Breakfast in Bed

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          She could feel the springs of the old mattress snap and creak under the weight of her body. She could also feel her quickened pulse on her forehead along with soreness. Her shaking hands reached out to support her limp body, allowing her to slowly move from her face-down position. She squinted her eyes from the sun peaking through sheer curtains at the other side of the room. Sunshine could hardly see, and she reached up to push her glasses up, only to realize that they were gone. Her head snapped around quickly, and she spotted the shape of her lens on a small, wooden nightstand beside the rickety bed.
          After sliding her glasses on her face, she noticed that her right lens had a small crack near the corner. The glasses also had a signicifant amount of dry dirt on them, which sparked her memory of the fall from the tree. It wasn't the rock against her now tender forehead that knocked her out, but it was the back of her head that bounced off of a tree root that had done it.
          The realization came to her like silent raindrops, slowly coming down harder. Her only friend and his family were cannibals; she ate every last bit of meat on the plate last night. She shivered and started to dry heave. Her body wouldn't allow her to actually vomit, which meant dinner had already been digested. Her weak frame convulsed in repulsion and curled into the fetal position. Her salty tears stung the scrapes streaking across her flushed face.
          Sunshine's eyes moved down her body to assess the damage. A large purple bruise was forming on her thigh. Her fingernails were ridden with dirt and small splinters. There were many small scrapes adorning her skin. She hissed as she lightly touched the back of her head, which still throbbed and ached. Sunshine pulled her fingers in front if her face to discover some dried blood on them.
          As she was looking herself over, the old brass doorknob started to rattle and turn. Sunshine gasped and scooted back on the bed until her back met the wall; she was too terrified to move. The doorknob turned slowly the chipped door made a rather annoying squeak. Sunshine hadn't realized she was crying again until after a giant 6'4" Bubba made a concerned whimper. Bubba was dressed in a button-up and some work pants. He fiddled with a red tie that was way too small for him. He started to babble very softly, which was almost inaudible due to the grandma-esque mask he wore today. He had a small plate in his hands, causing Sunshine to mildly gag, though she couldn't see exactly what the food was. Bubba slightly crouched and slowly walked closer to her, as if she was a scared, stray dog.
          Sunshine furrowed her brows and kept still. She turned her gaze from Bubba's soft brown eyes to the plate. It was just an over-easy egg and a biscuit. He gently set the plate on the counter along with a plastic fork and turned to leave the room. He gave Sunshine another sad, long look before shutting the door behind him. The girl swallowed the small lump in her throat and stared at the plate. Her stomach started to rumble, but the thought of accepting food made her ill.
          "They'll get mad at me," she thought "plus, I need the strength."
          Her shaky hand picked up the biscuit and she took a deep breath before taking a bite. Delicious! Buttery, flakey goodness. Her hunger had made the overwhelming urge to vomit subside, as she devored the biscuit and the egg. Sunshine placed the plate on the nightstand and rested the plastic fork on top.
          Just as that was finished, the door rattled again, this time more forecful. The room was silent as Sunshine's eyes met with her "friend"'s. Drayton was the first to break eye contact as he turned to close the door. He seemed to look everywhere but her.
          "So- uhh how'd ya sleep?" he mumbled. Sunshine had to stifle a scoff and a slew of colorful words from coming out of her mouth.
          "Fine. One could even say I slept like a rock," she deadpanned. Drayton's eyes widened slightly at the passive aggressive statement. Sunshine stared down into her tired hands.
           "Listen," he said, straightening, "I ain't saying sorry. How stupid would I be ta think 'sorry' would fix this? So I ain't gonna bother tryin' ta say it. I don't know what happens next. I thought about killin' ya."
          Sunshine's eyes closed and she started to tremble.
          "But I ain't. And they ain't either!" he said pointing to the door, "You could choose to be part of the famly. But that won't work if you try to run, or scream or do any of that shit, okay? Or else I.. well.."
           "You don't have to finish." Sunshine said with a shaky breath, "I know what I would have to do."
          Drayton sighed and reached into his back pocket. He layed a crumpled piece of paper on the nightstand and took the plate that was there.
          "Make sure ya read that, them are the rules." And with that, he left.
She stared at the door for a long time before turning her attention to the piece of paper. The handwriting wasn't great and there were some spelling errors, but she could still read it.
House Rules:
- no running away
- will be s̶u̶p̶e̶r̶v̶v̶i̶s̶e̶d̶  supervissed
- do not talk to anyone but our family
- tell someone if you need to go to bathroom or shower
- dont listin to Bobby or Nubbins
- be nice and pressent for e̶v̶r̶y̶  every meal
          Sunshine frowned as she stared at the list. It was demeaning and made her want to punch Drayton. She sighed and choked back her tears as Drayton's yelling and the twins' laughter resonated from downstairs. There was no plan for escape. Is being on a murderer's bed better than being in a junk car in the scrap yard? Only time could tell whether or not escape was worth it.

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