When you rebound so does he

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Chase let out onto my stomach and collapsed on the bed next to me.
Chase: fuckkk that was-
Y/n: amazinggg
He looked over at me and we both started laughing
Chase: we really did that?
Y/n: mhm... and I weirdly don't regret it
I giggled as I grabbed some sweats and an oversized T.

Chase: do you wanna get some food?
He asked as he slipped on some clothes
Y/n: it's three in the morning
I replied
Chase: we can make a tiktok on it
I sighed and agreed, we raced down the stairs and then into the kitchen grabbing some random snacks and getting ready to make a tiktok.

I was scrolling through my tiktok notifications when I saw that Payton was live.
I joined his live just to see what was going on when I saw something I DIDN'T want to see
Payton: fuck Jennifer
Jennifer: mh daddy don't stop!
I soon realised what was going on and turned off the live throwing my phone onto the floor.
Chase: what's up?
Y/n: do you know anyone called Jennifer?
He looked at me confused as he opened the bag of chips
Chase: nope?
Y/n: okay well Payton's fucking some girl called Jennifer on his LIVE
Chase looked at me and laughed really loud
Chase: he's having sex while live?
He chuckled as he opened his phone to see what was going on
All I could hear in the background was...
Jennifer: dadddddddy!
I laughed as Chase took a screenshot and sent it to Payton

Chase: I can't believe he's doing that on the live
He chuckled as he chucked a marshmallow into my mouth
Y/n: I'm guessing he was too stupid to turn it off before he got in bed with that hoe
Then it came to me
Y/n: omg! What if Joanne or Faith have seen it!
Me and Chase once again broke into laughter.

For our tiktok we decided to do a vlog thing like Alex and Kouvr do.
Chase: okay guys it's literally three in the morning but me and Y/n are down here just snacking on the most random things.
Y/n: Chase
I called over as I threw a marshmallow and it hit his nose.
I giggled and he looked at me disappointedly
Chase: fine lil miss cocky you try
He threw me one and it landed straight in my mouth.
He looked over at me with his mouth wide open.
I started uncontrollably laughing
Chase: it's your aim, you're so bad at throwing
I put my hand over my heart acting all upset.
Y/n: you're just bad at catching
He got up and ran over to me, he picked me up and practically threw me into the air.
Y/n: Chase!
I screamed as he caught me, we both fell to the floor but he fell on top of me.
Y/n: ah! Chase! Get. Off.
I could hardly breath because I was laughing so much.

Chase: I have an idea
He said enthusiastically as he got off of me.
He picked me up making sure that he was recording the whole thing
Y/n: Chase what are you doing?
I asked kinda scared as he sprinted up the many stairs still holding me in his arms.
We got to the banister.
I looked down and saw a beanbag perfectly placed as if someone was going to jump of there.
That's when it hit me
Y/n: no
He started laughing as we approached the edge, still holding me he leaned my body over the railing.
Y/n: Chase I'll die!
Chase: no you won't, I'll jump after you. I promise
He pinky promised me and I closed my eyes and practically held my breath as he dropped me.
He was giggling and I let out a little squeal since I was VERY scared but I didn't want him to know that.

As I landed on the beanbag I let out one massive sigh
Y/n: okay now you
I whisper shouted so I didn't wake the overs up
He looked down at the beanbag and then over at me as if to say "do I have to?"
I giggled and answered him even though he didn't say anything
Y/n: you pinky promised
That's when he got to the other side of the railing and jumped, he to landed perfectly on the beanbag.
Y/n: to be fair it wasn't actually that bad
Chase: yeah... sure
I gave him a look of confusion
Y/n: you weren't the one launched off the side with literally no say in it whatsoever.

I joined Chase on the beanbag and we laid there for about 30 minutes before stopping our conversation and resting my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
I looked up at him and he was already asleep, I snuggled more into him and soon enough fell asleep thinking one thing and one thing only.

I wonder if Payton found out he was live the whole time

Love y'all 💛

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