Bus Ride | Kleinphy

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Heads up~
•Takes place in 2017/18
•Evan Never lied about knowing Connor
•Connor Never commited suicide
•Evan is Biromantic Asexual in this fanfic but is dating Miguel(I don't know the ship name)
•As accurate of character portrayal as I can do.
•Explicit language/swearing

•Self harm mention
•Panic attack/s
•Bullying mention


The yellow school bus pulled up at Jared's house as the boy hurried downstairs wearing his large tortoiseshell rim glasses,his gray Map of Westeros t-shirt along with a light Blue,light pink and white checked button-up shirt, with a chest binder underneath, making his chest flat,which he was happy about, jeans, and black Vans skate shoes alongside his blue backpack with a couple of badges relating to things his liked,he rushed outside to the bus,not bothering the wave goodbye to his parents,who where probably arguing again,he clutched onto his backpack as he got closer and stepped onto the half empty bus.
"Good morning Mr Leigh"he smiled to the bus driver,his name is Damian Leigh,he's 25 and is tall,chubby,with short brown hair and dark hazel eyes.

"Good morning je-- Jared! Jared, good morning Jared"He corrected himself, making Jared smile, beacuse maybe,just maybe, people cared enough to respect his name.After a small chat the boy walked down the bus pathway to a seat just before the back of the buss,he sat in the window seat as he plugged his headphones into his phone,which he always kept in his pocket,and began listening to his favourite song: Take me to Church.Thats quite self explanatory,it's about homophobia and a gay couple- his favourite part was the chorus,an explicit,sarcastic attack on churches.Jared loved sarcasm and humour,it helped him cope with his home life.

Elbow slumped against the window,hand holding up his face he gazed outside the clearly newly washed window as the bus drove past houses,upon houses stopping occasionally to pick up new students,he knew alot walked to school,it was probably easier and quicker,but being the lazy fucker he'd describe himself as,he wasn't bothered, he'd taken the bus since Freshman year.
He'd gotten lost in his thinking as his song played on loop,a thousand thoughts running through his head, contemplating things that he wouldn't want to talk about in normal conversation,this being,, September 1st 1989- but it wasn't 1989,it was September 6th 2017,his senior year and he didn't want to mess it up as, everyone already thought he was a cocky araggant self centered prick,it was really,half way an act of recovery and cover up beacuse, really,he was insecure- he'd never admit it though,never.Ever.Really,his only friend was Evan Hansen, well"Family friend" He doesn't want to get too close to Evan because he doesn't want to lose his "only friend",but dispite that,he still practally used Evan as a punching bag.He wanted to change that but,he was afraid.See,Jared used to have a crush on Evan,he hoped,that there was a glimmer of luck Evan would reciprocate his feelings but,that glimmer of hope was crushed when Evan began going out with a boy named Miguel,non the less,Jared was happy for Evan beacuse Evan was happy, Miguel lived in the next city over.

"Kleinman."he heard a cold blunt voice say behind him,he lowered his headphones down to his neck,the melody of his music still somewhat touching his ears,to which when he turned his head he saw: Connor Murphy.

Connor Murphy,also nicknamed by Jared as School-Shooter and freak,he was dressed in a black hoodie and black pants, alongside boots and carried a worn brown messenger bag which hung below his waist.He has long, unkept hair and his nails were painted black,they where chipped black,they always where.

"What do you want, School shooter"he said,smirk occumpanied by an eye roll on Connors end,he had a fed up facial expression as he crossed his arms.
"Can I sit with you,there's no other seats- not that I'd Want to sit with you"he said with a slight Whisper.

"Such lovely attitude"Jared mocked chuckling"...geez calm down,sure"he said as Connor sat down next to him and he slid his headphones back upto his ears, remembering his song.

Take me to church,I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies,I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife Offer me that deathless death Good God, let me give you my life”

The song continued as he hummed along, resuming his position next the the window, gazing out of it as the chitter chatter,bangs and clangs, music, shouting and yelling from his peers slowly creeped louder into his ears, causing him to slightly jolt up as he went tense for a slight moment before calming himself down,breathe Jared, breathe, remember that thing called Oxygen?yeah,use it dumbass.

He felt a hand on his shoulder,he realised he must have zoned out,he began to hear the noise he'd tried to block out as he felt someone slide his headphones down.
"Good, Kleinman breathe alright?"he heard Connors voice shit I'm screwed he thought, dreading the worst as he complied, breathing, taking deep breaths.He looked to the long haired boy who had his own phone out reading things and looking back to him.

"Alright, asshole,are you alright?"he looked to the light brown haired boy who had a slightly confused and a slightly scared expression on his face.
"What,..what the fuck happened?"he asked ,an obviously cocky look plastered on his face.
"You had a panic attack"he said slightly hushed as the other boy gulped.
"O-oh.. please,shooter boy emo, don't tell anyone"he said slightly paranoidly.
"Kleinman,I won't.but how much I hate you,you calling me a school shooter-"
"You want me to stop calling you School-Shooter freak?"He asked somewhat sympathetically.
"Yeah.."Connor gulped glancing down.
"Sure, Murphy"Jared responded as the bus stopped and students began to pile off in rows, occasionally someone shouting,Connor got up last,Jared following behind him.
"that was one hell of a bus ride"

~1059 words~

Busride | KleinphyWhere stories live. Discover now