the board walk

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i was sitting on my bed after hanging up my clothes when someone knocked on my door,

"its open." i said and sam walked in,

"we're going to the board walk,want to come?"

"sure ley me get dressed." he nodded and left and i looked in my closet. lets see what i have in here that really pops out.

ah ha

i grabbed my bight red crop top and my black leather pants and my knee high combat boots.

i did my make up in bright fire red lipstick and red an dblack smokey eye and made sure all my piercings were in i did a fishtale braid and walked downatirs.

i walked into the livingroom and sam and mike's jaws dropped

"what?" i asked and they shook their heads and mike spoke,

"is that what you are wearing?"

"yes." i said and we all walked outside and got into the car,

"no leather or arm cuff?" sam asked and my jaw dropped and i ran back inside and grabbed my favorite leather jacket and ran back to the car and put it on,

"always leather or arm cuff." i said and they both started laughing at me.

lucy got into the car and drove us all to the board walk

sam was the first one out of the car and i followed after him,then mike,and then finally lucy came out saying something about her finding a job or what ever i really wasnt listening.

i was walking around looking at how pretty the water was with the su bounching off of it

too bad im a moon child so

i walked away from the water and started looking for the boys

i had no luck at first since the crowd was so big but i soon found them getting food at some burger shop

ok then

i walked over to them and they both smiled at me and i smiled back,

"hey where have you been?" sam asked and i shrugged,

"down by the water." they both nodded and we all three walked off and went to go enjoy the rest of the bord walk.

it took no time for night to fall and everything light up


it was magic

we were listening to a band when i noticed mike couldnt keep his eyes off of some girl and i a little boy


looks like the girl noticed he was a stalker too

the girl walked off and mike went off after her

me and sam shared a what the fuck look before following after him

"Where are we going?" i asked and micheal shook his head,


"Then what's the rush? You're chasing that girl, why don't you just admit it? I'm at the mercy of your sex glands!" sam said and i snickered a bit,

"Don't you two have something better to do than follow me around all night?" micheal asked and sam looked lost as he stared at something,

"go have fun at the comic book store." i said and he ran off to it and i shook my head,"you're stuck with me all night." i replied and he just sighed and started walking again.

it didnt take long for the girl to notice we were following her because as soon as she had the chance she popped up beside us and spoke,

"are you following me?"

"well i.."

"you want to talk to me?" she asked as she could clearly see he was having problems finding the right words,

"well,yeah,sure." micheal said and the girl smiled,


"well,i-i just wanted to..uh.." he was cut off by sam running over carring a comic book,

"come on guys mom said its time to go."

i walked off with sam and we both left micheal to say bye to his new 'friend'

i sat in the front on the way home and the car ride was very silent

maybe a little to silent but i wasnt gonna complain

i liked it

i walked up to mu room and laid down for a few before i was interupted by micheal,

"hey winter,imma head to bed,you coming?" he asked and i nodded and headed to his room with him

this is what lucy was talking about earlier about me never using my room for anything but a hang out

but it will be a nice excape from the boys when i need one

i walked into micheals room and laid down on his bed

mines better

he came out of the bathroom and laid down beside me and i cuddled up to him

awe so warm and safe

then i felt frost come up and curl up behind me

looks like micheal put the step stool down

i patted frosts head before i drifted off to sleep

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