IV. Empty

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You woke up the next morning in an empty bed after a night with Chaeyoung and had nobody to blame but yourself

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You woke up the next morning in an empty bed after a night with Chaeyoung and had nobody to blame but yourself. The covers felt heavy as you pushed them off, unprepared to start the day.

Countless thoughts ran through your mind as you dressed for work, slipping a dull pair of slacks you had worn day after day, trying your tie in the same exact way so many times you could have done it in your sleep. The dreaded morning routine was thankfully interrupted when your phone buzzed and broke up the monotony.

Chaeyoung (7:45 am) > Thanks for last night. It was hot and I'm still sore.

Just wanted to say I'm not looking for anything but a good time, so if you wanna hook up again you let me know.

Enjoy work.

Well that was one less thing to worry about, and any potential feelings about Chaeyoung you might have harbored didn't matter now. You headed to work and took a look at Club Mimosa on the way. Still closed of course, not that it would have been open at this early hour.

Work was not enjoyable to say the least. The minutes felt like days as you caught up on what needed to be done, eyes glazing over as fatigue sat in. You leaned back in your chair and closed your eyes, and for the second time day your phone interrupted at the best time.

Hirai Momo (4:30 pm) > Hey, it's Momo. From the club.

You (4:31 pm) > Hello Momo!

Hirai Momo (4:33 pm) > You should come see me. It's been a while.

You (4:36 pm) > I would love to, but isn't the club closed?

Hirai Momo (4:39 pm) > It is, at least for a couple more days, but I still have access. Will you be off work around nine?

You (4:39 pm) > God, I sure hope so. If not, I'll force myself to leave.

Hirai Momo (4:41 pm) > Great! Meet me at the side entrance, it's around where my car was last time. And bring wine!

You stopped by a wine store on the way to the club and asked for a recommendation, something tasty and something not outrageously expensive were your only two requirements. You were in and out and left with a bottle of red wine on your way to meet Momo for the first time in a week.

The brisk walk to Club Mimosa was comfortable. The sun had set already, and even though the weather had already changed, the weather was fairly mild given the time. Not particularly cold or hot.

You turned the corner of Club Mimosa's building and headed towards the parking lot just minutes before nine, this time taking notice of the disturbing lack of garishness that made the building empty. Momo's flashy car was parked already, and it seemed she matched your punctuality.

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