Chapter 1: Typography

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You're feeling uncomfortable. This wasn't exactly your kind of place. The flashing lights and the bright colours would surely give you a headache, if the blaring music did not get to you first. The air was hot and heavy. You wanted to get out of there bad, but you promised your friends you'd stay and watch the table. It wasn't that you didn't like to go out for a few drinks, you just really didn't like clubs. The fact that you had also had a couple drinks at your friends temptations didn't help. It made you all the more honest and irritable. You sighed, leaning back in the big VIP booth, sitting alone at a club. The club was rather expensive and luxurious, you only getting in because of your friend Victoria's ties with the owners. That's why when your friends had spotted a celebrity whom you knew and cared nothing for and wanted to go to their booth you'd promised to stay behind and watch out for your alcohol and ice. You didn't feel like any of them, comfortable and secure enough in yourself to go talk to someone so largely out of your league. 

Someone bumped into your table, making your instincts kick in and grab onto a bottle ready to topple over. The guy apologized, making his way around the rest of the table more carefully. He reeked of money, with his clean white shirt and polished shoes. The choice in clothing of most people there made you feel even more uncomfortable in the foreign environment. 

Suddenly you got shoved a bit in your seat, signaling the returns of your friends. They were all giggling amongst themselves over whatever the random celebrity said or did. Brittney shoved her half bare chest in your face, showing off some sort of signature written on her. You congratulated her, making her scoot over so you could get out of the booth. You informed everyone you were going out for some air. They seemed sad to have you go right after their return, but you really needed some air. 

The cold bricks against your warm skin sends shivers down your spine but it still feels good because of the relentless heat inside the establishment. You look down at your phone, checking the time. You've been doing it all night. It's not that late but you feel like the evening has dragged on for far too long. Standing in the cold for a few seconds longer, you finally get up the courage to head back into the club. 

The instant you head back to your table you recognize that there are two strangers sitting with your friends. It's not that you don't like strangers or new company, but there are several reasons you're unhappy to see two new faces at the table. One is the fact that people at clubs weren't the type of people you'd normally want to interact with. Second, the fact that a very attractive female had taken the space you used to occupy. 

You were hesitating and your friend notices, signaling you over. At that the girl occupying your spot looks over and as your eyes meet it's like you're paralyzed. You can tell by the way her expression changes that she feels the same kind of energy as you do. It's an instant connection. The sort of instantaneous bond that tells you that you're meant to be. You can't know if she feels the electricity like you do, or if she interpreted it the same way but you know now that this was it. You were already in love with her. This was the red string of fate, pulling you towards your future.

It would seem to anyone else that this was insane, knowing the second you see someone that this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. If you hadn't experienced this yourself you'd agree too. We've all heard the notion of love at first sight, and we have probably all disagreed with the concept. But this was different. The feeling that just meeting her graze brought you was beyond describing. The is no words to describe the sparks that fly between the two of you. It's completely electric. Despite it being out of your personal beliefe of possibility, you can't deny that she is your soul mate.

When you took the next step your future would begin. And yet, even if you knew right then and there you were in love and no matter what you did this was the woman you were going to spend eternity with, you were not ready to take the plunge. The fact that a simple look from her rendered your brain useless made you angry. Why should she have this kind of power over you? Whose fate to decide that she is the right one for you? Being so logic bound this moment almost broke you. But you regain yourself and gather all your thoughts up.

The walk to the booth was agonizing, both for you and for her. You could tell she was staring expectantly, like a spider waiting for the fly to get trapped in it's web. "You're sitting in my spot," was all you could muster to say. If you were forced to spend the rest of your life with someone, you'd make it as hard as possible for your partner. She leaned back a bit, opening up her body and dress for you to see. She was wearing leopard print clothes that seemed to match the pair of decorative cat ears that were perched on the top of her head. If her choice in clothing was anything like her personality, you were in for a trip too. You reached for your drink and take a long sip from it.

"Oh, I made space for you on my lap." She says it so smoothly and seamlessly that all you can do to not spit out your drink is to choke on it. You grab hold of the table as you try to stifle a cough, but you can tell by her newfound smirk that she caught onto your reaction. You honestly didn't have a clever reply. Banter had never quite been your forte. Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you rush it out of your pocket. Texting is as natural to you as eating or drinking at this point, and as your fingers tap the buttons effortlessly you don't notice the spilt drink until it's too late. At this point no one can tell who did it, but you know. Brittany quickly grabs your phone and puts it on the table, wiping you down with some wipes. You chuck your last drink in retaliation. "Well, it's been a lovely evening, but I think I'm gonna go home and change out of this wet mess," you announce to your friends, and as they wave you off you nearly forget your phone had it not been for the stranger reminding you, and as she hands you the phone and you accidentally touch her skin a million sparks shoot through you. You don't even contemplate leaving and maybe never seeing the person you're convinced is your soulmate ever again. 

A cab, a hot shower and some clean clothes later you land head first onto your bed, completely oblivious to your neglected phone buzzing away with texts from a new contact.

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