Chapter 16: Failed Friendships

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A/N: Chapter 16 is officially finished. I've began with using Arrow's POV more, but expect others in the future :)! Comment and vote! Thanks for reading! XOXO


>>Image: what I picture Mason's wolf to look like.<<

Werewolf history is no where as boring as vampire history.

Perhaps it was because we wrote so little down. The werewolf teacher was a well built man, with a sense of humor and made the class fun. "We're going to be starting a film next class," Mr. Seck announced as the class began to wrap up. "I want you guys to enjoy it so I won't require notes--but watch it. I want a two paragraph summary of it when we finish. I'll give you more requirements tomorrow. Samantha Quin?"

I had been sat next to Arrow again and I looked up at the teacher. "Yes?"

"You have a choice of picking either my class or...Mr. Dec's fascinating course. Feel free to make your decision."

It was an easy choice. Why would I go to Mr. Dec's dry class when I could stay here? "I'd really like to remain your class, please," I said quietly.

He smiled at me. "I'm glad to hear it," he said.

The bell rang I started out the door. "Wait, Sam."

I turned in time to have a furious, still trembling Jackson shove past me, protecting the tiny figure of a frightened Mason. Guilty, I let them go without attempting to try and reconcile the situation. Not yet at least. Arrow frowned at his friends. "I wish I could say something," he said, looking at me. "I feel so bad about this."

"Don't," I cut in, shaking my head. "This is the price of my own stupid choices."

"Hm," was all he commented. "C'mon. I'll walk to you to Basics."

I felt like denying but I couldn't figure out why. What was it that made my wolf so weird around this wolf? A sense of unease and restlessly plagued me whenever he was around. It didn't make sense. "Okay," I agreed.

Outside in the yard, Nikoli was also waiting. Nervous suddenly, I found myself on the fence. I felt like I was acting like I was blaming Nikoli for what happened while that wasn't exactly what happened. He told me straight up that I didn't need to do Bliss with him. I could have hung out with him and been perfectly happy but I had made the choice. I had decided to do something that put me in an unsafe state of mind. All the pain and suffering I was causing was my fault. But acting like nothing happened was almost worst.

But I still uttered a cheerful, "Hi Nikoli."

Arrow glowered a the passive, blue eyed vampire with such hatred I nudged him. "Stop it," I said. "Be nice."

The yellow eyes shifted unhappily a few times from Nikoli to I a few times. "Did you enjoy your morning course?" Nikoli inquired, holding his hand for my bag.

"Oh, I've got it thanks," I said, turning a bit red. "It was very interesting."

Nikoli frowned. "So you'll be staying with that one, then?"

Arrow smirked smugly. Did he think that just because I was picking a werewolf history class I was somehow picking him over Nikoli? There were no 'sides' for me to pick. Why did it have to be this way? A bit annoyed I rolled my eyes. "Stop it, Arrow. I like the class better, not you."

Aware of how harsh that had come out I tried to save it. But the I saw the hurt pass over his face, quickly masked with a sense of lack of interest. "Whatever. Look, I'm gonna go find Pax. I'll see you around, okay?"

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