|| A Scoop of Chocolate Ice Cream ||

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|| A Scoop of Chocolate Ice Cream ||

~He's not perfect, but he's all I want~

THE BELL jingled. 15-year-old Willow Porter looked up from the register to see who entered the tiny, corner-store, ice-cream shop, Cherry on Top. Her green eyes, wide in shock, Willow saw the unmistakable face of Noah James, the hot junior, and her crush. Oh no, Willow thought as Noah made his way to register.

Upon seeing Willow, Noah smiled, his blue eyes sparkling with happiness as he ran a hand through his dirty-blonde hair. "Hey, Porter," he said, upon reaching the counter.

"Oh, um, hi." Willow said, stuttering like an idiot, shocked by the fact that Noah knew her name. Of course he would know my name, she thought, he's in my math class! Stupid! "What, um, what would you like to order today?"

Noah looked intently at the menu. Willow couldn't help but notice the way his forehead wrinkled as he thought. Gods, he was so dam(n) cute. It was cute the way he furrowed his eyebrows when he was in deep thought. It was cute the way he drummed his fingers when he was bored, It was cute the way he laughed at his own jokes. Every single thing about Noah James was cute.

"... in a cone," he finished.

Willow shook herself back into reality. "Anything else?"

"Nope." Noah said.

"Your order will be ready in a few minutes," Willow said, desperately trying to remember what he asked for. Noah flashed a white-toothed grin and walked away. He sat down in a corner booth and pulled out his phone.

Think, Willow, think. What would you order if you were Noah James? But no matter how hard Willow tried to think, she had no idea what Noah had ordered.

Willow had come to the decision to ask Noah again, before realizing how stupid that was. She couldn't just go up to Noah and tell him that she forgot his order! That would be so stupid! Honestly, how much of an idiot was she?

Willow then recalled that Noah loved chocolate. Maybe he ordered a cone of chocolate ice cream. Yes, that must have been it!

Willow hurriedly scooped a chunk of chocolate ice cream into a cone and headed to Noah's table. "Here you go," she said.

Noah looked up to see Willow holding an ice cream cone with chocolate ice cream, in a confused manner. "I didn't order chocolate ice cream. I asked for a double chocolate chip with chocolate sprinkles."

Willow's face was bright red, matching her scarlett hair. "Oh. Um, I could, um, you know, get you another one," she stumbled, making a complete fool of herself. Why, oh why didn't she just ask him again what he ordered? It would have saved her from all this embarrassment.

Noah laughed at Willow's stuttering. "No, it's fine. But, you do have to make it up to me, you know."

"What?" Willow asked, confused.

"You owe me a favor, " Noah clarified.

"Oh," Willow said. "What is it?"

"Well," Noah said, putting a face of immense thought. "I think..."

Willow giggled at Noah's expression.

"I think that you should go on a date with me."

Willow froze. Did Noah James just ask her out? She couldn't believe it. If it were possible, Willow's face turned redder. "Oh, um, I, I, yes?"

Noah laughed. "'Kay, see you tomorrow at 5. Meet me outside once you finish your shift, 'kay?"

Willow nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

"See you tomorrow then," Noah said, as he headed out, the bell jingling as he left.

Willow stood there for a few moments, her mind processing what had just happened. Noah James had asked her out. The Noah James, jock extraordinaire, had asked Willow Porter out- on a date!

And to think, all this happened just because of a scoop of chocolate ice cream.


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