Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Joleen (coolgirl4life3)

I stood in my living room, jumping up in the air and kicking out my foot. I wore a pair of dark blue sweatpants, a pink t-shirt, and purple and gray sneakers. My dark brown hair was tied back in a messy ponytail and I wore a red elastic hair band. I was once again, practicing to be a 'ninja.'

Up until this summer I hadn't known squat about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but now I could quote every line, name every episode, knew the whole history, acters, and characters. I was a TMNT fangirl, probably one of the worst. I knew everything about them in a matter of three months. Every time my friend Makayla, William or Antonio said the slightest thing about the show, my heart quickened, my eyes brightened, and I jumped around like Mikey after he had too much suger. Today Antonio had said 'leather' and I immediately shouted 'Leatherhead!" The slightest thing will send me into a fangirling attack. It was crazy! As much as I hated acting, I would act as a character from TMNT any day. I practiced all their moves and learned their way of speaking. I understand everything Donnie says, I understand Leo as if he was my best friend, I was a nut case and party animal like Mikey, and I was certainly a hot-head at times when I got mad, just like Raph. I quote Space Heroes just like Leo, I love science and technology just like Donnie, I love pizza like Mikey, and Raph was my favorite turtle. I supported Apritello and watched every episode in the history of turtles.

I threw one more punch at an invisible enemy. I smiled. I was getting better! Who needs a Karate class anyway! I gasped for breath and flopped on my couch. I pulled out my tablet and laughed when I saw the Turtles Forever wall paper. I pulled up the livestream of Race With The Demon and waited for it to start.

Oh, and I must warn you. I do shout at the charaters during the show. If you saw me you would laugh at my reactions.

The first scene came up but then I heard a rumbling. The ground began to shake and I leaped up, dropping the device. Picture frames and nick knacks began to fall off of the shelves. I shrieked.

"EARTH QUAKE!" I shouted although no one but me was home right now. I dropped to the ground as another violent tremor shook my world. Then I began to feel my hair flapping in my face. I looked up aand saw a beam of light flash in front of me. Then something pink and triangular opened up.

"No! Oh my gosh! It can't be..." I felt wind tugging at my shirt, dragging me towards the portal.

"I must be dreaming! I have to be! That's a Kraang portal!" I grabbed onto my couch and tried to hang on. But the wind became stronger and I was sepperated from the couch. I shrieked as I flew towards the portal. I saw my world disapear and everything went black.

The scent of pine hit my nose and I wondered briefly why I could smell trees instead of the cooking pizza I had in the oven. Then I remembered.

I weakly rolled over and pushed myself into a sitting position. I glanced around through half closed eyes and saw nothing but trees. There were pine trees but mostly oak. My eyes widened. It was beautiful! I sat in a patch of glowing sunlight. All around me were lush, green grass, small rocks, and holly bushes. The way the dappling sun shone through the leaves, creating glowing green patterns on the grass.

"Wow..." I gasped. It wasn't like this where I lived! I lived near trees and man made lakes but nothing could compare to this. Near my neighborhood, the forests looked cold, lonely, and almost evil. Here, it looked like a fantasy land. Then, I noticed something. The scenery didn't look realistic. It was pretty cool but it looked like something from a cartoon! I slowly looked down at my hands and gasped. They were perfectly smooth, no details at all! I looked at a nearby puddle and saw myself. I looked like a cartoon character from TMNT! I would have looked like April if it wasn't for my hair and eye color!

"What's goin' on?!" I asked to no one in particular.

Surprisingly enough, I got an answer, "You tell me!"

I looked to my right and saw a blonde headed girl with blue-green eyes. She wore a blue t-shirt and jeans.

She didn't give me time to answer, "One second I'm in my room, writing when all of a sudden, boom! I'm here!" She complained.

I cocked my head. This girl seemed strangely familiar, "What were you writing?" I asked curiously.

The girl glanced at me with a raised eye brow, "Really? Not 'Oh my gosh! You're crazy?'" She asked, "I was writing FanFiction, why?"

I blinked a couple of times before commenting, "Joleen?" I asked hopefully.

Her confused face became surprised and she gaped at me, "Kat?" She asked hesitently.

We stared at each other for a long time before any of us made a move. At the same moment, we rushed towards each other and smiled.

"I can't believe I finally get to meet the Bluestar-TMNT-Warriors!" Joleen exclaimed.

"I can't believe it either! But where are we? What happened?" My grin turned into a frown and I looked around worridly.

Joleen did the same and sat down, "I don't know..." She murmered.

"Well there's only one way to find out!" I said determindly. I strode forward into the forest.

"You're just going to wander?" Joleen asked.

I chuckled, "No, of course not!" I ran and leapt into an oak tree, hanging onto the branches. I swung myself up and reached for the next one.

"That makes a lot more sense!" She called and I heard her jump after me. I continued climbing and eventually got close to the top. I gasped. Tree tops were spread as far as you could see and in the far distance were mountain peaks!

"Wow..." I heard Joleen gasp next to me. I turned around and smiled.

"Hey! There's a house!" I pointed in the other direction and Joleen looked. Her brows furrowed for a moment before she smiled. I ignored it and began to jump down the tree.

"Maybe the person who lives there can tell us where we are!" I was on the last branch when it suddenly gave way and I went crashing to the floor.

"Kat!" Joleen appeared beside me and I spat out dirt.

"Peachy." I said, quoting Raph from the 2003 TMNT series.

"Come on." Joleen gently smacked me over the jead and took off into the forest.

I smirked, "Oh, you wanna race do you?" I raced after her and we matched each other's pace.

"You're fast!" Joleen gasped.

"Right back at ya!" I panted.

Then I saw an opening in the trees, "There it is!" We ran to the edge of the trees and slowed to a walk.

"So, who do you think would live in the middle of no where like this?" Joleen asked. I shook my head.

"I have no idea." We walked up the porch and I knocked on the door. It opened and both me and Joleen went speechless.

"Can I help you?" The red headed girl asked. She wore shirt blue jeans overtop black leggings, black boots, a yellow hair and, and a yellow t-shirt with the number five on it.

"A-april?" Joleen squeaked.

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