sol iw was mad at gmer girl vc she wasnt gamer gilr and m mad UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
so i goto docetvor andhe alive so i kil him amnf thes dictir says he call police and i killle hgim too and go to me house and go and yes its satorday and so musch adn i pkay roblox and i g and gamergirl3849 say hi to me and i bloush and she kis m and it was god time and ask her what name and she sai gamer girl and blusnes but a stupid geana shut up kills me and she hacker and she said he chet on you and killç me again andim mad and he put bomb and invade me house im so mad
so i left now and them i find out a yotouber flamingo idid it to me ugh so i rerport him on youtube for BULLY and CHEATING and DATRINH BC HE DOSENT LET ME DATE UGHHHHH and he a bully he was bulling me ugh i date bc im bad boy i know it ilegal but im BAD BOIIIIHAHHAHAAHHAAHHAHAHAHHA
so me motheer ghost keeps apering at night SMH im gona kil ghost andyay
the epic chill gamer boi
Humorthe chil gamer boi epic go to scool and go to house and die and have online minecraft gf gamer gal