Chapter 1

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Ten days had already passed since Ai’s clinic had been destroyed and she started living with the Shinsengumi. Everyone in town was terrified of them, but Ai was managing just fine. Kaya knew of her situation, and Emi would, too, as soon as she received her little sister’s letter.
“Good morning, Harada. Saito,” Ai greeted the two.
“Hey,” Harada greeted her back.
“Good morning,” Saito followed.
“Did Saito have to wake you up again this morning, Harada?” she asked with a mischievous smile. The Shinsengumi wasn’t so bad and Ai made an effort to be pleasant, even if she was still miffed at what they cost her.
“How’m I supposed to remember that…?” Harada mumbled moodily.
The sun was already high in the sky, but Harada still looked half asleep. He gave his head a good scratch. Saito was apparently the only one who knew how to wake him up in the mornings, which was why they shared a room.
“Finished your morning clean up already?” Ai heard Okita’s voice behind her. He was the one person Ai couldn’t deal with without a certain amount of disdain.
“Yes, and I should be charging you by the hour for this.”
“It’s only natural to do chores when you live somewhere.” Okita shrugged.
“Remind me again why my house got destroyed?” Ai crossed her arms.
“Soji, weren’t you assigned cleaning duty as well? You two were meant to be working together,” Kondo said, having joined the conversation.
Ai scoffed. “Cleaning with an incompetent brute who only knows how to kill would only take longer.” Ai sneered.
“Even if you say that, it isn’t fair for you to do everything by yourself,” Kondo mused.
“I agree with you, but you might want to assign someone who isn’t so…” Ai looked Okita up and down. “Childish. You know, someone who actually understands the meaning of the word responsibility.” Ai sneered.
“She’s not here on this base to act as your personal lackey, you know,” Hijikata reprimanded Okita before he could retort back at her.
“Wait, she’s not? Hang on, that wasn’t my understanding.” Okita looked incredulous.
It wasn’t often that Ai fantasised about eating any specific person, but this one… This one she would gladly serve herself on a silver platter.
“I never imagined what a help it would be to have an energetic young lady like yourself around. I know you’ve got no other place to stay and all, but… Well, just let me know if you’re ever feeling overworked,” Kondo told her. Ai nodded.
“Kondo-san, allow me to remind you: we didn’t come here to chat,” Hijikata said.
“Ah yes, that’s right. Miss Yukimura, regarding the criminals responsible for burning down your home…” Kondo started.
“Yes?” Ai encouraged him to continue, impatient.
“From the information we’ve gathered, there’s no doubt in my mind that the incident was the work of the Choshu clan.”
“Choshu?” Ah, yes. The Choshu had been mentioned before by the Shinsengumi. But there was something... Off about that statement, and she frowned.
“How much longer are we going to sit around and let the Choshu have their way with this town?” Harada asked, agitated.
“I share your concern, of course, but this isn’t something we can deal with overnight,” Kondo replied.
“Each time we round a few of them up, twice as many seem to spring up in their place… But we’re fairly certain there’s someone, hiding somewhere in the capital, who’s calling the shots.” As Hijikata’s low voice rumbled, the tension in the air thickened.
Ai looked down at the ground, brows furrowed. The Choshu are the bad guys? That can't be right...
“Well, if we know that much, why don’t we make it our priority to track down their ringleader?” Okita asked.
“If it were as simple as you make it sound, we’d have done it by now,” Hijikata replied.
“You’re just overthinking. And indecision leads to inaction,” Okita retorted.
“So you’re saying the Choshu clan are the “bad guys”, so to speak?” Ai asked, looking up at the men.
“Hoo boy. Where do I even begin?” Okita mused.
Kondo and the other officers all looked at one another. “It would be difficult to summarise the entire clan in broad strokes, but suffice to say their methods are… extreme.”
“This was a while back now, but they were so radical in their reverence for the emperor, and so opposed to foreigners, that they were actually driven out of the capital,” Okita explained.
“Recently, however, they’ve been steadily trickling back in. And while I can’t speak for every single member of the Choshu in the capital, there’s no denying that they’ve been linked with the majority of the crimes committed here,” Hijikata added.
“Crimes, huh...” Ai had nothing more to add. The concept of crime and justice – of what was right and wrong – was a complicated one. Especially to one such as her. Torn between a moral code and an instinct to survive… She’d been fighting a waging war inside of her for her entire life. What was a crime? What made someone bad? Ai didn’t know. Her sister never seemed distressed over it. Ain't supposed that was what made her such a competent queen.
“Lately, when one of them gets their hands on a new sword, they’ve been testing them out by slicing up random people in the streets. You might think we’re exaggerating when we tell you it’s not safe out there. We’re not,” Okita said. Ai frowned again as she looked up at him.
“No need to worry, Miss Yukimura. We have sworn to keep the capital safe,” Kondo said.
“That’s the whole reason the Shinsengumi was formed,” Okita added. Ai sighed. How idealistic. What would protecting one city in a country torn by unrest do?
“It doesn’t seem right, seeing you look so uncertain. Your inner strength is practically what defines you,” Hijikata said. Ai looked him in the eyes and smiled wryly, but didn’t volunteer an answer.
“By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask… Can I take this bandage off my finger now?” Okita asked, abruptly changing the subject.
“Let me see.” Ai unwrapped his bandage. Nothing remained of his cut except for a thin red line. “You should be fine.”
“This the cut you got the other day? Wow, it healed up nice. Huh,” Harada commented.
“Quickly, too,” Saito added.
“Must be thanks to Miss Yukimura’s expert care,” Kondo stated.
“Even for someone who’s a doctor in training, your skill at dressing a wound is impressive,” Hijikata said.
“I’ll say… You really know what you’re doing,” Okita added.
Ai smile slightly. “My father just left a lot of medicine behind, that’s all.”
“I couldn’t believe how many different types you had in stock,” Okita noted.
“He travelled to every corner of the country, looking for rare and unusual medicines. My sister travelled abroad a lot, and she’d often bring back Western medicine to us.”
“For me, it’s reassuring just having you around,” Kondo said.
“Yeah! With you here, we can get all sliced up in battle, and still be okay,” Harada stated.
Ai chuckled. “I’m not a miracle worker, you know. I guarantee you I won’t be able to bring you back from the dead,” she retorted back.
Just before lunch, Hijikata invited Ai out to town with him.  
“No matter how dangerous it is out here, I’m sure you must’ve been anxious to get off the base. Full of uncouth and slovenly men as it is. And you must have been wondering about what’s going on in town lately, hm? Old patients of yours? Friends and acquaintances you haven’t seen in a while?” he asked.
“Well, I did go to see my friend that one time.” Ai twirled a strand of her hair around my finger before she smiled up at him. “I appreciate the sentiment.”
“You don’t have to worry. I’ll be keeping an eye on you from nearby, ready to step in if it looks like I need to.”
“Oh, I’m fine just walking around outside like this.”
“Walking next to the Demon, no one’s likely to try and attack you. Ronin or otherwise.” Ai chuckled. You’ve never seen a demon in your life.
As he strolled through town in his pale blue overcoat, everyone stared at Hijikata in fear. He was known as the ‘Demon Deputy’. He gave off an intimidating air, sure, but he was no demon. He was human. But he was certainly going out of his way for her. At least, that was what it seemed like to Ai.
“This is the place.” Hijikata led Ai to the front of a restaurant known as Otento. “Excuse us.”
“Is that…? It is…!” As soon as Hijikata stepped inside, the place was thrown into an uproar.
“It’s him…”
“He looks like a killer, alright. What do people call him? The Demon What’s-his-face?”
The atmosphere in the restaurant changed from pleasant to tense in an instant. Ai looked around her and found everyone trying to avert their eyes from Hijikata. 
“Welcome… Ah! Well, if it isn’t the good deputy. That would explain all the clamour out here…” a handsome young man welcomed the two. Ai recognised him as the man who was spouting nonsense about peace at Kaya’s shop that one time.
“Clamour? I don’t hear any clamour. It’s quiet enough in this place to hear a pin drop,” Hijikata replied. Ai chuckled behind a fist.
“Yes, our customers are often stunned speechless by just how delicious the food is,” the man said. He met Hijikata with a warm grin as the two of them exchanged words, but his eyes weren’t smiling. But Ai found him somewhat amusing.
“This is Shin. The proprietor of this establishment,” Hijikata introduced them.
“I see. It’s nice to meet you.” Ai smiled gently.
“Likewise. You know, I believe this is the first time you’ve brought along a female companion, Deputy. As always, however, thank you for choosing Otento.” His hospitable manner and charming features were enough to leave any human breathless. “What brings you here today?”
“Soba noodles sound okay to you?” Hijikata asked the girl.
“Sure.” Ai nodded.
“Two orders, coming right up. Please have a seat, and give me a moment.” Shin disappeared into the kitchen.
“Do you come here often?” Ai asked as the two of them sat down.
“Often enough. Not just me either. Many of the Shinsengumi frequent this place. As you can see, Shin knows how to make his guests feel right at home.”
“Seems that way.”
“He’s an interesting person, to be sure.”
“Hmm…? Are my ears burning? Who are you two talking about?” From behind Hijikata, their soba noodles were placed down on their table.
“Yes, who indeed,” Hijikata paused, “What’s all this? Duck meat? Green onions?”
“For a first-time customer like your friend here, I like to pull out all the stops.” Shin’s gaze turned towards me. “I wasn’t aware, by the way, that the Shinsengumi had among its ranks such… cute soldiers.”
“They don’t,” Ai replied.
“I don’t recall giving you the order to speak, soldier,” Hijikata said. Ai chuckled, playfully rolling her eyes.
“Oh my. Just as scary as your reputation would have me believe, I see,” Shin retorted.
“I don’t recall sking for your permission,” Ai said.
“Deputy, if you’d be so kind as to allow me a word with this young lady…?” Shin asked. Ai laced her fingers together and, leaning her elbows on the table, rested her chin on top of her hands. She looked at the man expectantly. “So, what made you want to join the Shinsengumi?”
“It wasn’t as much a choice as circumstances leading to it. I used to operate a clinic on the outskirts of town. But a fire destroyed it, and my home.” Ai's expression darkened.
“My word, what an unspeakable tragedy…”
“Yes, well, the Shinsengumi ended up taking me in, for the time being.”
“I see… So it’s like that, is it? You really are a devil, Mr. Deputy.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Hijikata asked suspiciously.
“Coming here, flaunting a beauty like her. You’re just trying to make me jealous, aren’t you?” Shin asked. Ai’s head moved from one man to the other as she watched the two of them speak.
“You think I’d bother going to that kind of trouble? I only brought her here because I thought she must’ve been feeling stifled on that squalid base,” Hijikata answered.
“Well then. I stand corrected. You know, for a so-called demon, you’re awfully sweet to her.”
“What are you trying to say?” Hijikata asked, annoyed.
“Oh, nothing… Forgive me for being so rude, young lady. But may I ask your name?”
“Ai,” she replied.
“Ai… What a pretty name. So, what do you think? Wouldn’t you like to come… here?”
“Here?” Ai cocked her head to the side.
Shin smiled mischievously. There was a sharp, momentary glint in Hijikata’s eye.
“I think you’d make a wonderful hostess for Otento, Ai. Think it over, will you? You’re welcome here anytime.”

“Thank you.” After Ai said that, Shin went back to the kitchen. Ai looked down at her food. It looked as good as it smelled. She dug in.

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