Chapter 11

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(Kathrine’s POV)

Snow fell softly from the gloomy skies. No sound could be heard except the crackling of the fire in the living room. It was cold outside and I shivered a bit. I sat by the kitchen window, staring off into the woods. For some reason I felt a strange urge to go deep into the woods where everything was peaceful, still, and well… familiar… I shook the feeling off. It had been annoying me for a whole month, a strange intuition that I should be out there, free as a bird. Yes, a whole month since my mutation into a fox and I was about fed up. I couldn’t get my tail under control, every scent and slight sound set me on edge and I couldn’t stand it. Everything was so confusing! And this feeling! I was scared that my fox side would take over and I would actually begin acting like one!

Ever since the Chimera incident, I had been avoiding the others. I felt they didn’t need me. I was useless after all. Everyone had their place but me, all because I was a mutant.

Suddenly, the farmhouse seemed too crowed and stuffy, too full of scents and sounds. I flattened my ears and stood up. My light paw steps almost got me out undetected but of course, there was Joleen.

“And where are you going?” I scowled and turned around to face her.

“I’m going out for a walk in the woods. I need to clear my head.” I spoke truthfully.

My sister simply nodded, “Ok sis, but don’t be out too long ok?” She smiled at me.

This brought a chuckle out of me, “Yes mom. I’ll be back soon.” I turned and slowly opened the door. It closed firmly behind me and I took a deep breath of fresh air. I suddenly felt the need to run so I sprinted towards the bare trees

I ran deeper into the woods and let my feet carry me there. I burst into a clearing and laughed. Despite the cold, I was happy, I felt free! All my worries disappeared. All my problems, gone. The feeling grew stronger. I was meant to be out here! Not stuck in a farmhouse where I have no purpose!

I was so deep into my thoughts and feelings that I hadn’t noticed the fast approaching scent until it was too late.

“Another mutant? Perhaps Master Shredder will find use in you.” My eyes widened and I quickly turned around, flattening my ears in fear, staring upwards. I sniffed the air but scented nothing. Odd.

“Who are you?” I pretended to not know.

“My name is Tigerclaw.”

(Joleens’s POV)

I paced back and forth, constantly looking at the clock. Kathrine should have been home by now! A blizzard had begun and it was below freezing out there! Even with her new fur and long hair, Kathrine couldn’t stay warm!

“Joleen, will you calm down?! I’m sure she’s fine. You know Kathrine.” Leo looked at me worriedly.

I just simply shook my head and went to the window, squinting and trying to see my sister. Then I saw it. A dark silhouette, getting closer and closer to the edge of the trees. I instantly recognized the pointed ears and swishing tail.

“Kathrine!” I hollered and ran into the hallway, practically throwing open the door and slamming it against the wall.

“Hey!” I heard Raph shout behind me as I flew out the door.

As I got closer her face became clearer. It WAS Kathrine!

Suddenly, I saw her stumble as she reached the edges of the trees. She fell to the ground in a heap of fur.

“Kathy!” I ran faster and stopped a few feet from her. My eyes widened and I gasped. Her ears were shredded; her right foot was twisted at an odd angle, and a long gash along her shoulder.

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