Simmering conversations

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"What's wrong, Headmaster?" Snape said as he stalked into the Headmaster's office.

"What's wrong? The prophecy spoke about a boy, but it didn't speak of her son, Snape," Alex barked at him, her hazel eyes glaring at him.
The dark cloak on her shoulders billowed around her as she stepped in from the window. He looked taken aback as she dried off.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be... elsewhere... at this hour?" he inquired.

"I'm saving your bleeding—"

A flash of light and a loud crack drowned out her voice as Albus Dumbledore apparated a few feet from them. She glanced at the Headmaster but kept rambling at Snape.

"The nerve of you to go to him, begging to save Lily. What about James, what about their son? What about everyone else who'll die or who's already dead? You revolting piece of—"

"Dear, I think he got the message the first time," Dumbledore interjected as he stepped in between them, stopping her from lunging at Snape. The young witch eyed the Headmaster closely before turning away. Her dark cloak whipped stormily behind her. She pulled on her hair and let out a frustrated sigh.

"What is she doing here, Albus? She's a child. Shouldn't she be in her common room?"

"Don't be daft, Severus. She's much more than that, I'm sure you've realized that by now," Dumbledore muttered as he waved his hand to close the window to his office. The stormy gusts of wind were oddly freezing for a mid-October night.

"I've been working for the Order for a year now. Along with the Ministry, I've been protecting the border. I lend a helping hand, so to speak. The little tantrum you threw in front of Daddy Tom shifted his attention, so my team and I lost the intel we had. We were blindsided overnight. Obviously, your side picked up on our mission, someone must have tipped one of friends off. The others died, I'm the only one left," Alex said.

"Dolohov and Yaxley—they said something about catching a few Aurors in the mountains near Inverness," Severus muttered, "why are you here now, though?"

"Apart from keeping the school hidden and finding the Potters' hiding place, I guess nothing," she said coolly. She lazily slumped down in an armchair and began leafing through an issue of the Daily Prophet.

"Albus, you let a child—"

"I'm not a child!" Alex glared at him throwing the newspaper back on the coffee table.

"I thought you'd take this seriously! I begged you to keep her safe and you give the job to a child?" Snape spat at the Headmaster ignoring her protest.

"SNAPE!" Alex snapped as she pulled the her sleeve up to reveal scars that looked like constellations. It looked as though they had been branded into her skin.

"What are those?"

"It's the stars present on the night I made the Unbreakable Vow to James and Lily," she said, "I'll protect them with my life, I swear."

The two eyed each other intently as if making a sort of silent agreement between each other. Severus was terrified of the outcome. Everything he'd tried to keep Lily safe was in precariously balanced, threatening to topple over and crush him at the slightest change in the wind.

Please. I know I'm begging and I'm pathetic. I sound pathetic. Keep her safe— hell, keep them all safe if it means that she lives, Severus' thoughts reached her mind.
Alex repressed the urge to roll her eyes and sighed. He obviously didn't know she could read his mind since the next few thoughts were a jumble of swears and sifting through memorized pages of spell books.

"Albus, I have to go. Ted Tonks needs me to take a look at his briefcase tomorrow morning, something about a crazed Bowtruckle nest," Alex said breaking eye contact with Severus.

"Of course, dear. Are we still on to meet for tea at Halloween?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. Tell Professor McGonagall to not assign to much work before I get back," she grinned and patted the older man on the shoulder as she turned towards the window.

"What happens if they're found? What happens to you?" Snape asked. The young man looked completely different than how she remembered from years before.

"I think you'd rather not find out," she said, her face solemn, "but I reckon you know already."

"He'll kill anyone who gets in his way, you know that right?"

"It's a risk I'm willing to take. Severus don't leave unless he summons you, these are dark times we're living in. I'm sure you can find a way to communicate with me if something comes up," she said tapping her forehead. She couldn't be referring to his Occlumency barriers. She mentally ran her fingers over them making him shiver at the contact.

"How did you know? No one's noticed—"

"It's quite impressive, I must say. Oh, and Severus, don't pretend to care, it's depressing. Good night," she winked disappearing into green flames as she jumped out the window.

"How old is she Albus?" Snape turned to the Headmaster who was staring at the Hourglass on his desk.

"Little Alexandria Cromwell, she's fifteen. I was hoping you'd recognize her from your sixth year," Dumbledore said.

"You mean she's the Cromwell girl who stalled the Hat?" he asked in disbelief.

"Indeed so. Quite extraordinary, isn't she? I've grown quite fond of her company and she has quite the inventive mind."

"Has the Dark Lord tried to recruit her?"

"I'm afraid we both know the answer to that, Severus. Now, if you don't mind, I need to see my pillow for some shut-eye. Let yourself out when you're done gawking out the window."

The dark-haired professor stared at the old man with a shocked expression, then turned around and headed to his personal chambers pondering the significance of that encounter and what the future had in store.

*** Hiya, the author here. This is my first fanfic. I've had this idea swirling in my mind for a while and I hope to keep it going. I've written quite a lot of it but it's unedited and I'm trying to piece a few things together... soooo if there are any mistakes or points that aren't too clear, please tell me!! VOTE! Leave Q's in the comments if you want, I'll answer 3 in the next chapter ;) - Ollie out ***

A Draught of Firelight (Prof. Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now