𝕒 𝕔𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕚𝕣 𝕕é𝕒𝕘(14)

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1st trimester

Draco was protective of Harry, everyone knew that. But since they found out he was pregnant...

He'd used muggle computers to find out everything they could do to help the babies development during the first trimester and how Harry should expect to feel. Madame Pomfrey gave him dosages if morning sickness pills and Draco bought him supplements of folic acid to help reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida.( no of course I didn't google what happens during the first trimester of pregnancy just for this one chapter, don't be ridiculous ._. )

Harry suffered moderate / severe morning sickness but, he was a fighter. Draco knew that for a fact. And he coped. Every time it happened Draco would ask him to rank it out of 1-10. On one really bad morning he only ranked it a five! And his best morning , which still were bad , he only ranked a four or five!!
One of the things Draco really wasn't enjoying about this was the mood- the swings Harry was having. One minute he would be on cloud-nine and the next he would bite your head off ' just for bloody breathing ' in the words of Draco. It wasn't as if he was always anger, Harry's other most common emotion at the moment was sadness. Sometimes it would actually hurt Draco to see his mate so sad. Given the choice he wouldn't ever put his gorgeous baby through this but, the fact that they would get their own little Harry / Draco in 8-and-a-bit months well, in a way, it made it all worth it.

I'm so, so , soooo sorry that this is so short but really not a lot happens during the first trimester and idk what to write atm!! I'll write more about how he copes with emotions and how Draco does but for now this is all folks!! Again I'm so sorry but I'll try and post again sooner!! Byeee

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