Meat the Sawyers

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          It had to have been about twenty minutes before Sunshine saw Drayton's silhouette in the doorway of the home. His hair was ruffled and his shoulders looked tense. She had hoped that she hadn't put him through too much trouble. He seemed to exhale deeply and he smoothed his hair over as he opened the passenger side door for his friend.
          "Here we are," Drayton huffed out of breath,"Sorry for the wait, girlie." Whatever he did in those twenty minutes must have been a workout.
          "Thank you! I, uh-, hope that I'm not being an inconve-"
          "If you was an inconvenience, I wouldn't have had ya come over. Now hush with that kinda talk," he scolded. She smiled and slid down from the seat. Drayton shut the door behind her and led her to the front door. The wooden steps creaked under the weight of each foot. She let out a shaky breath which caused him to smile.
          "Yer actin' like yer meetin' the president." With that she gave a small laugh. She watched his hand meet the doorknob which caused her to notice some large gashes in the wood. 'Strange' she thought. As the door opened, the light from an old lamp illuminated her face with an ominous yellow glow. With the door fully opened, she saw a hallway with a few doors, a metal sliding door directly across the hall from the front door. On the right of the hallway was a staircase that looked like it had seen some better days. She was too busy taking in the taxidermy and old-fashioned decor that she had barely noticed scrambling coming from the other room.
          Drayton's voice from behind slightly startled her as he shouted,"Boys! Don't be rude, now! C'mon an' say hello!"
          The first figure to appear was a man with the most 60's looking wig she's ever seen. He peeked from around a doorway and relaxed when he saw Sunshine. Did he expect a monster? He was skinny and hunched over and a pair of oversized purple shades hid his eyes and parts of his cheeks.
          "He-hey!" he stammered, tripping over himself to greet her. This made her think of the hitchhiker.
          "Hi!" she smiled.
          The guy grabbed her soft hand and shook it heartily,"My buddies in 'nam call me Chop Top! I think it's cooler than just 'Bobby' or 'Paul'. Y-know, if ya want I can show ya why they call me-"
          "OKAY, THANK YOU BOBBY," Drayton interrupted. 'Chop Top' called out for 'Bubba' which made Sunshine feel some excitement. He sounded like a sweetheart from what Drayton told her. A mask from underneath a mop of curly brown hair peeked out from the top of a doorway to the left which caused a chill to run down her spine. She could barely see a pair of soft, brown eyes from inside the mask; they looked worried. She stared a little and decided to introduce herself first.
          "Hello! You must be Bubba? You can call me Sunshine, if you'd like," she said softly. The giant shape revealed more of himself. God, this guy was huge! His large hands came to his front and fiddled with a tie that hung from his neck. One of the hands reached out towards her, and she grasped it in her right hand, giving him a small, delicate handshake. He exhaled making her believe he had been holding his breath. She could see his mouth from under his extremely-detailed halloween mask. He licked his lips and top row of crooked teeth before murmuring something that sounded like a 'hello' but came out more like 'webno'.
          "You'll meet Grandpa later," Drayton sighed,"Where's Nubbins?" She giggled internally at the funny name.
          "R-right here!" a voice yelled. Wait..that sounded like..
          The same exact man she had helped was Drayton's brother? He stumbled excitedly out from behind Bubba and when his eyes met Sunshine, she swore he started vibrating.
          "H-HEY! I KNOW YOU!" he shouted and then turned towards Drayton,"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YER FRIEND WAS THAT GIRL THAT I MET!" He held up his still bandaged hand that looked like it could use a new dressing. Okay, so apparently 'Nubbins' was sentimental about bandages. Drayton rolled his eyes and walked off to the other room.
          Sunshine stepped forward towards Nubbins and eyed his hand. Bubba and Chop Top watched with interest.
          "Can I see it again?" she pointed.
          Again he proudly stuck his hand out as she examined him. Her eyes squinted from behind her glasses when she had unraveled the used cloth. The wound looked better, but not great. The cut had been crusted over with dried blood and there was some redness present. She remembered she had some more supplies is her bag outside.
          "I can help you clean it after dinner," she spoke, "It needs new bandages."
          He giggled and nodded quickly.
          "Hey, no fair! I want a bandage!" yelled Chop Top. Sunshine smiled at the brothers in the hallway.
          "Come get ya'll's dinner!" Drayton yelled. Sunshine followed behind the boys into a small dining room with chairs decorated with animal bones. She took her place at the end and looked up to see another man across the table which caused her to let out a small gasp. The man in question was in a wheelchair and was as white as a sheet. The only indication that he was alive was a barely visible blink of the eyes.
          "This here is Grandpa!" Nubbins yelled, "the best killer there ever was!"
          Sunshine stopped and stared at Nubbins who was then elbowed hard by Drayton. Drayton started stammering and then cleared his throat.
          "What the idiot means is is that Grandpa was the one who killed cattle at the meat factory down the road," he explained stuffing his mouth with cornbread.
          Sunshine whispered a silent 'oh' and then looked down at her plate. There were mashed potatoes with a side of meat stew, as well as a slice of cornbread. She couldn't tell if it was pork or beef. Unbeknownst to her, the boys anxiously watched her stab a piece of meat and put it in her mouth. The taste was incredible! The savory flavor was seasoned with pepper and salt so perfectly it made her taste buds sing.
          In that small green room with the macabre decor and wooden furniture, Grandpa sawyer did something he hasn't done in a long time; his eyes sparkled.

Man-Eat-Man World: a Texas Chainsaw Massacre FanficWhere stories live. Discover now