Chapter 10: What have I done

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Chapter Ten: What have I done

(Nikki's view)

The next day as I lay on the couch, all I could think about was how badly I'd screwed up in being a good boyfriend to Nicola. I hadn't wanted to go to the party that night, and yet I still ended up at the party. I felt tears threatening to fall as I looked at the pictures of us on the table. "Forgive me doll, I never meant to do this to you." I whispered softly, as I looked at the pictures in my hand.

(Flashback to the party)

We'd been just hanging out and having a great time, until a girl with red hair and brown eyes approached us. "Hey there," She said, and I nodded politely. "Hello," I replied, but as I turned to walk away she grabbed my arm.

"You single?" she'd asked, and I shook my head. "No, I have a girlfriend." I replied, making her scowl.

"Well, forget about her." She said, and the thoughts of my beloved Nicola flooded my mind.

"I won't do that to her." I said, and she smirked, "I think you will." Before pouring something into my drink without my noticing.

I took a drink, then my eyes glazed over and I looked at her with admiration.

"Hello doll," I cooed as I smiled at her. Once the realization that I'd just broken my promise to Nicola settled in, I hastily pushed the red haired girl away.

"Get away from me!" I cried, as I bolted out of the party as fast as I could.

Once I reached home I spotted Nicola on the couch. "How was the party, babe?" she asked, and I gulped. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about, my love." I said, as I knelt in front of the couch. She sat up and looked at me.

"Are you alright babe? You look kind of pale." She said, as she went to get the first aide kit.

"I cheated on you!" I blurted, as tears stung my eyes. She froze in place, then turned and set her piercing grey eyes on me. "Why would you do that to me?!" she yelled, as she slapped me across the face.

"I loved you! I came back from Iceland to see you, and then after I confessed to you, after we kissed you do this to me." She snarled, I went to hug her and she pushed me away.

"I was drugged, and I told the girl that I was with you but she put something into my drink." I said, as I hugged her leg.

"Please don't go, you are the only one I'll ever truly love." I begged as I followed her out of the house.

She turned back. "Good bye Nikki," was all she said, but I grabbed her by the arm. "I love you Nicola," I tried, but she got into the taxi and I watched in dismay as the taxi drove off taking the love of my life away from me.

I buried my face into my hands and sobbed, I'd lost the love of my life and now I was starting to feel really depressed.

I looked at the pictures in my hand again then kissed one.

"I will do anything in hopes you will return to me." I said to the pictures before tucking them safely into the pocket of my pants.

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