The Wedding Part 2

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Michael's Pov Time 10:30

"It's time to get ready." Martin groans as he got up from the bed. Preston and Jackson were sleeping. It was his turn to watch me.

"If I untie you. You have to promise me not to run." Martin pleads.

"Marty I can't." I whine.

"You can't or you won't? Look Michael for a year you two were at a back and forth with this crazy contract shit and now you guys are in love for real. This is the real deal and if you fuck this up I Jeanette might forgive you because she loves you, but I won't" Martin snapped.

"Answer me one question. Do you love Jeanette?" He asks with a dead pan face.

"Of course. There's no doubt in my mind that I'm in love with her." I reply without a second thought.

"Then don't back out of this wedding. If you love her like you say you do then go take a shower so you can see her soon. You smell " he states. I paused for a second and agreeing to myself that that was a pretty reasonable request and slowly nob.

He unties my restraints and then I get up to get ready. I take a shower, brush my teeth and then put on some boxers and a white t-shirt. I exit the bathroom with Preston, Jackson and Martin watching the door.

"Great you completed step one. Now I'm going to go get your tux from the closet and you can put it on in the bathroom" Jackson said and then went over to the closet. I got back in the restroom, put the tux on, and step out again.

"See that wasn't so hard. And it will only get easier" Martin encouraged.

"Now what?" I asked.

"We wait for the wedding." he said simply and then my anxiety came back.

"Christ, I need to go for a walk." I suggested and turned to the door, but Martin grabbed my shoulder.

"No just stay put. I'm not that confident about your mental state." Martin orders with caution.

"I'm fine. I'm just going to go get some air." I persist.

"The room already has air" Martin sighs.

Damn it he has a point!

"When we're all done getting ready, we can go for a walk" Martin said as said as he wakes up the rest of the team.

Jeanette's Pov Time 12:36

"All done" the hairdresser said to me. She held up a mirror to show the result and it was perfect. The makeup artist still needed to do my eyeliner but because the hair was being pulled back, she didn't want to mess it up. It was no big deal thou. It would only take a couple of flicks. All I need to do now is put on my dress.

"This feels like the last reunion of all of us" I comment grimly.

It feels like we're not going to see each other for a while. Cheri lives in France. Tiffany in another state. And I'll be busy with my job and soon to be baby.

"Hell no. Bitch I will never be out of your life. This is just growing pains. And although I'll miss you stupid crazy bitches, we will make sure that we meet up at least 10 times a year. And if you bitches flak out on me I know where all of y'all live. " Tiffany warns.

" I love you guys" I sigh with a smile. Then we heard a knock on the door. I went over to answer it and it was my mother. She wanted to be the Matron of Honor but that was just too soon but at least we're kinda good terms for now...

"Hi mom" I stated with a cool tone and stood at the door perplexed. I smell trouble. What was wrong?

"Hi Jeanie." she says to me and then she greeted Tiffany and Cheri.

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