Fiche haon ( 21 )

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" Don't pretend to care now Harry, when you didn't 5 minutes ago before I told you what was wrong. " Draco muttered as he tried to get away from Harry " Draco of course I cared five minutes ago! For fucks sake you're my mate how could I not worry 24/7 about you?! " Harry tried to reason. He wasn't lying he just...wasn't being completely honest. He hadn't worried 24/7, he'd worried every second of every minute of every hour of every day they'd not been together, or at least in the same room as each-other, which was a lot. " If you really care as much as you say you do...then you have to promise me something. " Draco whispered " Anything, Draco. " Harry said as he moved closer to him " Promise me you won't let her forget me " Draco looked up at him with tears in his eyes. It took Harry a minute but when the realisation hit him like a truck he couldn't help the tears forming in his eyes " Draco...she's not gonna get the chance to forget you! You're gonna be here to watch her grow up, you're gonna be here to watch her go to Hogwarts and see which house she gets put into. You're gonna be here when she has her first heartbreak and you're gonna be here when we have to be held back because of whoever broke our baby girls heart. You're gonna get treatment and everything's gonna be fine, yeah? " Harry tried to make him feel better, which wasn't working so far " I'm not getting the treatment Harry. I don't want them poking around my head, and there's still a chance it won't even work. I'd rather die on my own terms. " Draco sniffled as he rose up from Harry's arms " Draco what do you mean you're not getting treatment? You have to?! You can't just give up! " Harry tried to understand " Harry, it's my brain and my tumour, I don't have to do anything I don't want to. And yeah, maybe I am giving up, and maybe I am a selfish cow who's gonna rot in hell, but it'll be on my own terms. " Draco said sternly. Harry chose not to argue right now, he just wanted Draco to be happy.

As if on que Noelle started crying, as if she was trying to defuse the tension. Draco moved to get up but sat back down again when a searing pain shot through his head and made him go dizzy. Harry got up and went over to the crib where his daughter was laid. She was a lot bigger than he remembered but didn't really bother thinking about it, just trying to calm her down so she didn't give Draco an even worse headache than the one he constantly had. When she eventually calmed down Harry put her back in the crib and went back over to Draco, only to find him asleep. Harry smiled and helped him under the covers, trying his best not to wake him up. He was about to leave to grab something from the common room when Draco reached out and grabbed his forearm " Please don't leave, not yet " Draco whispered, looking down. Harry smiled and walked back over to the bed where Draco was now sitting in an almost upright position. He laid next to him above the covers until Draco laid down and pulled Harry with him. Draco then put his arm around Harry's waist, spooning him. He'd missed this, cuddling with his mate and just having the all around closeness of the other man with him. Draco ended up falling asleep again and Harry turned around to face him. When he was asleep nobody would think anything was wrong, he still looked healthy. Harry of course knew it would only be a matter of time until things started to change, like Draco would soon start to get tired a lot quicker, and eat a lot less, and eventually even things like talking but become a huge task for him. Harry didn't know what to do at this point, all he knew is that things would work themselves out eventually, he just hoped Draco would change his mind about not having treatment. Harry knew Draco was stubborn but surely he wouldn't leave their baby girl without a dad, well, with only one dad.

When Draco woke up again it was about dinner time, so they got Noelle out of her crib and Harry changed her clothes and nappy and they headed down for dinner. Draco and Harry sat at the end of the table so Noelle could have a high chair beside them. Draco looked down at the food and almost felt sick, almost. He ate as much as he could, nwhich was more than Harry had expected and was therefore very proud of him, before he couldn't eat anymore or else he knew he would puke. Harry got Noelle cleaned up and then they headed back to their room so Draco could rest some more. He already hated this, he was still pretty much healthy yet he was exhausted just from walking from the dungeon to the hall, but it's been a long day, you're probably just exhausted anyway he kept telling himself. Deep down he knew that wasn't true but he could believe it for now, for now.

During potions the next day with Snape, Draco feels the over bearing need to puke. He runs out of the room before Snape had time to turn his greasy head around but when Harry goes to run after him, Snape stops him. " you think you're going " Snape drones " I'm going after my mate, sir. Who incase you didn't know just left the classroom. " Harry snapped and went to move again. Snape stopped him once again " I don't know who you think you are, Potter, but when you are in my classroom you will abide by my rules. " Snape snaps " HE NEEDS HELP, FOR GODS SAKE I HAVE TO GO " Harry yells and storms out in hopefully the direction Draco went. Snape stands gob snacked for a while until he booms to the front of the class telling everyone to continue with their work.

Harry eventually finds Draco dry heaving into a toilet in the boys bathroom " Dray...are you okay? Do you need me to come in? " Harry says from behind the closed door " Not yet, thanks " Draco says with as much Malfoy pride as he can muster given the current situation. " Okay, just shout of me when you do " Harry said.

After a few minutes Draco goes to leave the bathroom, but he goes really dizzy and collapses to the floor. Harry hears the bang and unlocks the door to help his mate. He has blood coming from his head and Harry screams for help. Thankfully McGonagall was for whatever reason near the bathroom and heard Harry's cry's for help. She rushes into the bathroom and sees what's going on. She then goes for Dumbledoor and Madame Pomfrey. Once in the hospital wing, Draco is laid on a bed and examined. She notices the foreign thing on Draco's brain and asks Harry if he knows anything about it, Harry's then forced to come clean. He tells them about Draco's tumour, about how he's not getting treatment and how they can't tell anyone else about this, because Draco doesn't have a huge amount of time left and he doesn't want to spend that time arguing because someone let slip that he's dying. Draco was almost starting to believe that he had a chance, until he heard Harry say that he knows he doesn't have long left. They didn't know he was conscious, if they did Harry probably wouldn't have said that. But at the same time Draco knew deep down that he didn't have long left, and he doesn't want to spend it arguing with Harry either, he wants to spend it with his mate and their baby's, because he's never going to see Noelle grow up, attend Hogwarts, he's not going to be given the chance to approve of her first partner, or have to have ' those talks ' with her. He's not going to see her get married, or see his first grandchild, he's not going to see Harry and him have another baby together, or argue with him about leaving the toilet seat up, or have a go at him because he can't pick his dirty clothes up from the bedroom floor ( which he wouldn't really mind, but it was a reason to he dramatic ), him and Harry weren't gonna grow old together and that's what scared him the most. Not because he's not going to be given the chance to grow old, but because he's scared Harry's going to be able to do all of those things with someone else after he's gone.

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