Chapter 6

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I'm sorry.. My iPod has been acting up lately and I don't know if I submitted this already... So yea.. Sorry if I did. Just bare with me on this..

Lol.^.^.. Baboon!! Is it just me who finds the word and animal funny as hell..??? Come on! Think about it 'BA-BOO-NAH' I wonder why they're called that?? Google moment!! 😁 Ahh!! I wonder what should happen next..???😨😫😭😩😓😖 writing is fun yet very hard work.. Ok! Ok! back to reality..

Enjoy!! BABOON!!! Btw (by the way) what do you think his nightmare was about..??? Just asking...:P


Scott's POV

Looking around at the clean locker room all the stereotypes of a high school locker room went out the window.. If you haven't noticed yet I was a homeschool child. My mum always sent a private tutor to teach me instead of a computer. Which I would've been happier to comply with if it weren't for the fact that he was a homophobe.

Skimming over the red and white textiles I had a feeling I was being watched. Carefully taking in my surroundings and making sure to quickly gaze over the high and lows, dark and light spots of the hall looking for any kind of movement. Finding none and the feeling beginning to fade I look back and see a half naked Jason standing behind me with still damp locks of hair. Raising an eyebrow at him I point at the bell just as it rang a second later.


Jason's POV

Making sure we were the last ones in the shower room. I made my way towards his door. Silently slipping out of my clothing and went in with him hearing him chuckling to him self over a joke that was about 'being worried about dropping a soap'..? Hmm.. If he bent over to pick it up, I wouldn't be the one to complain. Standing behind him I snake my hands around him and whispered into his ear making him shiver and lean back into me.

"Oh. I'd be worried if I were you." I smirked as I began my assault of kisses down his neck to his jaw.

"Hmm.?" He mumbles incoherently. Turning around to face me now. As he absent mindedly checked me out,he unconsciously licked his small pink unoccupied lips. which just drives me over the bridge! Picking him up hungrily and shoving him against the wet shower wall I press my whole body against him. feeling his hard on only made me hornier, a horny Vamp is definitely more worse than a horny Werewolf. We are sexual creatures by birth or creation. Especially if your an original RoylVampyre..

Rocking my body against his was bliss to my now lust filled body. I guess having a mate isn't that much of a bad idea. Though its too late to reject him since my Vamp soul.. (Yes we have souls).. Is already attached to him. Being apart from him for too long would slowly kill me off. Too long being days, weeks, months, or even years. Every Vamp is different. Moving against him a little harder my body takes control when my ears hear a muffled moan coming from my small mate. not think twice nor asking him my body moves on its own record and positions itself ready to take him here and now. Sensing what I was about to do he snaps his eyes open for the first time and glare at me challengingly.

He probably thought his glare could kill an actual being.. In reality he looked like a wide eyed constipated Theodore.. (From Alvin and The Chipmunks).

"You wouldn't dare." Still glaring at me as he untangles himself from me. I could've held him back but his glaring was just to fascinating to give up.

"Why not? We have lunch next and the teacher said I could take my time in the shower.." Smiling seductively at him to see if he'd give into to temptation. Obviously it didn't work though he did hesitate.

"I will not lose my virginity in the school shower." He simply stated finally then steps back and i watched with amusement as his eyes traveled down to my body's lower region. His reaction was priceless but I held in my laughter.

"That and now I'm not gonna let 'THAT' monster anywhere near my poor butt." he says pointing at my 'mini me'.Then ran out the shower flashing his round butt at me as he made his quick retreat grabbing the closest towel. Not being able to hold back my laughter I chuckle rather hysterically as I turned the water cold. I hate cold showers.

Coming out I grab a towel and loosely wrap it around my waist. Walking up behind him he seemed alert and distracted. Sighing to myself I stood directly behind him. If he was going to be alert about any thing then he should've heard me coming up behind him. He'll never make a good detective I smile at my own lame joke.

Turning to face me he perked a brow then checked his watch then proceeded to look at me questioningly pointing at the bell a second before it actually rang. Shrugging at him I pull him to me getting his clothes a bit wet.

"Hey!! Your getting me all wet!!" He looked up baffled at me. Struggling to get out if my hold. Which I loosen up so as not to hurt him in his process of escape.

"Hmm.. Are you telling me your already wet down there...?" I ask casually with a mischievous glint in my eye and perverted thoughts in my head.


It's a bit short but I got it done as fast as I could. Hope there's no errors.. .^.^..

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