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Hey im Jackie Ann!

i dont want to torture you with a long bio so ill list basic stuff

17 years old



pregnant (ill explain at the end)



cramps suck

cries a lot



NOT a whore


ok so about my story! 

i was dating this guy like 3-4 weeks ago
i thought we were gonna stay together forever and to make sure of that i decided to play the pregnancy card and as soon as i told him he started yelling and stuff then i told him i was kidding and he then yelled again saying that if i loved him i would have trusted him to stay with me and not have to play the pregnant card and then he left me and i started to get very emotional for a week or 2 and so i took a couple pregnancy tests, one came out negative (cheap one) and the other two came out positive...i have been to that doctors and i am working most days but im not gonna be able to support this baby...

so please dont judge me on me being pregnant i never wanted it to happen but i will not get rid of this baby and that is final

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