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Wendy blinked up at Peter, confusion in her deep brown eyes.

"What's going on?! This is impossible!" She gasped.

"Wendy Darling!" He scolded, hands on his hips. "... anything's possible!"

And to prove it He rose up into the air. Wendy gasped and fell back onto the ground. Peter laughed gleefully.

"This can't be real! I-I'm hallucinating." Wendy exclaimed, the mark under her collarbone glowing a bright green.

Peter hissed plummeting down from the sky. The mark on his arm burned.

"Wendy try to calm down." He replied in a placating tone.

But still she lay there on the ground trembling.

"Wendy. I'm not going to hurt you."

"What are you?!" She glared.

"I'm a Fae."

She scowled at him.

"I don't believe in faeries!"

He glowered at her. "Well you'd better start!"

Never had a creature looked so helpless yet spiteful. Wendy shivered in her white nightgown.

"You're cold. Come, lets go to camp. You can warm yourself by the fire." Peter said softly, reaching down to help her up.

Wendy seemed to think for a moment as she regarded his hand.

Then her eyes lost a bit of their venom, as she took it.

Peter smiled in what he rather hoped, would be a comforting way, and started to pull her up.

Then the dirt Wendy flung from her other hand contacted his eye.

He howled in pain and dropped to the ground.

And Wendy made graceless crashing noises as she rushed through the forest.

-~- (Wendy's P.O.V.) -~-

My breath came in uneven gasps as I ran blindly through the forest.

This can't be real, this can't be real, this can't be real. I repeated it like a mantra in my head.

"Faeries aren't real, Portals aren't real. I've really lost it!" I panted.

Then that twinkling noise came again. Zipping around my ears.

I swatted at the creature.

"Blasted bug! Buzz off!" I hissed in annoyance.

My head was wrenched back as something pulled my hair.

"Ow!! Leave me alone!"

With a ring of a bell, The glowing bug grew in size until...

"Pick on someone you're own size!" The voice was strident and very ticked off.

I blinked at the petite blonde woman in front of me.

She narrowed her vivid green eyes at me. "Well say something you giant blundering oaf!"

I frowned at her, "I beg your pardon, but who the hell are you?!"

"I'm Tinker Belle." The woman glowered.

I took her in. Her skin had a golden glow and she was clad in a giant leaf that didn't leave much to the imagination.

"What do you have to say for yourself?! Picking on poor Peter like that!!" She squeaked.

"Poor Peter...Poor Peter?! The man kidnapped me! And I'm pretty sure he kidnapped my brothers too!"

Nodnot: King of the FaeriesWhere stories live. Discover now