The Wedding Part 3

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Michael's POV
"Well I don't know about you, but I have to change out of these heels or my feet will literally wanna to fall off" she groans as we reached the door to our room.
"You will do no such thing. Keep them on, they compliment your feet " I order, while my left hand starts digging around in my pocket for the room card.
"You can barely see them with the dress. Besides if you like them so much, you can wear them for me" she smirks at her last statement. She shifts her body to face me, while patiently waiting for me to open the door.
The only problem is I can't find the damn key. Out of all the times to misplace things, I chose today.
"Hard pass on that suggestion. Hey, do you happen to have the other card for the room?" I asked a little nervous as my hand leaves my pocket and reaches to my hair. I rake through it once as I slowly turn to face her with a faint smile.
"You lost yours, didn't you?" She questions as she tilts her head slight and places her hand on her hips. Her eyes are squinted as she waits patiently for my reply.
"I didn't lose it. I misplaced it" I countered as I hold out my hand for her to give me the card.
Why do they even make these stupid doors anyway? Couldn't they have built this place with codes assigned to each door?
Anyways I don't really know where the key is. With everything that happened this morning, I probably just left it in the room. Or it fell on my walk with the guys.
"Always in denial. Yes, I have my card" she sighs lightly as she digs around in her purse to retrieve it. She slaps my hand out of the way and moves me a little to open the door herself. Once she gets the door unlocked she strolls past the bed, puts her purse on the floor, and reaches the closet with our luggage.
Meanwhile I venture to the bathroom to think things over with myself about how I should tell her about my actions.
I could be blunt about it.
No sugar coating.
I could just tell her what I have to say and then leave the room for her to marinate in my words. I should tell her now to get things off my chest. I know we  just  got remarried for a second time but I can't just keep avoiding what I did. For the past year everything has been great, but I can't  keep this from her forever. The later I tell her, the worse it will become.
But another part of me is disagreeing. Because if I tell her now, I'll be taking away from her happy state at the moment. The first time we got married she was miserable and angry. This time is the complete opposite.
Will she be able to forgive me in the future if I ruin this day for her?
"Chuckles! Are you taking a shit? If you are, warn me before my nostrils get attacked." Jeanette hollers from the other side of the door.
"Shut up Jeanette. I'm just adjusting my tie" I call back as my hands rush to my tie. She slowly opens the door a crack. I pretend to be occupied in the mirror. When I glance at the door, she has her nose wedge in it and she takes a big sniff. Then she abruptly swings  the door off it's hinges.
"My wife is always so dramatic." I mutter as I continue to focus on my "task".
"O shut up you know you love my dramatic ass. Now tell me do my flats look okay?" She questions as she lifts up her dress to give me a better look at her feet.
"They look fine" I simply answer as I glance at her. I really did like the heels better.
In a flash, she has her hand wrapped around my tie and turns me to her direction. Gradually, she tugs me closer to her face so there's barely an inch distance. 
"Just nice?" She questions playfully. She always wants me to play along with her crazy antics.
"Beautiful. Gorgeous. Love-" I started but I'm interrupted with her lips on mine. I try to hold it a little longer but she releases her grip on me and starts walking towards the door with small giggles leaking from her mouth.
I'm taken by her smile. I'm addicted to her laughing and love her craziness. I couldn't have asked for a better Mrs. Shaw. But am I willing to ruin this with one confession?
"Jeanette..." I whisper as she begins to lean on the back of the door.
"Yes" she says all smiley, her hands behind her back.
Why am I trying to decide whether I should tell her now? She obviously can't handle the information at the moment. I mean, it would be like kicking a bunny in the face. I can't. Not today. Maybe another day...
"Hey" she whispers as she breaks me out of my thoughts. Her smile fades and she's left with curiosity in her eyes. Her lips form into a fine line and her arms are now crossed on her chest.
"What's wrong?" She inquires hesitatingly. Oh god, now I'm acting strange.
"Jeanette come here" I order. She stands up straight and marches towards me.
"Yes commander Chuckles" she states as she salutes me.
"How are feeling about us? Right now?" I ask.
"What do you mean?" She questions my question.
"You don't feel any regret or anything right? " I clarify.
"You've been talking to my grandfather too much! Don't pay him any mind" she mutters.
"No not that. What I'm trying to say is do you feel like you made a mistake? I mean after everything that happened, it's hard to believe we got married.  I wasn't the best person to you for a while and yet you agreed to marry me. Again."
"Michael, when I first met you, I hated you from the bottom of my heart. For obvious reasons. I wanted to set you on fire, and punch you in the throat. Just a lot of violent visuals over the past couple of years while working as your intern. But for the past two years, you've made me fall so deeply in love with you that I'd rather spend all my time making you laugh and ensuring your happiness. Michael, I would rather die than give you up no matter what you've done. I love you and I can't change that. Not that I'd want to." She softly confesses.
"So to answer your crazy question, hell no. Why? Are you?" she responds her voice a little low as her hands start wondering to my suit jacket. She starts to fiddle with the top button.
"No" I whisper as I gently tilt her head up so she's looking at me.
"Good" she reply's with a faint smile.
"Now how did I get so lucky with an amazing wife like you?" I reply as my left hand sweeps some of her hair to the side.
" I'm only amazing when I have you" she remarks and she lands a light kiss on my lips.
I lean in to give her a real kiss. Her lips stay closed so I try to coax them open. The hand that I have tangled in her hair becomes more firm and I end up tugging it a little. She lets out a faint whimper and  her lips part. My tongue starts to wonder in her mouth and I start to feel her hands move to my neck to bring me in closer. With my other hand, I slowly skim her neck with my finger tips. Then I drag my hand down to the straps of her dress. I give a quick flick to one of them she makes a faint gasp.
Our kiss grows wild and I lift her up to walk out of the bathroom and move her onto the bed. My hands lie flat on the bed near her sides. I put all my body weight her sinking her deeper into the mattress. Soon my lips leave hers and I leave kisses and small bits on her neck. I manage to flip the other strap that is on her shoulder and attempt to unzip the dress but her hand stops me. 
"Chuckles." She gasps but I just bring my lips back to hers lips.
"Chuckles" she says as she breaks the kiss. I start kissing her neck again to let her have a chance to talk.
"Michael, we need to get to the reception." She says as she yanks my hair a little for me to look at her.
"How about we skip that and we just have fun up here." I whisper as I run my hands through her silky hair.
"Huh" she says shocked at my response. Its no big deal. Its not like anyone is going to miss us.
"We aren't going " I say a little out of breathe while I try and find the zipper to her dress once again.
"God, I married a monster." She gasps. I look at her and her face is filled with horror from my words.
I, on the other hand, am deeply confused. We don't have to go to the reception. I thought that was optional.
"No reception. No Dancing. No CAKE. God the only important thing in a wedding is cake. You know besides the joining of two hearts or souls. Whatever the saying is." She rants as she nudges me off her and on to my back. She sits up not facing me and looks down to fix her dress and hair. When she's done she slowly shifts her body to me and there's an irked look on her face.
"Did my husband lose his marbles already? Here, let me go find them, to jam some sense into you" she reply's as she starts to get off the bed but I grab her and she's under me again.
"Jeanette-" I start to say but she interrupts me.
"Michael, we can't miss the party. This might be the last one before we're tied up with the baby and-" she rants and stops abruptly.
"Huh" I ask again for clarification but she falls silent.
Did I hear her right?
"What did you just say?" I ask again. I  begin to get off her and sit up next to her on the bed.
"Michael, hell would have to freeze over before you stop me from demolishing that bomb ass cake down stairs. And we have to go greet all the guests that came. We have to go now" She babbled dramatically and I just laugh lightly.
"Well you better start yapping."
"Well here's the thing. Remember when you had that extension in the company and we celebrated that day."
"Yea that was a few weeks ago" I acknowledge.
We used a condom tho. I think. Did we?
"Well apparently we celebrated a little too much that day" she laughs a little hesitantly.
"Catch up Mr. Big CEO. I'm 8 weeks pregnant"
I'm going to be a father.
Jeanette is having my baby.
I'm going have a family to look after. This is everything I could have wanted and more. We will be together forever. But then a realization strikes me.
I cannot tell her about the pictures and recordings anymore.
"Shit!" I unknowingly hiss out loud.
"What! " Jeanette whispers a little taken back.
Oh no.
"Nothing. Its nothing. " I reply quickly trying to defuse the situation that I've created.
"What do you mean "shit"? I tell you I'm pregnant and this is how you react? I mean I wasn't expecting a parade but this reaction didn't come to mind?" She whispers a hint of anger in her voice.
"Michael I thought you wanted us to have a baby" she continues, still perplexed.
"I did" I reply a little too quickly.
"You did?!" She yells as she hops off the bed.
"I do! I still do!-" I insist as I grab her arm to hinder her from getting far away.
"Then what's the problem?" she snaps.
"Jeanette listen. I'm sorry I think this is great for us really. I'm happy"
"If your gonna lie please do better." She sighs as she shakes her head in disbelief.
"I'm not. I am. Its just...."
I have something to tell you!
"You know what, You've been acting funny for the past couple of weeks. I didn't say anything because I thought you were just nervous about the wedding. But today you just seem..."
"Seem what"
"I don't know. But you're acting strange. When I went to visit you, in the bathroom and now this. Tell me what's on your mind? What am I missing here?" She begs. I continue to say nothing.
She's not ready.
"Let's not get into this right now. Come on, everyone is waiting for us." I grumble.
"Michael-" she snaps but someone interrupts us. My eyes are redirected at the door.
"Guys, why are you two still in the room! Hurry up before I cut that cake." Tiffany bellows from the other side of the room door.
I look back at Jeanette and she's still fixed on me. It's silent until I finally decide to be the first one in the room speak.
"We'll talk about this later" I plead a little.
She just nods her head.
"Come on you lazy pricks its just for 3 hours. Enough time to cut the cake, the first dance, and getting lit with all your buddies" Tiffany yells again.
"Shut up we're coming." I call back as I head to door with Jeanette trailing behind me.
I opened the door to face the beast that summoned us. I don't know either to be grateful for her interrupting the conversation or not.
Once she sees both of us she begins to walk us to the reception room.
My wife and I have only been married for less than an hour and she is already pregnant as well as agitated with me.
Hopefully the party makes her a little less pissed.
"Move it people" Tiffany orders.
"Why did we assign a general to arrange our wedding" I quietly groan.
"She was very percisstent . I can't say no to Tiff." Jeanette answers in a small voice.
When we finally reach the party the doors are open and applause fills the room. After a while I see Jeanette's mood brightens a little. Enough to distract  her from our earlier conversation. However, she's stilling holding out because when I went to kiss her she showed me her cheek. But other than that it was a good party.
The first dance
"It feels so weird dancing in the middle of the room with people watching us" I remark. Then I hear her scoff.
" Are you kidding me? I thought you loved being the center of attention."
"What do you mean by that"
"I don't know. When I worked for you I saw something different. Whenever you walked into a room everyone would just shut the hell up and watch you with such awe. Not there was anything worth gawking at." She teases. I give her a dirty look but she doesn't retract her statement.
"No glaring at your wife, Shaw. Anyways I thought you loved it from the way you wore that smirked." She continues.
"You must have looked for a long time to be making all these analyses" I reply.
"Oh for sure I did. And I thought about how many ways I could beat your cocky ass. I ended up with 67" she admits through a slight smirk on her face.
"Hopefully you never use them" I laugh.
"Eh, well see what happens. Marriage is a long time." She snickers. Then the conversation ends there and we're just left with the music and light chattering in the background.
"Chuckles." She whispers.
"I have a feeling what your gonna say... I'm not gonna like..."
"Your right." I confirm and I just leave it like that.
"If that's the case... tell me tomorrow." She suggests.
"Today is such a happy day. So much love in the air and just good vides. Tomorrow is a new day for new feelings and I just wanna continue in this wonderland that we're in. We're not gonna argue when we go to the room okay. You can fight me all you want tomorrow morning. Just let me have this happy day to remember." She clarifies.
"Okay." I reply hesitantly, and that closes the conversation for the night. I have the night at least. That's all I need.
The dance ends.
After that we cut the cake and wait for party to die down for us to retire to our room.
Then in the middle of a conversation that Jeanette and I are having with a guest, Gary pulls her aside. I raise my brow in suspicion but she assured me that its fine.
****45 minutes later****
She'd been gone for more than a few minutes and I start to worry a little. What could possibly be taking her this long. Unless.... they told her! My heart suddenly feels like it's been ripped out of my chest and shoved into my ass.
"Shit" I bark as I leave the room to go look for her.
I don't stumble upon her until I reach the entrance of the hotel.
When I catch a glimpse of who she's speaking to, my panic turns rage.
"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE" I yelled as I charge towards them. When I'm close enough, I grab Jeanette's hand and move her to my side. Away from him.
"Michael" she snapped but I kept my eyes on the rat bastard.
"What are doing here" I hissed, ignoring her.
"He -" She starts to say but I cut her off. I'm foaming.
"Can't your dear friend, Wes, answer the question?" I snap.
" What the fuck are you doing here?" I repeat.
"I just came to talk to her. Not you" he growls.
"Listen, there's nothing left for you say. So you better get the fuck out of here before-"
"Before what! What are you gonna do asshole." He challenges as he inches closer to me.
"You guys both know you can't fight for shit, right. Lets just end this with a simple goodbye."Jeanette yells.
"Wes get the fuck out of here before I actually beat your ass. Michael, stop making steam come out of your ears. Let's get back to the room" she orders.
I glare at her.
How could she not be defending me in front of this prick. And why does she think she can control the situation?
"We're not done talking!" Wes insists as he tries to snatch her arm but I intercept him.
"What do you need to talk about with my wife?" I ask quite curious.
"None of your business" He spat.
"Wes. Please" she replies clipped.
"Just think about what I said okay. Please. Really think" he says his last remark and then he waltzes out of the front door. I turned to her waiting for an explanation but she's already heading for the elevator.
When we get into the elevator, it's quiet. The small space is filled with a tense silence. Once we finally reach the room, she goes into the bathroom slamming the door shut. I leave her alone to get the space that we both need.
After about fifteen minutes, she comes out of the bathroom with only panties and a bra. She crawls onto the bed and nestles herself next to me.
"Well I had fun at the reception. And the cake was superb. We should really get the baker a bask-" she starts but I interrupt her rambling by addressing the elephant in the room.
"Why was he here?" I ask flatly.
"He came to apologize" she answered quickly.
"And of course you didn't forgive give him... Right?"
"No. After what he did he's lucky I didn't break his legs"
"Good. How did he find out about the wedding?"
"Michael my friends are friends with him"
"Cut ties then"
"Ugh this night did not turn out how I imagined at all. I'm done with the questions now" she groan in exaggeration.
"What else did you guys talk about? You were gone for a while. Apologizing doesn't take that long." I asked with my final question. She was silent and then she started.
"He was telling me that I made a mistake. That you haven't told me the whole truth and that if I had found out before I wouldn't have married you again" she replies softly with a sigh. Instinctively, I turn ridged from head to toe.
"But I don't feel that way. I told you before. Its just you and me and our little family." she continues.
"But it's true. You see.... I took some photos and recording of you... I sent them to someone. At the time you and I hated each other and-"I struggle to confess and then she cuts me off.
"That's your excuse for them. We hated each other and so it wasn't a big deal. I wouldn't done that to anyone. No excuse."
"Do you-"
"Of course I know about the fucking pictures and shit. You don't have to keep acting all secretive. Your bad at it by the way." She replies as her voice breaks a little. I peer down to look at her and face is streaming with tears. She slowly gets out of my cradle and onto her feet. Her body is faced away from me and her legs are dangling on the edge of the bed.
"I've known since Jason killed himself. Gary took me to his hide out and he didn't bother destroying all the shit you gave him.Why didn't you just listen to me about not asking questions tonight?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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