Chapter 2 - Moving In

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The papers had been finalized in two weeks, rather quickly to San's opinion, but it was probably from the humans not wanting to make the King of all monsters wait. They had been talking a bit during that time, mostly over phone calls, and mostly about the house. The King was nice, Sans didn't get why Toriel hated him so much. Well, he did, because of the whole murder thing, but he was still nice. Everytime Sans talked to Toriel and even mentioned Asgore, she got this scowling face on and ranted off about him. It was probably most likely if they had some pie together, as they usually did on Sundays, it would be at her house every week.

Every Sunday Toriel decided to invite Sans over for some pie and to talk about their lives. Sans called it 'door buddy hang out', Frisk always ate pie with them even though she didn't qualify. But it was fun to hang out with the two, it would probably be a tradition soon. They hadn't been on the surface for too long, so it technically wasn't one yet. But everytime Sans even briefly mentioned Asgore, Toriel went off about him, Sans just sitting back to let his door friend get it all out before he changed the topic.

Everyone didn't really have a close friendship with him, Sans realized this after he told all of his friends and brother about him moving in. Frisk was actually afraid of him because he killed them a couple of times, Papyrus just saw him as a King, Alphys had only talked to him about work stuff, Undyne only really saw him as her mentor, and Mettaton didn't really know him that much. But Asgore was really nice, Sans knew he'd probably enjoy him as his roommate. He even liked his jokes and puns, so that was an upside. So, when it came time to move their stuff inside, Sans was excited.

Papyrus and Undyne helped him carry his furniture inside. Well, actually, they did it for him, all Sans really did was follow them around, cracking puns and making Papyrus lose his mind before finally telling them where to put it. Asgore had told Sans that he would move in his furniture for the living room, so Sans didn't need to bring in anything. Sans didn't even move in anything for the basement either, since he told Asgore that's where he could set up his planting stuff. Asgore said he felt really bad and that he felt like he was taking over the entire house, but Sans didn't need an office or the basement, so it didn't really matter if Asgore took them. He was the King, and he had hobbies, it didn't matter to Sans.

His room was soon set up, thanking Undyne and Papyrus before they decided to head off. Asgore hadn't moved in his stuff yet, so all of the other rooms were empty. He had his mattress set up in the corner, with a nightstand with a lamp on it next to it. Across the room was his dresser, and his telescope was pulled out and assembled, for if he wanted to go look at the stars. Sadly, he couldn't take his trash tornado with him, since it could only self sustain itself in his old room underground, and he couldn't transport it anywhere without it going out of control and then being destroyed. He just had everything else, and now he could officially start calling this his house too.

So, of course, he smacked down onto his bed and fell asleep instantly.


Sans woke up groggily to the sounds of clinking from outside of his room, most likely from the kitchen. He looked up at the clock on the wall he forgot he had set up there with Papyrus, seeing that he had only slept for a couple of hours, and it was dinner time by now. Well, this was usually when Papyrus made dinner, Sans just ate whenever he felt hungry.

Kicking the blanket aside, he stood up and walked out, yawning into his hand as he looked around the now furnished house. There was a dining room table set up in the more open area of the living room, and next to where the stairs were two couches were set up in front of the T.V that was off. And the kitchen had some more items in it, Asgore's back to him as he did something.

"Hey there Gorey," Sans yawned, shuffling towards him, "Saw you got everything moved in."

"Yes, I did!" Asgore said, turning around to show that he was wearing a pink apron with little frills on the side that almost made Sans snort, it saying 'kiss the cook' on the front. "I tried to keep it quiet so you could continue sleeping."

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