was hiding her. Freya's a bad liar and Lizzie a smart witch. So it didn't take long before Lizzie knew where they put Hope.

Turns out Hope was sent off to this freakish abandoned castle. And the whole world told Lizzie there was nothing she could do about it.

Alaric's office again
"I'm moving in with Hope." Lizzie said, storming into Alarics office.
"I'd never thought i'd hear you say that." Said josie who apparently was sitting next to him. Lizzie ignored Josie. She was mad. "Sweetie. I think you should start moving on." Alaric said calmly. "BUT SHE ISN'T DEAD!" Lizzie said with a feisty tone. Before Alaric could say anything Lizzie continued with her statement: "Josie. She NEVER gave up on you when the darkness took over. If anything, you are the reason shes stuck. So why aren't you looking for a solution?!" Josie was clearly upset and left the room. Lizzie felt bad but stood by what she said. "Go." Alaric said. "Dad-..." Lizzie said feeling guilty. Go.
Go to hope. Kaleb has the map to get there. But i'm telling you, There is no way to save her. We have tried everything." Without saying anything Lizzie left the room.

Lizzies dormroom
Lizzie looked at a picture of Her, Hope and Josie.
"I miss you hope. And i never thought i'd say that. I wish...when you were still you, I- i told you how i really feel about— our friendship." Lizzie said. For some weird reason the  word friendship didn't feel quite right.

"I'm coming for you Hope" .

@stelenvrs on instagram

To be continued...

Hope & Lizzie | 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now