My Story

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Firstly, when I was little my parents fought all the time about things that I didn't understand but now I do and i really I didn't understand but I do and it has made my life a living hell. Then came the divorce when I was 3 and I didn't understand then what was going on. Going though that was not fun I had to jump from one parent to the other. When my dad had me we jumped from one house to another and one girlfriend to the other never staying with on girlfriend always hearing yelling and fighting I hate fight but sometimes I was the reason they were fighting. Then with my mom it was the same deal but with boyfriends we never stayed in one house longer than a year.  I actually moved every year with my mom it was a chore I began to give up on life. When I was with my mom and we moved in with someone he and my mom had been friends for years. But he started to beat her when I wasn't there he never hurt her in front of me it was always when i was not there. When I found out what he had been doing I told my mom “We need to get out now i don't want to live here anymore”. I started thinking that I could never be in a stable home with just a mom and a dad I soon realized I was going to have probably four parents and many siblings. I almost took my life because I didn't think I would have a mom and a dad i didn't want any siblings. I almost did because didn't want to share my life or my parents with anyone but i had to so when I took the scarf around my neck I pulled tighter and tighter until I passed out on my bed I didn't want to wake up I want to be dead. When I woke up i had a bruise on my neck and I came out of my room and my dad asked me how I was and I said okay he said how was your nap I said good I asked did u check on me he said yes i said okay thanks. But then later that day I asked my step mom if he did check on me and I found out he didn’t. My life isnt what people expect it to be its a lot worse than you think I used to be i’m one of those kids that hate the world and just don't give a damn anymore when people look at me they see a girl that needs help and need to be saved from what she has become I've lived my life in fear and hatred to myself and others. When I got older i realized what its like to be out in the big world at the age of 7 its a big world for a small girl like me to be out in. When I got to be 10 I was helping out with my 3 step dads at my moms house I practically raised them as my own. Then at my dads I had  But my life wasn't like it was it was way different now and I was alone for a long time.

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