Ch1# Understanding the genres.

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Howdy, and welcome to the first chapter of "100 Tips on how to become a PRO in writing!" where you would be taught how to develop your own unforgettable characters; your own eye-catching plot; your own confidence in writing, and lots of more other techniques. There are many out there who want to write a story, but they can't... It's because they want to but lack the determination to do it.
There are many causes of this: the main reason is that they don't understand the vast amount of genres.

It is important to stick your story to a genre. Without a genre, your story is seemingly useless and hard to understand. Therefore, it's essential to understand each genre and learn how to use it. Ahead, you all will be given a guide to the five major genres:

1: Romance.
Romance is the most common genre because it is mostly the easiest one to write. People often look to a more tender and easy genre that is why the number of romance books is limitless! Romance in novels means to spark a strong sense of attraction between two distinctive and unique characters. There is humour and love between them, which makes a romance novel great.

The problem is that writers today have shaped up their characters and their plots too similar to one another and have basically formed "Clichès". Usually, the main plot now is that the main character must be a girl who has a good life until a bad boy interferes, and then the both get in trouble and fell in love. That is not the POINT!

You see, the plot of a romance novel must be funny, sensible and one to remember, instead of adding the same clichès over and over. The characters should be unique and have their own personalities. Instead of writing characters which can tell and relate to everything, write them in a way that their thoughts are different from other people. Like a random person sees rain as a cycle of life in his/her point of view, but the main characters should always go the other way around.

Their thoughts and their actions must match together to shape up a strong bond between them, instead of making two utterly different characters {a good girl and a bad boy} to fell in love. There must be a story between them, how their lives are linked together and how their pasts are signified. Instead of writing all useless scenes like kissing or flirting, also focus on the main plot. This technique would make your romance novel even better than other clichè romance novels.

2: Thriller.
Many people don't know that what thriller novels are. Well, thriller novels are the novels which can thrill you either by a sinister way or either by a completely other way. Thriller is a genre which is often the hardest to write. It is a genre mixed with mystery, terror, and a little bit of horror. Creating characters in a thriller novel is often the easiest, since there HAS to be an evil antagonist and a good protagonist.

To write a thriller novel, always look for unique ideas. Always think up of a unique and a thrilling plot to inspire and thrill your readers; if you fail to thrill or horrify your readers, then just say that you have FAILED to write a thriller novel. Slasher movies and novels based upon teens getting stalked by serial killers is considered as the oldest trick in the book for writing thriller.

Add a little bit of spice, mystery, horror and torture in your thriller story. Create sensible and evil characters who know how to handle a dire or a pretty tricky situations. Create up a perfectly evil and a clever antagonist. Pay attention to your plot. Ask yourself.... Is my plot worth it? Then start writing. Write something which seeks to thrill and scare a person to the bone at the same moment.

3: Horror.
Horror.... The most difficult genre to write, but some people take it pretty lightly and practically MAKE the horror genre easy to write. It is because they are amateurs and don't know the formality and the truth of this genre. Horror is classified into many types: Classic Horror. Psychological horror. Sci-Fi Horror. Gothic Horror, etc. First, you decide that which type of horror you want to include in your book.

Whether it's classic, psychological, or gothic horror. Without deciding, you won't be able to remember that on what your story is based on and in this way, you won't be able to control the story. If your story is gothic and you are writing about random haunted houses on America's streets, then that isn't gothic. It's classic. I would be explaining the types of horror in ahead chapters, but not now.

Physical violence is something which isn't necessary in horror books. If your plot is devious and horrifying enough then let it be that way. Don't force it to go over the charts with fountains of blood and dead bodies sprawled over in the corners of houses. Yes... If your book includes something which is often known as bloodshedding, then you can add some blood, such as a werewolf.

Horror novels and books are famous for their plots. Shape up your plot in accordance with the atmosphere and the distinctive characters. If you have decided that your horror story will take place in a haunted forest, then shape your plot in accordance with it. Make things happen which usually happen in a forest... Like the rattle of tree trunks and the lurking of vicious animals... Don't write something extreme like an alien rising from beneath it's grave. Think of a plot first and then go ahead to write your story.
These three genres are often considered as the most important genres, that is because these genres shape up the body of a story. I will explain to you other genres in the chapters ahead as you will progress. Till then, pick up a pen and a paper and start writing the first draft of your romance/thriller/horror story!

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