Chapter 2: The Lucky Cat Cafe

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        As you come up to your house, you can't help but think about tomorrow. You park your bike at your hotel, get off, and walk toward the entrance of the building. While standing in the elevator, you can't stop yourself from thinking about Tadashi. He was so cute. But then you remember that he gave you his number, so you decide to call him once you get to your room. Once you get to your room, you immediately take off your shoes and jacket and pull out your phone, with the number in the phone case.

        You dial the number once you get to your bed to relax. Hopping on the bed, you think to yourself, "I hope to God that this number isn't fake!" You hear a ring as you set yourself up. Two more rings go by and you put it on speakerphone, as one more goes you hear a familiar voice.

"Hello, this is Tadashi Hamada." So it wasn't fake."Thank God!" You sigh a second after. "Um, what?"

"OH, sorry, I thought the number you gave me could've fake." You say awkwardly.

"Oh. You were the guy I saw at the university yesterday; (y/n), right? And, why would I give you a fake number?" Tadashi said with confusion in his voice.

"Yeah, sorry about that. It's happened to me before, so I'm kinda cautious."

        As you think of tomorrow you decide to ask him about the meet-up that day. "So, you said that you wanted to meet me tomorrow?" There was a pause, "Hello? Tadashi?" You hoped he didn't cancel the meet and pretend to hang up on you. Your smile was gone a few seconds after you said 'hello'. Till you heard his voice again, but he was panting like he just ran from something. "Hey, sorry. My little brother. He was. Eh, that doesn't matter," he said sounding breathless "What was it that you asked me?" "Uh... you said that you wanted to meet tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you where you could meet me at. How about the Lucky Cat Cafe. My aunt runs the place. You've ever been there?"

"Oh, yeah, I got here recently and I don't know where anything is, so no, I haven't," Although, on the way to your hotel, you remember seeing what looked like a cafe with a white porcelain cat over the entryway. "Although, I do remember seeing a cafe with a white cat over the doors."

"Yep, that's the place. Meet you there after three?" He sounded excited "Yeah, sounds great. But..." "Great! See you then!" he said before hanging up. "But I don't remember how to get there." You said to yourself "Wait, I could just search for the place. Duh." Bumping your forehead with your palm as you said this.

        So you went to your search engine on your phone and typed in 'Lucky Cat Cafe, San Fransokyo'. And there it was. It looked really cute. And there were directions to the cafe as well. So you taped the tab that said 'directions' as it showed a map of San Fransokyo. It wasn't far, only like half a mile away. So you shrugged and turned your phone off as you went to put it on the side table next to the bed. Then pulling up the sheets to cover yourself and then bury your face in the pillows. You sighed a sigh of relaxation, but also knowing that you'd get to see Tadashi again tomorrow.

        You felt energetic once you woke up. Although you were ready for the day, you really wanted some coffee. Well, tea would work as well, but you were feeling like a pastry, and coffee would go with that perfectly. So you get dressed and go outside to your bike. The drive there was really nice, it was clear and sunny, and it was the beginning of spring too so most bushes and trees there were very pretty. Especially the cherry blossoms, your favorite. The one thing you do regret though is forgetting to take your allergy medicine. So you were a bit stuffy.

        Walking into the cafe felt homey. There was a great aroma of coffee and baked goods. As you walked over to a line, you overhear a conversation that sounded, odd. There was a skinny, peppy, blonde-haired girl; a guy that looked like he was a 'skater dude'; a girl with black hair that had purple streaks in it, but for a second you thought that she looked like a 'goth anime girl'; and finally, a kinda buff looking guy in a green sweater. "Tadashi said that there was a guy that he met last night at the university that wanted to enroll." The blondie said.

        You were in a line, so you were able to listen to the conversation. Knowing that you've looked at the table more than a couple times, you decide to take out your phone and pretend to be looking at social media. "Really? I wonder how they're going to get in." The voice came from a small boy with black hair walking towards the table. He looked like he could be related to Tadashi. "I don't know, we'll have to ask Tadashi later." said the guy in the green sweater. It sounded like they knew Tadashi. You were interrupted by a voice in front of you. "Hi. What can I get for ya today?" It was a lady behind the counter, she looked very young. "Oh. Sorry. Uh, could I get a chocolate glazed doughnut and, hm," You couldn't decide on what you wanted to get. It all looked so good. "a large iced coffee." "Great. Your order will be done soon."

        You walked over to a table by a window. The place was so cute and felt very, homey. You then realized that the group that you were listening to was close, and you hear the skater dude say something. "Speaking of Tadashi, were is he Hiro?" He was looking at the kid with the black hair. "He said that he was going to the store, but he didn't say much else before running down the stairs." Then you realized that you were looking at the table straight on. The girl with the black and purple hair looked at you and made eye contact. It was so awkward, so you looked back down at your phone. Then you got the idea of calling Tadashi, but it was 9:26, and he said to call after 3. But you needed something to do besides looking at social media, so you called the number. It rang a couple times, then you heard a voice.

        "Hello." "Hey, Tadashi, uh, it's (y/n). I know you wanted me to call after 3:00, but I'm at that cafe you wanted to meet at, so I thought of calling you." In pure honesty, you kinda just wanted to hear his voice. "OH, Hey (y/n)! Um, actually, I'm on my way to the cafe, so could you stay a bit longer." He sounded excited, and really cute too. "Yeah. Will do" He hung up. The boy glanced at you. Were you talking too loud, or was it something else? He started walking to you, his hands in his pockets. You raised an eyebrow very confused, his gaze was fixed on you.

        "Hey, Hiro Hamada. Nice to meet you." he said as he stuck his hand in front of you. You shook it and said "(y/n) (L/n). Nice to meet you too."

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