Chapter 7 - Like A Date

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"No, no, Asgore, you want to right click to place blocks," Sans told the King, looking over at him.

Both of them were in his Office, Sans sitting on an extra chair they had brought in from the dining room so he could play on the desk too. Asgore had asked Sans to introduce him to minecraft, since he played so often with Alphys the King couldn't help but get curious. It was around a week after the wedding, and the two females were still on their honeymoon, so Sans had no partners for two player bedwar.

"I do not understand why we need to destroy the other beds, of all things," Asgore told Sans, "It would make more sense if it was something more important."

"It's what minecraft uses to respawn, that's why it's a bed," Sans said, "And beds are very important to me."

"You do love to sleep," Asgore said.

"Are you sure you want to use your free time playing a video game with me?" Sans asked him, destroying a bed on another team. "I mean, you have a lot of other things you could be doing."

"I don't mind trying out some new things with you," Asgore told the short skeleton, "Oh, I died again."

"You get used to it after awhile," Sans said, killing off the last team and claiming victory, "But you're probably still better than everyone who plays this game. Don't worry about not being good, you're literally a King of an entire race, I think you're better off."

"That was an interesting game," Asgore said, "I can't believe there are so many types of minigames in this server."

"Minecraft is a good base game, there's a lot of mods and games based off of it," Sans said.

"By the way, I've been meaning to ask you, there's a new movie coming out, and I was thinking maybe I could take you to see it," Asgore said, "It's about the stars, it's a Sci-Fi fictional movie."

"Oh, I didn't think you knew I liked that sorta stuff," Sans said.

"I've noticed your telescope and how you often choose to watch either comedy or science fiction on T.V, it was easy to see," Asgore said.

"Yeah, that sounds cool," Sans said.

For some weird reason, he didn't process it was going to be like a date until later that day, while eating dinner. He was sitting in his room, Youtube on his laptop as he dug into this chili Asgore had made, when it suddenly crossed his mind that he was going to be going to a movie with Asgore alone.

"F*ck!" Sans choked on his food, blushing furiously as he realized this was going to be like a date.

Was Asgore...?

No, no he wasn't asking him out on a date. Asgore wanted to take him out to a movie, that was it. Right?

Maybe Sans was just getting his hopes up. Or maybe Asgore was intending this to be a date?

Sans was having a miniature panic attack for the rest of the night about the next day, trying to figure out if Asgore meant it to be a date or not. Was it like a date, or just two roommates hanging out? One of which had a massive crush on the other and it was starting to become a problem.

He couldn't just move out, he couldn't think of any other roommates to have since he couldn't afford a house all on his own. Not to mention, like Alphys said (and from what Sans has seen), Asgore was really sensitive. And from what Sans had heard, it could make sense. A divorce, and having to kill children, not to mention his own children both dying, it could do that to a person. Now that he thought of it, he could be Asgore's only friend. The big guy doesn't go out or text others, he's always too busy to make friends. Yeah, he knows the others, but they aren't as close to him.

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