Chapter 18: The Quiet Wolf

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A/N: Chapter 18. Whoa. I'm think that I will break this into different stories/books. What do you think? Anyway, I used a new POV. Tell me what you thought! Comment and vote! Thanks for reading! XOXO


>>Image: what I picture Rhett to look like.<<

I stopped at the edge of the woods.

Arrow kept right on walking. I don't know why, but my stomach seemed to sink lower and lower the father he got from me. "Samantha!"

I turned to see a concerned Nikoli hurrying toward me. "I-I saw and gathered my men was over already."

Aware aware now how naked we wolves now were, I wrapped my arms around myself, lowering my body. "It's okay," I whispered. " you think you can get me some clothes?"

Nikoli looked away instantly. "Of course, Samantha. Serena--hurry and get something that will fit Samantha."

"Yes Nikoli," a soft voice tinkered. She bolted off using her inhuman speed.

Each second I kneeled there, naked, felt like minutes. Finally she returned, with a pair of jeans and large tee-shirt. "I found you a sweater too," she said, voice ridden with respect.

Confused at the tone I thanked her, sliding into the clothes provided. Feeling much less exposed I looked into the woods, aware of how long-gone Arrow and his friends were. The yard had emptied out, everyone heading toward their next class. I couldn't go. My mind was still reeling. I couldn't handle knowing that I'd caused all this. What Archer had said about killing Arrow--I didn't doubt he was completely serious. My father couldn't let the Northen Skies pack do such as a despicable thing for no reason!

But then again, this would happen in my generation. It would be up to me...and my mate. I frowned tightly. That was another thing I'd have to tackle within the next month. Once I turned eighteen, my wolf would tell me who my mate was. That was a huge aspect to why I was still here. I had to find a mate to lead my pack. He had to impress my father as well, which was hard enough as it was. "Samantha, dear, you look stuck in your own head."

I forced a smile on my face. "Pack troubles," I admitted. "They're trying to take a mate forcefully and...and kill innocent wolves."

"Isn't that common in the werewolf world?" Nikoli asked, looking confused.

I could not deny the statement. It was common. It was the way we worked. Packs rose and fell, power was constantly being exchanged, but there were rules still. And mass killing was never condoned, except for the most serious of exceptions. "I guess so," I muttered. "Look, I'm just going to go back to my dorm--"

"May I come?" He asked. "I...I just haven't had the chance to really talk about what happened?"

I wanted to say no. I was hungry and just wanted to lie down and not think. But I just couldn't deny him this. I was lucky enough to have someone want to be my friend and by the looks of it, he was all I had left. "Okay," I said. "Let's go."

(Nikoli's POV)

She was simply stunning... But distracted.

I frowned, frustrated. I was struggling to draw the wolfish female into my world and she wasn't taking to it the way that I hoped.

I wanted to make her my queen. Simple as that.

My parents had been hoping to give a bit diversity to our Coven and not only was she elegant and perfect in every way, but she embodied the diversity as well. "You're sure?" It bothered me quite a bit that she was so unwilling to embrace her vampire heritage. Granted the last time we tried, she had spazzing out completely. I hoped it hadn't scarred her for life.

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